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Show 262 263 Elective Courses (3 credit hours) Choose at least 3 hours from the following Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx 2740 3160 3180 3190 3200 3300 Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Intro to Modern Physics Astrophysics Thermal Physics Applied Optics Solid State Physics Computational Physics 3 3 3 3 3 a 3410 Electronics I 4 3420 3500 3510 3540 3640 Electronics II Analytical Mechanics Electromagnetic Theory Mech. & Electromagnetic Waves Advanced Physics Lab 3 4 3 3 2 4610 Quantum Mechanics 3 4620 Atomic, Nuclear, & Particle Physics 3 Required Electives (6 credit hours minimum) Students must also complete 6 additional hours in one of the three following areas: Chemistry, Geosciences, or Physics. » Credit Hour Requirements: 2310 2320 3050 3070 Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Instrumental Analysis Biochemistry I Honours senior project (minimum 2 hours). Environmental Geosciences Environmental Geosciences Lab 3 1 Geosci Geosci 2750 3060 Introduction to Oceanography Structural Geology 3 4 Geosci 3080 Water Resources 3 Geosci Geosci 3150 3180 Geomorphology Paleontology 4 4 Geosci Geosci 3250 3400 Geology of Utah Remote Sensing 3 4 Geosci 3550 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy 4 Geosci 3880 Ground Water 4 4060 4630 4950* 3 credits may Field Methods Global Tectonics Advanced Field Geology be taken from Geosci 2950/4950. A 3 1-3 ¢ Physics Select 6 hours from the physics electives listed above. The courses selected for this requirement must be in addition to any course taken to fulfill the physics elective requirement. Support Courses Required (18 credit hours) Math 1210-1220 Calculus I and II Phsx 2600 Laboratory Safety orChem 2600 Laboratory Safety or Geosci 2600 Laboratory Safety Hist 3350 History & Philosophy of Science or Zool 8 1 1 1 3 2800 History of Life Science 3 HU1020 Public Speaking 3 Chem 4570 Science Teaching Methods 3 or Geosci 4570 Science Teaching Methods Science Teaching Methods 2 S 4570 Students must also complete the Teacher Education Certification Program requisite: Math 1220. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/ discussion format. A, S, Su 2220L. Laboratory Physics II (1) A, S, Su Must accompany Phsx 2220L. One 3-hour lab per week. A brief survey of physics at the introductory level. Topics covered include laws of motion, gravity, energy, light, heat, sound, 2600. Laboratory Safety (1) A,S An interdisciplinary, team-taught course that will be an overview of the major chemical, biological and physical safety issues related to (3) A, S, Su science laboratories and field work. Class will meet once per week and will be taught in a lecture/demonstration format. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in all courses used system, the sun, the evolution of stars, pulsars, black holes, the Milky Way galaxy, galaxies, quasars, and the Big Bang. Three hours 2740. Introductory Modern Physics (3) S$ Relativity, quantum effects, the hydrogen atom, many-electron toward the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 26 credit hours in Physics courses. Prior department approval is required. Requirements for Minor Physics Courses Required (10 credit hours) Phsx PS2210/2220 Physics for Scientists & Engineers Phsx PS2210L/2220L Lab 8 2 Elective Physics Courses (8 credit hours) Select at least three Physics courses from the following Phsx 2740 Introductory Modern Physics Phsx 3160 Astrophysics Phsx 3180 Thermal Physics Phsx 3190 Applied Optics Phsx 3200 Solid State Physics Phsx 3300 Computational Physics Phsx 3410 Electronics | Phsx 3420 Electronics II Phsx 3500 Analytical Mechanics Phsx 3510 Electromagnetic Theory Phsx 3540 Mech. & Electromagnetic Waves Phsx 3640 Advanced Physics Lab 3 3 3 3 3 B 4 3 4 3 3 2 Phsx 4610 Quantum Mechanics 3 1210-1220 Calculus! & II 8 Prior department approval is required. Students who select the Physics Teaching minor must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department in this catalog). Phsx 2600 UNIVERSITY 2890. Cooperative Work Experience minimum Cooperative Work Experience requirements of the PS2010. General Physics I (4) A, S§ First semester of a two-semester sequence in general physics, department. Provides academic credit for on-the-job experience. Grade and amount of credit will be determined by the department. primarily for students in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, technology and 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, other disciplines requiring physics without calculus. Institutes and Special Programs (1-4) Consult the class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. This semester covers topics in mechanics, including kinematics, Newton's laws, and the conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum. Also covered are topics in gravity, fluid mechanics, waves, and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: Math 1060. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. 3160. Astrophysics PS2010L. General Physics Laboratory I (1) A, S$ Co-requisite: Phsx PS2010. One 3-hour lab per week. 2020. General Physics II (4) (3) A Selected topics in astrophysics which may include telescopes, celestial mechanics, stellar structure and evolution, stellar pulsation, supernovae, black holes, interstellar medium, galactic structure, active galaxies, quasars, galactic clusters and superclusters, and A, § cosmology. Second semester of a two-semester sequence in general physics. This semester covers topics in electricity and magnetism, electro- Prerequisite: Phsx 2220. 