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Show 186 187 DEGREE REQ Literacy in the Primary Grades GEN ED COURSES 2 Educ 3430 Creative Processes in Elem School 3 | oe Engl ChFam ChFam ChFam ChFam Psych 3300 2400 2500 2570 3640 3000 Children's Literature Family Relations Development of the Child: Birth to8 The Child from Six-Twelve Working with Parents Child Psychology 3 SETAE a 3 | » Program Prerequ rs Programme 3 and complete at least 9 credit hours of general Honours courses 3 (see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog). 3 | » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. 3 | » Credit Hour Requirements: Fill the requirements of the Elemen- Psych Psych 3140 3250 Psychology of Adolescence Conditioning and Learning 3 3 tary Education major, of which at least 12 credit hours in the professional education sequence, education support courses, or Psych 3300 Applied Behavior Intervention with Children 3 graduate courses must be taken for Honours credit. All 3000 level and above courses may be considered by the student for Professional Education Courses Required (34 credits) ° ae 1 Sie NY x his/her course of study. The student desiring Honours credit should seek permission from the apes uaestelaitae Ha paataieie ; aio rnstruéHlorial Techtioldgy s Department Chair and the Honours Committee Chairperson. The student will then be assigned an Education Honours Committee to Educ 3120 tins 3 help design his/her course ofstudy. Educ 3140 Edincationial Psychology 9 Educ 3160 Curriculum Devipmt & Assessment 3 Course of Study Agreement prior to enrolling in any course for Education Honours. Content in the Education courses will be different and more challenging for Honours students than the content designed ¢ Level 2 (Methods) for regular students. Educ 3200 Foundations in Multicultural/ Educ Educ 3240 3280 Bilingual Education Elementary Reading Methods Elementary Social Studies Methods 2 3 2 ee » Program Prerequisite: ¢ Level 3 (Methods) Educ 4300 The student must have a signed ewes Elementary Mathematics Methods 2 4320 4330 Elementary Language Arts Methods Elementary Science Methods 3 2 composite teaching major that WSU offers. In many departments the teaching major and minor are different from the Educ 4660 Student Teaching in Elem Ed duc 4860 ae ae suonate Educ 4520 Plihning & Managing the Spectal Edit Leatninig Envirotihnenit Educ 4521 Practicum in Special Education Educ 4530 Learning Environment Principles and Applications of Special Education Assessment Educ 4340 * Level 4 (Synthesis) Elementary Art/Music Methods for Composite Majors Elem Senior Synthesis Seminar (Includes a Senior Project) Special Hikindtion Courses Regatta (23 Chait) cng : r paLeilsHbe Tits 6 1” Grade Requirements: 4531 Practicum in Special Ed Assessment 4540 Managing Student Behavior and Teaching Social Skills Behavior Educ 4541 hes nen ; » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 semester hours is required for graduation — a minimum of 30-31 of these is required within the Secondary Certification program. A total of 3 40 upper division credit hours is required (courses number 3000 ance The academic teaching major and teaching minor must consist of not less than 30 and 15 semester hours respectively, or a composite major Educ 4551 Educ 4580 Instructional Content & Methods for Secondary Students Educ 4581 Practicum in Content, Methods, & 1 of a maximum of 63 semester hours. 3 schools. Either the major or minor must be a subject which Utah eel secondary schools are required to teach (those marked with double hepiodinas for Elementary Students 1 asterisks do not satisfy this second requirement—see the list of 5 Practicum in Content & Methods for Elem Special Educ Students Transition for Secondary Special Education Students 4650 Diagnosis and Remediation 4670 of Reading Problems Special Education Student Teaching teaching majors and minors below). Hi Admission 1 i Requirements Declare a program of study (refer to page 25 of this catalog). 3 | Follow the admission requirements for Teacher Education outlined 3 | in the Teacher Education Advisement Center. Call 626-6309 for 6 | more information or to schedule an appointment. In addition, students should seek advisement from both their teaching major level and cbaveeducation classes. Tv ait and their teaching minor program areas. # 3260 Educ Educ 3760 3780 Teach Read & Writing in Content Interdisciplinary Methods in ¢ Level 3 (Synthesis) Educ 4820 the Secondary Education Certificate Program will also satisfy general education requirements: Comm HU1020 and ChFam $S1500. Requirements Educ Bilingual Education The Exceptional Student Diverse Classroom Educ 4880 UNIV & B Silty 2 2 2 for Certification Support Courses Required (or equivalent) HNRS & BIS LIBSCI WS 3 Classroom Management-Secondary 2 Student Teaching in Sec Ed 8 Educ 4960 Secondary Senior Synthesis Seminar Educ 4980 Senior Project If Senior Project is done in the major, Educ 4980 is not required. 