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Show 44 The Daily " Junction" is $8 per Annum. bers: V. E. Boessell, T. E. Brown, Win. Cook, J. B. Goodfellow, George Thompson, G. Moritz and C. Smaltz, and has a member¬ship at present of thirty-four, with the following officers: F. W. Hampton, N. G.; S. H. Minter, V. G.; Jay R. Crandall, Secre¬tary; Wm. M. Cook, Treasurer. union lodge no. 6, i. o. o. f., Was instituted Jan. 23d, 1878, with the following charter members: D. Alexander, V, E. Boessell, George Thompson, J. Webster, M. Biel, L. Newman, John Erikson and Julius Keissell, and has at pres¬ent a membership of twenty-six, with the following officers: E. T. Hulaniski, N. G., George Thompson, V. G., A. B. Richardson, Secretary, M. Biel, Treasurer. This Lodge, although but one year old, has, through judicious management, a financial and social standing second to none in the Territory, and as financial condition is generally a sign of prosperity, we can safely assert that Union Lodge will be the Banner Lodge of Utah. Mr. p. Alexander is the real founder of this Lodge, and its prosperity is mainly due to him, as his watchful eye is constantly on the money. the r. w. grand lodge of utah Held its last regular session in Ogden, April, 1877, and the follow¬ing members here are officers of that body: Jay R. Crandall, R. W. Grand Warden, and Cole F. Ludlam, W. Grand Herald. ogden bar association. This Society was organized some four months ago, and is the only one of the kind in the Territory. It has eight members. The following are the officers: Chairman, H. W. O. Margary; Secre¬tary. P. J. Barratt; Treasurer, F. S. Richards. Meetings the first and third Tuesday of each month, at the offices of the members. young men's mutual improvement association. This Society was organized on the 31st of January, 1875, and has grown steadily in members and influence up to the present time, Splendid Printing Stationery at the ''Junction" Office. 45 JAMES iklalalSN, Main Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, OGDEN, UTAH. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. A complete assortment of seasonable and fashionable Dress Goods always ia stock. Hosiery, Ribbons, Ladies' Silk Ties and Handkerchiefs". Fine White Goods in Marseilles Pique.*, Hmnburg Eigingsand Inser¬tions, Lace Goods, etc., etc. AN ENDLESS ASSORTMENT OF YANKEE NOTIONS Id all Lines. The Finest and most Select Stock of Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infants' BOOTEES, SHOES, SLIPPERS, ETC. a full assortment of Men's, Youths' and Boys' BOOTS and SHOES from the leading manufacturers of the United States. The Finest Line of Hats and Caps in the Market. I CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT tn Fine White Dress Shirts, Cheviot Shirts, Shirtings, Hosiery and Neckwear, a magnificent assortment of Gents' Underwear for all seasons. A full stock of GROCERIES in all classes. My goods are always the choicest the market afford;, and always new and selected especially for family trade. figy To Farmers and the Country Trade: The Highest Market Price paid for Grain and Country Produce. P.S.—Goods delivered free in the City and at the Depots. JAMES ALLEN. |