3180. Thermal Physics (3) S An introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. physics. Prerequisite: Phsx PS2010. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. Topics include heat and work; ideal gases; equipartition of energy; entropy; the Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein distributions; applications to heat engines, refrigeration, chemical equilibrium, phase transitions, blackbody radiation, and properties of solids. Prerequisite: Phsx 2220 and Math 1220. 3190. Applied Optics (3) A Geometrical and physical optics, lasers, lenses, optical instruments, interference, thin films, interferometry, holography, diffraction, gratings, crystal diffraction, polarization. Prerequisites: Phsx 2220/ 2220L, Math 1220. Two lectures and one 3-hour lab a week. 3200. Solid State Physics First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based physics, 8 2 (1-6) Open to all students in the Physics Department who meet the PS2210. Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (4) A, S, Su for Minor Laboratory Safety nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and devices, elementary particles. Prerequisites: Phsx 2220, Math 1220. 2090. Environmental Physics - Energy and Power (3) An interdisciplinary course dealing with the chemical and physical concepts of energy and power. Emphasis will be placed on the emerging energy crisis, effects upon the environment and the quality of life. » Grade Requirements: A grade of C or better in all courses used toward the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 25 credit hours in Requirements atoms, molecular and solid-state bonding, quantum effect devices, PS1360. Principles of Physical Science (3) A A lecture/laboratory course designed to provide an introduction to the scientific method and its application to the study of selected topics in physics and chemistry. Two hours of lecture and one 3hour lab per week. Recommended for Elementary Education majors. 2020L. General Physics Laboratory II (1) A, S Must accompany Phsx 2020. One 3-hour lab per week. PHYSICS Physics courses. of lecture per week. magnetic waves, light and optics, relativity, atomic, and nuclear Support Courses Required (8 credit hours) Course TE A, S, Su physics. This semester covers topics in electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, light and optics, relativity, and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. Pre-requisite: Phsx PS2210. Co- PHYSICS COURSES - PHSX (3) (4) Second semester of a two semester sequence in calculus-based A brief survey of the physical universe using the fundamental laws of physics. Topics include the history of astronomy, the solar Physics Courses Required (11 credit hours) Phsx PS2210/2220 Physics for Scientists & Engineers Phsx PS2210L/2220L Lab S:T*A 2220. Physics for Scientists and Engineers II S electricity, magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, radioactivity, and relativity. Three hours of lecture per week. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) (32 credit hours). WEBER Co-requisite: Phsx PS$2210. One 3-hour lab per week. PHYSICS Math Comm or Phsx Secondary School Science Teaching Methods PS1010. Introduction to Physics * Permission from the department chair should be sought before registering in a course for Honours credit. A written agreement should be reached Course PS1540 1550 Geosci Geosci Geosci *No more than 4570 PS1030. Introduction to Astronomy ¢ Geosciences Geosci Geosci Phsx (3) primarily for students in science, math, computer science, and pre Modern theory of the solid state, with emphasis on crystal engineering. This semester covers topics in mechanics, including kinematics, Newton's laws, and the conservation laws of energy, structures, energy bands and fermi levels, conduction in metals and linear momentum, and angular momentum. DEGREE REQ GEN ED COURSES PS2210L. Laboratory Physics I (1) A, S, Su course is also required: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.5. with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honours 5 5 4 4 8 If a student is not obtaining a Teaching Major in Science, the following » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements of either the Physics departmental major, the Applied Physics major, or the Physics Teaching major, of which at least 12 hours must be completed on an Honours basis. A student may receive Physics Honours credit in any of the Physics courses required for the respective Physics majors.* In addition, complete a Physics credit. topics in gravity, fluid mechanics, waves, and thermodynamics. Co-requisite: Math 1210. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/ discussion format. Support Courses Required (8 credit hours) Math 1210-1220 Calculus 1 & Il » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in General Honours Programme and complete at least 9 hours of General Honours courses (see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog). Recommended elective courses: ¢ Chemistry Chem Chem Chem Chem Elective Physics Courses (6 credit hours) Select 6 credit hours in approved Physics courses (numbered 2740 and above) PHYSICS semiconductors, Hall effect, photoconductivity, junction diodes and transistors, field effect transistors, integrated circuit structure and fabrication. Prerequisite: Phsx 2740. Also covered are 1 WEBER ST AIT E UsN LV EB Ri St1T-¥ Social & Behavioral CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI |