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Show VeBRUARY BO 1 we + al i Will fruit fs f Students at Ben Lomond High Abner’ a at i ah) aR mt f | f 3 if fi 2 ,} $ Ba Cage F i ’ a t; t ; a ts Rs _O a ‘ e % K See v' Bey ‘ Ie : pe oe DER Bsbe fe Pas tan cae % Ve i £ ‘i ae o- re bers lea are in final rehearsals for the school’s bd Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the school auditorium. oho ae _ Curtain time for the three-night formances is 8 p.m. sharp. Admissionperis $1 for - + CR Boe ae, ri peel Ge on, ; Sa Bae et, 4 ikeBRa. > ksNae ete ae et BR Tae Sa _ A: : Me ‘fe = 1 i g ‘ ’ 1 Pi one Mesa c a ‘ a a) ne Nk ‘ ¥ wedal 74 ey ey bal ne q Esty Sea} , * * ; 5 nee so a A Tg ere S ree am ey Pg 5| ei + ae _ play of the year “Li’l Abner,” scheduled for ’ i i “aA Se : settles down fora peaceful life-o § _ plicityin Dogpatch U.S.A, ay a ej “ . _ Heading the cast are: Shauna Hollan: 2. Peet as Daisy Mae; Terry Bexell, Abner; Ja Jewell, M: Mammy Yokum; Mark /illian ,» Williams Marryi _ Pappy Yokum; Rex W. Sam; Mike’ Moon, Earthqu general admission and $1.50 for re- | e McGoon _ served seats. _ The production is under the direction ha Thinnes, Stupefyin’ J Hov of N. Dee Bullock and Alan Be le and Janard Taylor, Mayor Dawgmeat;. Gary: Wil_ liams, Available Jones, and Gary Kohler, let Conducting the orchestra and Ed - Phecat _ Choreography has been arranged by. -,,, Also, Neils Hansen, Sen. Phoghound: Duané Hamblin, Dr. Finsdale; Ken Alford’ Bie = Pt ist a - yy= hes en f fen f Barry Bullolock and Irene Park Mr. — rerer»with withMr. Bullock and Dell Taylor. stagin g the sets, . eters by A . Theos. Aa play iscox based on ig a ae Greg conta ea Bullmodse; Lucas, charactersby. Al ay PantJOyceLaheas assion mnd ApPalece t ata; Tel? Danny Bak y CatBair e- Capp, with the book of Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. ~ ace arree ea ees are by Johnny Mercer and music by,Gene dePaul. | | | _ _ The plot for the lighthéarted isa mixture of hill-billy nonsense andplay humor. ite less Joe; Corey Eldredge, overnment man: 1 man; _ Danny Johnson, Romeo S sovernment ‘ATC ik _ Clem Skragg, and : Frank SKragg. | | Chorus members include J Word has been sent down from WashingSusan Buxton, Jana’ Clark, Clatla ton that the citizens of Dogpatch must _— ley, Jackie London; Susan evacuate their homes as Dogpatch has Eggleston, Ann Wolthuis, Han been Tere: _ Selected as the most unnecessary Tick, Julie Langford, Teresa town in Cind the country and is therefore the Peterson, Marilyn Smith; Karen’Imer,Carr perfect ‘E uth, site for nuclear tests. - LuAnn Booth; Shannon Ames. e s _. Mammy Yokum comes up with some| ‘ S Dixie trup, f tt, DeLayn > Ge ine : thing useful to save the town, her Yokum- — _ Mary Ann Gibson , berry tonic, which makes muscle men te | out Other s aré Dennis § teele, T _ Of weaklings, ee Tele 5 take __. 5 ‘A A ita *; 4 cay : ff -: on ey Ges » _ : However, General Bullmo a sly polilician and Evil Eye Fleagle ose, with his double whammy, try to work on Li’ Abner ars g e Wheedle Mammy’s secret formitlahopin from The citizens of Dogpatch, a trip to Washington, foil this plan andafter everybody | Mark Coy, Bill Helms, Mike H:z en Day, Mike Taylor, Miller, Di _ len, Mark Kuilowski;Henry Baggs, Hale, Steve Hilton, Gary Mike B ndy,. Brian Ron Russell, Terry one , Kathie.’ Stites, Kathy Albiston, Emily Becky Hugg ins, ricia West and Becky Brown. orson, Fowers, Kathy / weet. 4 O-r TS z |