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Show 24 go to WALKER BROS. for all Kinds of Merchandise. rates that will yield a handsome profit if the iron can be sold at a little less than cost and freight on that now imported. Some people say there is no demand, but the supply will in this case create the demand, and if castings are sold at reasonable rates, there will arise a demand, and the proprietors of the Iron Works will easily sell all they can make. The present head of the Company, Mr. W. G. Case, is well known in Pensylvania'as an iron furnace man. and thus we may expect the best results, and fairly anticipate that within a year the shares of the company will be in demand at a large ad¬vance, and that by this production many other manufacturers may be led to bring their business industries to Ogden and make it the Iron Centre of the West. Every one realizes the full importance of these works. In addition to giving employment to hundreds of men, they will also bring into market and make a means of revenue of resources which have lain dormant in the "everlasting hills" from the commencement of time or some other obscure period. The suc¬cess of the "Equitable Iron Manufacturing Company," therefore, means the prosperity of Ogden and all the surrounding country. BUSINESS HOUSES OF OGDEN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Z. C. M. I. and Walker Brothers are the principal wholesale, retail and jobbing houses; they carry general stocks, consisting of everything in the nature of dry goods, groceries, clothing, hard¬ware, queensware, findings of all kinds, fancy articles, etc., etc. Robert Watson, Esq., is Superintendent of the former, and T. J. Stayner, Esq., of the latter: both efficient gentlemen. Joseph Stanford keeps an immense stock of well-assorted family articles, groceries, general merchandise, ornamental goods, etc. His is one of the oldest establishments in Ogden, and he is a thor¬ough business man, having baffled hard times and overcome trying obstacles on numerous occasions. WALKER BROS. Solicit and Fill Orders sent by Mail. 25 Wm. Van Dyke & Co., (Successors to Adams & Van Dyke.) Wholesale Dealers in Grain, FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CORN MEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. salt, grain & country products By the Car Load a Specialty. Special attention given to SHIPMENTS OF POULTRY, &c. Office and Warehouse, Young Street, one Door South of Fourth Street. D |