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Show 108 Hill Henry, teamster, 3d street, between Wall and Franklin. Hill Richard, farmer, 3d street, bet Young and Franklin, Hill Oscar, bookkeeper, 4th street, bet Young and Main. Hill R G, cheok olerk C P, Main street south. Hill James W, laborer, Main street south. Hill Thomas, whitewashes 7th street west. Hinohcliff Wilford, car inspector, Main street south. Horrocks E G, clerk. Main street, bet 3d and 4th. Horrocks John, weaver, Main street, bet 3d and 4th. Horrocks James, retired merchant, 4th street, between Main and Spring. Horrocks Samuel, merohant, cor 4th and Smith streets. Holther Lewis, tailor, 8th street, bet Green and East. Holbrook Walter, barber, 5th street, between Main and Spring. Horspool John, bill postor, cor 4th and Smith streets. Horspool Geo, teamster, 2d street, bet Pearl and Green. Horspool John, jun, laborer, cor 21 and Greea streets. Horspool Wm, car inspector U P, 4th street, bet Franklin and Young. Horam George, laborer, 6th street, bet Pearl and Smith. Horr Wm, brakeman U P, cor 2d and Pearl streets. Holroyd Tbos, tailor, cor 2d and Pearl streets. Holroyd Robert, job wagoner, cor 2d and Pearl streets. Hooper, John, farmer, Wall street, between 6th and 7th. Hooper Wm, Union Pacific railroad, 6th street, between Spring and Franklia Hoffman A J, photographer, cor 4th and Young streets. Holcomb W T, painter, 5th street, bet Young and Franklin. Holland John, cor 5th and Young streets. Hunt Jonathan, brakeman C P, 4th street, bet Wall and Franklin. Hunt Wilson, farmer, 8th street, bet Spring and Smith. Hudson Alex, baggage master C P, 4th street, bet Young and Main. Huss Is adore, boot and shoe maker, 5th street, bet Main and Young. Huss Jobn, blacksmith, 3d street, bet Young and Franklin. Hutchison Stewart, weaver, Franklin street, bet 5th and Gth. I Impey Thos, farmer, Main street, north. Inslipp Mathias, lab C P, 7th street, west. Ipsen Peter, carpenter, Young street, bet 3d and 4th. J Jackson Wm, bricklayer, Gth street, bet Main and Spring. Jackson Aaron, teamster, Pearl street, bet 3d and 4th. Jackson James, bricklayer, Franklin, between 7th and 8th. James George, farmer, cor Wall and 7th streets. James Wm F, carpenter, cor Wall and 7th streets. 109 Jewell W S, brakeman, C P, boards at Keeney House. Jenkins Joseph, farmer, 8th street, between Spring and Smith. Jenkins David, surveyor, cor Main and 7th streets. Jenkins G W, school teacher, cor Main and 7th streets. Jenkins Thomas, blacksmith, corner 7th and Wall streets. Jenkins Samuel, U P, cor Wall and 7th streets. Jenkins Thomas, laborer, corner 7th and Wall streets. Jenkins Charles, blacksmith. Franklin street, between 5th and 6th. Jones Thomas W, tailor, corner 4th and Spring streets. Joat Thomas, lab, Moffett place, bet Main and Spring and 2d and 8d streets. Jost John A, carpenter, corner 2d and Smith streets. Jost A J, carpenter, Smith street, bet 2d and 3d. Jost Samuel, carpenter, cor Smith and 2d streets. Johnson A L, bar tender, boards at Keeney House. Johnson James, mason, 4th street, between Franklin and Wall. Johnson D, brakeman C P, boards at Keeney House. K Kay David, merchant, Main street, between 2J and 3d. Kelly J J, mason, Smith street, bet 7th and 8th. Keyes Harrison, farmer, 6th street, bet Pearl and Green. Keyes Alma, carpenter, corner 4th and East streets. Keyes Edward, laborer, 6th street, between Pearl and Green. Kearsley Richard, mailing clerk, "Junction," 2d street, bet Smith and Pearl. Kemp W A, carpenter, 5th street, bet Spring and Smith. Kenner S A., attomey-at-law, Young street, bet 4th and 5th. Kerr G M. baggage mister C P, oor 5th and Wall streets. Kershaw A J, plumber, Main street, bet 2d and 3d. Kerwin E, car repairer, west of depot. Keeney J W, proprietor Keeney House, 6th street, bet Wall and Young. Kiesel J H, lab, 5th street, near depot. Kingsford William, farmer, Pearl street, bet 3d and 4th. Kuhn N, salesman Kuhn Bros, boards at Commercial Hotel. Lawyer S E, manager Oberne, McDaneld & Co, boards at Keeney House. Lancaster John, telegraph operator, bds at Keeney House. Larsen Julius, baker, 7th street, bet Spring and Smith. Larsen John, laborer cor 4th and Young streets. Larsen Errick, laborer, oor 4th and Young streets. Larkins George, conductor C P, 7th street, between Smith and Pearl. Lammers P J, carpenter, cor Green and 6th streets. Lawson Joseph, fruit grower, Smith street, bet 4th and 5th. Lambert C P, marble cutter, 6th street, bet Franklin and Young. |