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Show 126 Robert Baird is located on Main Street street. They keep the best and raost Improved machinery and stock, are first-class workmen, and can safely guarantee to give satis¬faction to their patrons. The broom factory of Mr. H. B. Scoville, Young street, is really a first-class institution, the brooms made by him being equal to any imported or made elsewhere in the Territory, He is deserving of a liberal patronage. Mr. G. G. Griffith, millwright and builder, draws up plans and specifications, with estimates when desired, and is prepared to fur¬nish material in any amount. Specimens of his work in Ogden speak for themselves. Mr. Joseph J. Jackson, contractor and builder, keeps the prin¬cipal brick and tile yard in the city. All orders will be promptly attended to and the best of work and materials may be relied upon. One of the best stone masons in the Territory is Mr. D. J. Doyle. Specimens of his work can be seen anywhere in the city, and once to see is to be convinced. The only bakeries in the city are those of Messrs. J. H. Stinger and Jesse Field, Better bread, cakes or confectionery are not made and cannot be found in the Territory. The former is located on Fifth, the latter on Main street. The fine flouring mills of Mr. D. H. Peery, north of Ogden river, are among the largest in the western country, and produce splendid articles in great abundance. They are supplied with all the latest improvements in milling machinery, and have a capacity equal to all demands. Erratum.—On page 78, in the first paragraph of "Logan," in¬stead of "Smithfield" read" Wellsville." Robert Baird. Tin, Iron and Copper Smith. 127 GENTS BOOTS Sewed or Pegged, WORKMANSHIP WARRANTED. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Done Neatly, Good, Quick and Cheap. LADIES' OWN NEEDLE WORK OR BEADED SLIPPERS Made up on Short Notice. J. TYRRELL, 5th Street, Ogden. OPPOSITE Tithing Office First-Class Material Used. A Good Fit or no Sale. |