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Show PaL! BONNIE LASSIES OF THe Our Junior Representative is a person who gives the school some school spirit. She is Janet Nash, a J.V. Cheerleader. MONTH The Bonnie Lassie of the month was started last year by GAy Huggins. The girl who best represents the group as a whole is the one ewho is chosen. She is chosen on her ability to work with the group. She must be a person who puts forth a lot of effort and is able to get along with everyone. The past Bonnie months Lassies were, of Susan Neal for September, Jamie Jewell for October, and Ruby Morris for November. Susan Neal is a two year Bonnie Lassie and she also serves as. drill mistress this year. She attended Mound Fort Junior High, where she was a cheerleader She loves to ski and manages a 4.0 grade point average. One. of the more active Bonnie Lassies is Jamie Jewell. Jamie is involved in Drama Clan and was in our school play which was presented recently. Another clan that she belongs to is F.H.A. in which she holds the office of President. During the summer she at- She maintains a 4.0 grade point average and was 8th grade Vice-President at Highland Junior High. tended Weber State College where she took classes in child development and psychology. The group, Historian Ruby Morris sen serve is Ski of was the cho- Bonnie Las- golf sie of the month for November. She also is a two year Bonnie Lassie and she loves to ski, swim, and ride her motorcycle. To occupy the rest of her time she is involved with vol- ‘with to unteer court. as work at Janet enjoys skiing and on the National Junior Patrol. She likes and her juvenile NAN Her spare time is spent water skiing and snow skiing. Along with that she Timer" Nan came from Mount Fort where she was an officer of the Drug Club which was designed te combat drugs. She does not feel a clan of this type would be successful at Ben Lomond because of the lack’ of interest on the students part be a "Young atZCMI. Attention Sophs At tive Ben in V0 BONES ABOUT |T Any sophomores who would like to donate a baked good is to contact Judy Nicholas or LuAnn Boothe. All procedes from’ the sale will be used for activities during our annual "Scots Week", in January The sophomores would appreciate your support °* the bakesale. Get a few strikes in your favor. Join Bowling Clan! They meet every Monday, at Ben Lomond Lanes. The time is 3.30, and the cost is $1.40 for three games. Jenson LONG LONG AGO N A SMALL QUIET TOWN CHILD WAS BORN ANGELS CAME DOWN, WISE MEN JOURNEYED FROM LANDS FAR AWAY BRING THEIR LAY, MAMY YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE THE SAVIOR WAS BORN Now THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT VIEW CHRISTMAS WITH SCORN IT’S NO LONGER CONNECTED WITH THE BIRTH OF CHRIST CHILD WHEN THE SEASON ARRIVES EOPLE GROW WILD So MUCH TO THE POINT THAT IT’S EASY TO SEE WE SHOULD TRY TO MAKE CHRISTMAS WHAT IT REALLY SHOULD BE, Officers are: Amy White Paula Tapp Jerry Evertson acand First of -all are the wish bones. They spend all their time wishing someone else would do all the work. The second type of bones are the jaw bones. These are the bones that continually do all the talking but little else. Third in the line are the knuckle bones. These bones don't do much of anything except sit around knocking everything anybody else tries to do. Fortunately, there are always the back bones, who get busy and do the work that needs to be done-even if nobody else will. OUT The Lomond she is MIntra-Murals The body of Ben Lomond High School is constructed from four kinds of bones. STRIKE Eldon RICHARDS Do you know Nan Richards? Well, if not here's your chance because she is the Junior Representative for "Meet the Scots". Her afternoons are spent down at Hillcrest teaching the third grade. to a member of the Singing Group. Her future plans are to be a nurse. She is now holding the record for standing on her head and she has trained her toes to untie her shoes. Along with being president of the group, she is active in the German Clan. time fly fishing Friends say she's a dandy young lady and a darn good cook. She enjoys get-ting to know people. The sophomore class will hold a bake sale Friday, December 23, in the Bon Marche lobby. It will be held from 12-6:00 p.m. CHRIST FORGOTTEN? goes Dad. She is Bonniaires For the month of December the Bonnie Lassies have elected Debbie Jones as Bonnie Lassies of the month finds SCOTS THE President Secretary. Treasurer What you? S$ A N has his kind of Gage BA & 0M nu bone are (From L. to R.) Mob eT 2 Gee S601 Ss Grizzelda Muddlewummp (A passer-by standing (Missing is Jim flagpole), and Janet Nash. the girl's long with to go deer ganization at St. He is also a member Sierra Club and the Society. swim team. Athis, she likes hunting with her Dad, and enjoys ing and reading. water ski- Nan would like all Scots, "TRY". JIM to Jim is tired of hearing about the school spirit at Ben Lomond. He feels more emphasis should be placed on individual studies, rat- is a Cycle Clan Ofand the President Catholic Youth or- her than inter-school petition. Che t 0 CURA ....receiving ...getting Christmas ..-having in on tricycle. you same loaded your from with you're (especially you (or -.-receiving those have three the thought Christmas" --unwrapping find out who a five page present. a $30 gift it's from. +--not being article. Oh in-town) out what friends. day before was relatives your you're little test candy, and from losing able to think "Bah Humbug!" of tag out drop sister's 17.) but turned you up at 2 A.M. (and so you will ---accidently leaving the price you. gave your friend only to find color T.V. this already homework even trying when .--having your sister wake go see if Santa Claus has come. who gets caught, not her.) can't friends thing down out-of-town while -.-eating what bath oil beads. a Merry CMAS Vacation. new be that 3 of com- Japs SS ..- discovering that bought for them. you cycHis Eng- After graduation, Jim plans on going to a private college out of state. HYATT Ah James. of the Humane Jim likes skiing, ling, and traveling. favorite subjects are lish and History. say A newly elected Senator, Jim Hyatt, has been chosen to represent the class of '73 in "Meet the Scots". He ficer, of the Nan Richards, behind the Hyatt) a teacher the name out so be you the as a tag to can one "Have so you on that 24¢ trinket that he gave you a anything else to put in |