1 1 Admission to teacher education is required prior to enrollment in 3000 One course from the following Human Development ChFam —_ $$1500 Psychology of Adolescence Psych 3140 3 3 level and above education classes. One course from the following Comm Comm HU1020 3070 Principles of Public Speaking 3 Performance Studies 3 One course from the following Health 3050 School Health Program Health 4250 Contemporary Health Issues of Adolescents 3 An endorsement allows a certificated teacher to teach in other areas of specialty. The following are endorsement programs in the Department of Teacher Education. The endorsement programs are subject to changes due to state and national requirements. 2 TEACHING MAJORS AND ATIC MINORS — OO a Majors and Minors Botany* Communications French German Mathematics Physics Psychology** Spanish Chemistry English Geography History Physical Education A candidate desiring to receive Elementary Education Mathematics Political Science Sociology** Theatre Arts Courses Endorsement must -Fill the requirements of the Elementary Education major. -Select mathematics as a 18-hour content concentration. Minors Only Art Business/Marketing Education Dance ESL (English as a Second Language) Business Education Computer Science Economics Family Education Geology Physical Education/ Health Promotion MathEd MathEd 4100 4700 Intuitive Calculus Senior Project in Elem Math Teach Elementary education majors desiring an Elementary Athletic Coaching Mathematics Endorsement should consult with the Mathematics Department Chair early in their program. The student will be assigned an advisor to help design his/her course of study. * Only if taken with Zoology minor ** Subjects which Utah secondary schools are not required to teach Composite Majors In lieu of the major and minor, a candidate may elect a composite SPECIAL teaching major which consists of a maximum of sixty-three (63) hours of subjects in closely related fields. Biological Science Business Education Music Education for Endorsement or other approved courses numbered above 3000 Zoology Art Required Mathematics Courses Required (18 hours) MathEd 3060 Probability & Stat for Elem Teach MathEd 3070 Geometry for Elementary Teachers MathEd 3080 Number Theory for Elem Teachers MathEd 4040 Math Problem Solving for Elem Earth Science Physical Science Social Science Professional Education Courses Required (30-31 hours) 1 | Advisement All Secondary Education students should meet with an advisor S General Education Refer to pages 31-34 of this catalog for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. The following courses required for on the previous pages of this catalog. Admission to teacher education is required prior to enrollment in 3000 WEBER The teaching major and teaching minor must be in subjects taught in Utah public secondary Practicum in Student Behavior Seat Secondary Education students must meet minimum major course grade requirements and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in all college work and achieve at on a at fan in each professional education course to continue in the program. 3 Educ Educ departmental major and minor. » Minor: Required with a teaching major but not required with a composite teaching major. 1 Educ Educ 2, 2 required areas follow. Foundations in Multicultural/ Admission to the Teacher Education Programs (see the admission requirements described earlier). Select an academic teaching major and teaching minor or Educ Educ ¢ Level 2 (Methods) Educ 3200 Requirements, Support Courses, Major and Minors that WSU offers, and Professional Education Courses. Details for each of these Course Faure be AEAMOR For Secondary Certificate candidates, there are 4 areas of course work that are required: University and General Education Ww 3390 WwWww iw Educ e Level 1 (Core) EDUCATION MILD/MODERATE The Department of Teacher Education offers course work leading to a Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement. This endorsement allows the holder to teach mild and moderately disabled students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement may be earned concurrently with the Early Childhood, Elementary Education, or the Composite Elementary and Special Education Major certification. Special Education courses taken in the early childhood and elementary education subject area concentrations may count Educ Educ 3000 3100 Interpersonal Skills for Teachers Instructional Technology 1 | toward the endorsement. Secondary education students completing 2 | the Special Education Teaching minor receive 20 hours toward the Educ 3120 Foundations of Education 2 | endorsement and also are allowed to teach reading in the secondary Ban nae ae ein eaucdOnal Psychology unica ine De Caeser 2 | school. Extra course work is required to complete the total Special 7 Education Endorsement Program. Check at the Teacher Education Advisement Center for a Special Education course schedule. WEBER STATE UN PV ER SIT Y CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI |