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Show 4 GUTHRIE & Co., Fourth Street, Bankers. the name of Ogden, and it was deemed necessary to organize it into two wards. Isaac Clark was made Bishop of the first, and James G. Browning and James Brown were appointed his Counselors; Erastus Bingham Sen., was appointed Bishop of the second Ward, and Chas. Hubbard and Stephen Parry, his Counselors. On February 6th, 1851, the Territorial Legislature passed an or¬dinance incorporating Ogden City, and on the 23d day of October, 1852, an election was held which resulted in the election of Lorin Farr, Mayor; Charles R. Dana, Erastus Bingham, Francello Durfee and James G. Browning. Aldermen; Levi Murdock, Samuel Stickney, John Shaw, B. W. Nolan, D. 15. Dillie, Ithamer Sprague, Daniel Burch, Jonathan Browning, James Lake, James Brown, Jos. Grover and F. Dempsey, Counselors. In 1850, Lorin Farr, Esq., built the first grist mill and the first saw mill in this county. They were located on what is now known as the "Old Mill Site," northeast of the city proper, and about one and-a-half miles from Ogden canyon. The former now furnished facilities for flouring the grain, and saved the citizens much time, labor and exposure in traveling to a greater distance to obtain a grist, while the latter furnished them with lumber for building and other purposes. Read p. 603 magazine Mr. Farr continued in the Mayoralty of Ogden from the above- mentioned date to the present time, excepting three terms held by Mr. L. J. Herrick. The population of Ogden had now swelled considerably, both by natural increase and by emigration from other parts. Many more farms were opened, some of them at a considerable distance from the dwellings of the owners. The male portion of the people being much of the time engaged in the field, while the females and childred remained at home, it was determined to build a Spanish wall around the city, (as a defense) with a gate on each side, and port¬holes at convenient distances. This work afforded a safeguard against any sudden surprise by the vigilant and still hostile Indian; it at the same time furnished labor and the means of procuring sub¬sistence for many individuals who otherwise would, at that period, A General Banking: Busines Transacted by GUTHRIE & Co. J.W. A.K. Zeigler, Keeney House, (Formerly Beardsley House) Ogden, Utah. Convenient to all Trains, East, West, North and South. TERMS, $2.00 PER DAY. MEALS 50 GENTS. To Commercial Travelers: We have a large Sample Room in the business portion of the City. Parties taken to and from the City FREE OF CHARGE. KEENEY & ZEIGLER, PROPRIETORS. John M.D. Taylor, Boot and Shoe Maker. FRENCH CORK SOLE AND BOX TOE BOOTS A SPECIALTY. Fifth St., Ogden, 3 doors East of Globe Hotel. A Good Fit, Stock and Workmanship Guaranteed. REPAIRING DONE. |