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Show 100 Ballinger Pearsen, millwright, Young Street, bet 1st and 2d. Banford Saml, farmer, Main Street, eoutb. Bartlett Ann, seamstress, Main Street, south. Barrow A C, peddler, Wall Street, bet Oth and 7th. Barnes James, night watchman, Main street north. Barker Jas B, farmer, Main street north. Barker Simon, farmer. Main street north. Barker George, farmer, Main street north. Barker William, farmer, Main street north. Barker John, fruit grower and gardener, 3d street. Jos, merchant, Smith street, bet 3d and 4th. Ballantyne Richard, ProP "Junction," 4th st, bet Spring & Smith Ballantyne Richard A, clerk, 4th street, bet Spring and Smith. Ballantyne Zacharia, clerk, 4th street, bet Spring and Smith. Badger Orion, watchman Z C M I, Main street north. Ballam Alfred, UPHK, Franklin street, bet 7th and 8th. Barratt P J, attorney at-law, 4th street, bet Young and Main. Baird Robert, tinsmith, Main street, bet 3d and 4th. Barnhart D W, brakeman, boards at Keeney House. Beardsley M H, ProP Union Depot Hotel, Young street, bet 3d and 4th. Berry James, miner, Pearl street, bet 7th and 8th. Benedict C H, attorney-at-law,Young street, bet 3d and 4th. Berrell P J, peddler, Young street, bet 3d and 4th. Bishop Geo E, tailor, Main street, bet 5th and 6th. Biddle Thomas, harness maker, Pearl street, bet 4th and 5th. Bingham Sanford, CPRR, 8th street, bet Main and Young. Biel Matthew, butcher, 5th street, bet Franklin and Wall. Blair Saml, brakeman, C P, 3d street, bet Smith and Pearl. Bleakley John, weaver, Franklin street, bet 7th and 8th. Blancett H S, provision merchant, Franklin street, bet 5th and 6th. Bliman J, sewing machine agt, boards at Keeney House. Bowen Frederick, carpenter, 3d street, bet Smith and Pearl. Boyle John, furniture dealer, Spring street, bet 7th and 8th. Boyle Peter, furniture dealer, 8th street, bet Spring and Smith. Boyle James, brakeman U P, 8th street, bet Spring and Smith. Bond H M, green grocer, 4th street, bet Young and Franklin. Boss Alma, laborer, 3d street, bet Spring and Smith. Brown Moroni, city marshal, Main street south. Brown James M, policeman, Main street south. Brown Christopher, laborer, 6th street, bet Smith and Pearl. Brown Sherman, clerk C P, Main street, bet 6th and 7th. Brown F A, clerk Z C M I, cor Pearl and 5th streets. Brown Chas C, teamster, cor Pearl and 6 h streets. Brown William, sheriff, cor Pearl and 6th streets. 101 Brown George, telegraph operator. Main street, bet 6th and 7th, Brown K D, agt Pullman cars, Spring street, bet 6th and 7th. Brown A C, school teacher, 4th street, bet Green and East. Brown WmS, farmer, Wall street, bet 6th and 7th. Brown A W, machinist, Main street, bet 4th and 5th. Brown R P, conductor C! P, boards at Kaeney House. Brown I E, watchmaker, 1st street, bet Wall and Franklin. Browning J G, whip maker, 8th street, bet Main and Young. Browning Isaac, teamster, cor Franklin and 7th streets. Browning James, cook, Wall street. Browning Mrs, dressmaker, 5th street, bet Franklin and Young. Browning Clifton, job wagoner, Main street, bet 7th and 8th. Browning Jonathan, gun smith, cor 7th and Spring streets. Browning Alma, musician, 8th street. Bradisen Hans, teamster, cor 3d and Pearl streets. Branson William, clerk Walker Brothers, Smith street, between 2d and 3d. Branson John, cook, Bmith street, bet 2d and 3d. Bruee Robert, dyer and cleaner, 5th street, bet Wall and Franklin. Bruner A W, engineer C P, 4th street, bet Franklin and Young. Brine George, wagon maker, Main street, bet Wall and Franklin. Bruckmau A, clerk, 1st street, north publio square. Butler J J M, farmer, Spring street, bet 5th and 6th. Butler M W, farmer, Smith street, bet 5th and 6th. Burch Robt, farmer. Main street south. Bull Hyrum, shoemaker, cor Green and 8th streets. Burrup James, contractor. Main street, bet 5th and 6th. Buchmiller Michael, u p brewery. Spring street, bet 4th and 5th. Burt Samuel, clerk Walker Bros, Spring street, bet 4th and 5th. Burton W W, merchant, cor 5th and Green streets. Burdett Thos, laborer, Smith street, bet 3d and 4th. Bull Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 31 street, bet Main and Spring. Budge Thomas, Shoemaker, cor 4th and Franklin streets. Budge William, yardmaster C P, 4th street, bet Franklin and Young. Butler H C, broker, boards at Keeney House. Burch Robert, farmer, Main street south. Burch James, broom maker, Main street south. Burnhope Thomas, section hand, U P R R, Smith street, bet 1st and 2d. c Careswell Alfred, wood turner, Pearl street, bet 7th and 8th. Carstensen P C, tanner, cor 7th and Green. Canfield Israel, city sexton, cor Pearl and 5th. Canfield Augustus, mail carrier, cor Smith and 6th. Carter John, conductor C P, 6th street, bet Franklin and Wall. |