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Show 130 OGDEN BRICK AND TILE YARD. JOSEPH JACKSON, Contractor and Builder, Having all the necessary Machinery for the manufacture of Pressed and Common Brick DRAIN PIPES AND ROOFING TILES. I am prepared to supply Builders, Farmers and Gardeners with any quantity of the above named articles on short notice. TERMS REASOABLE. G.G. Griffith, Millwright, Architect, AND BUILDER. Plans and Specifications for Public Buildings or Private Residences, with Estimates when desired, on short notice. MILLS and MILLING MACHINERY a SPECIALTY I have ample facilities for PROMPT EXECUTION OF WORK In my line. Am also prepared to Furnish Material for any desired amount of work. FIFTH STREET, OGDEN. 131 Business Cards. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. H. W. O. MARGARY, attorney at Law —AND— NOTARY PUBLIC. Office, Canfield's Brick Building, OGDEN, UTAH NATHAN TANNER, Jr., Attorney at Law AND MOTARY PUBLIC. City Attorney, OGDEN, UTAH. L. P. HIGBEE, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law, OGDEN, UTAH. Office over Post Ofilice. S. A. Kenner, Attorney at Law. OGDEN CITY, UTAH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. P. L. ANDERSON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE, CITY DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET. Residence 3d Street, between Main and Young Streets, Ogden City, Utah. O. B. ADAMS, Physician and Surgeon. Office, one door West of Wade & Co's. Drug Store Fifth Street, OGDEN CITY, UTAH W. J. POWERS, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Office, corner Fifth and Franklin Streets. OGDEN - - UTAH. T. R. WOODWORTH, Physician, and Surgeon, CORNER FIFTH and FRANKLIN STS. OGDEN, UTAH. |