Title |
1972-1973 Ben Lomond High School Scrapbook |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students--1970-1980; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1972; 1973 |
Date |
1972; 1973 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 5.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Madison Rayner with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Amy Higgs using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s630hnay |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
12126 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s630hnay |
Title |
Spine - BenLomond_1972-73_493 |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students--1970-1980; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1972; 1973 |
Date |
1972; 1973 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 5.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Madison Rayner with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Amy Higgs using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
OCR Text |
Show rughf? eon ce e ' = EO «Bag a ; aid Teeter ee es | sat . terior ee Y ‘ : : # Z 7. SS e ex Me ee ae fd Re oe Dae re On of ag a A 2 oa. 2 z LYS att ets Pi “ Pf i : ec ee il beee ae Ee st coe “eee oneal ea Fee eg ee ea PE a ae eR ae | . ee TN I Ir es i pn gee ata Fa a eer F a ROP fits ae ce att ee ar) po Se pias Pee ¥ ee ea Pe Me A om he ae my pases ates i Baise eee es cee : . oo ae seepage a ar “i a, r as Po . os i ? ; Sa See ' rs iam oie r — a x a Se a Erg concer a i i ie Sie _ Ie ee in: Se ee ; oe : a Cae oe bak es te oe. en oe AY 3 ee a ae a a a " A e-) yw oe iateg ch ee ze a 2 fa A eae ee ve a Se te. So mo oS eo e es a " oe : - sf ; ee 7 = 5 o i ae Od a a Se m Pe ee = Rt : me e aN acer an apy eas, Se Se Se Ee seetiil ‘ by he ky ae is me % a 5 Gameree oe ee aes ap rh ; id ee ee EF Pat ee i a » ee ee Sone eo : at ii a ah, aad dhs ae hen eae te oak yt tats oe ee Ge3 Sine } ca - 7 Owe : di rib nee ae occasEA caeAreneec ae ae 8. tankns er, lt = LS 22S ee (Rs me i ae = or =. are UnAadctandur ee re a TET aa ae a ee Tee Tes TET _ Iaith al aa eae ea a Citi ee cree - fou re thar re. ¥f Te « | LLP PPL EELL ELE EC i, it = Sa <== ah = Se eu bas ee mee ee eee et ee Pa? ee 22258 es APL = ee tat) Mn oe Se oo : ae sy Se ae ee . Sa a : : i rs “ i au ey a Pp co ie at a es ™ oy a a ” re ce a ri ie . io oe ae Hes ialh ra ‘ as See ‘i id Ly Wki es iayRa ck eunE a Fem a: a 53d oa rae ligt Th ¥ sy CnrPea AS=!FO ia 2 a e sh 4 - ,SRO bi a" ) i neu% i +s eh ak Pa is fe 4° aS a 7" at ~~ ao SESS mS > a At a “A pte Pye i py oe rege id a Nk i i a % © eS aa a _— is se td RR Se it ae RARER LA i i I* -~ bh ra bo, Te — SE ra ah "Ss oa 3 i a a od ‘4 *%es = me Th a 5i eo mf SS Ss => a ‘7 my hee > pmaI * ee f a paid iieiiy iy ule 4 ioe AA > SS : r ire, Lab ASA ial qui ee er aa Phe iy o a ; bow LS : | ae Jo ete Ls Aur ea = ARRAN : M1 b he | i pu Fears p33 aa PA ae \ - ; eh : i |‘ > iceaees { eae td va rr eS oe Es a i eb ue pe : rs He ar i poe aMg : yay Ae x et Sh te ra va a a oe pth Kh ogg 53. eet : i Nie SS " ih ae Mhi me rie ott :: oy F ' x Pye os sy te oe + eh ~ ahs a che i i me Sa 4 S ot % ” i ss Sie i “re tee So arte Ste i ae PNA ae i AR i 4 y om ae. eres re e rah Ty Cs Say ie We ty ‘ cee Val Fey os To : at rea) hi aai AU czfh ri cs pra a mee it eT ig Cd ~ ~i be oh ia bs- is ‘%, Ge 43 % 2 a ray ried me (RPP ne ‘~SS EER RIAA meeay 4 at ae 3 Bo eg” ek ee \ |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
18979 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s630hnay/18979 |