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Show id | | i Sg he 4 - % Drugs Decreasing a == is _ Rep : rf Based on Data . Prepared by Principals. a SS o = Drug usage by students ini the Ogden School District appears to be decreasing, at least on the basis of reports from principals, Dr. Gerald H. Raat, assistant superinten| dent in tare’ a instruction, aed the Ogden aan Monday evening.© He anode that a state report on drug use dive out! | within the next two weeks presents a less optimistic: : view. It contains a section on the Ogden district. A student leader from a junior high school in the | district said he thinks drugs. may be easier to get, and that usage at best is on a “Plateau,” oy may be on al, slight upswing. ain: . Dr. Raat, however, said he believes. on ‘the basis of ‘‘intuitive” evidence that the peak in usage may have come about two years ago, and that the “drug scene” may have moved in part away from the schools. There is . considerable evidence, ‘he said, ‘that there are major: shifts ini the type of drugs being used, with marijuana on the upswing and the halucinogenic drugs such as ee and peyote getting less Pts the other hand, use of| hard narcotics may be in-| creasing, although in terms of numbers it is still very minor. He read to the board a statement from Dr, Vern Call, |director of 18 TO 25 | | He said. estimates he has heard indicate there may be somewhere between 150 and 300 ‘heroin addicts in Ogden city, ‘mostly between the ages of 18 jand 25, | Dr. Raat admitted that drug) lusage is “‘still a significant ‘problem in the area, and that ‘drugs are for the ‘most part ‘readily available to high: school ‘students, less» so for, those in "junior high. i" Marijuana aero are readily available 9 students, he ‘said. He. agreed with board |members that alcohol is still the | j\chieS drug problem in Ogden schools. He said probably 70 per jeent of high school jhave jhad experience students with alcohol, .®. The school district, he said, is working in ‘two basic ways, to combat drugs. One effort aims at acquainting students with drugs and the dangers they ‘présent. The second aims letting ‘students know there are ' alternative whe w of mecnng life drugs.- Nolan Taylor, member. of Fie strict staff, reported briefly on ur programs aimed at fighting & said, is conducted by |. the Junior League of Ogden and|' includesa film and offered e the eh discussion grade pupil personnel, | saying that nearly all. heroin| users appear to drop rapidly from. school once. the: habit fastens on them. : Perhaps eight. to 10 persons involved in some degree with the use of heroin are still in the city schools, with “maybe one or two’ definitel Heroin addiction is a problem of real intensity when it ‘does strike a} student, he said. h t Central Junior prevent students!, “He said in - his opinion drugs} are easier to get, and use may have leveled off or started on slight upswing. . |