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Show The Business of Government Goes On January 14, 2004 Marriott-Slaterville City Planning Commission 7 p.m., 1140 W. 400 North Oath of office for a new commissioner Discussion/action on election of 2004 chairman and vice-chairman Final approval for minor lot subdivision (2 lots) by Steve Slater at 200 S. 2750 West Six months site plan time extension on Town House Estates at 1119 S. 1200 West by Gerald Hoth Discussion/action on final approval for Big "W" Subdivision consisting of four lots at 2449 Pioneer Road Discussion/action regard- February 2004 Weber Sentinel Marriott/Slaterville Council Report by Joyce VanTassell Planning Commission Marriott-Slaterville planning commission selected Les Syme as commission chair for 2004, with Kent Meyerhoffer as vice-chair. The commission considered the Frank Blair settlement proposal. Because of some confusion about the property and zoning, Mr. Blair and the commission agreed to revert to the zoning set for his property by Weber County in 1990, and go forward with discussions about other changes from there. This plan will be put before the community at a public hearing to be held Wednesday, February 11th. City Council Business of the Marriott-Slaterville city council opened with the swearing in of Rob Smout, Dennis Ilium, Scott VanLeeuwen, and Von Allred (who was reappointed to the board of adjustments) by city Magistrate Glen MacFarland. Steve Davis, C.P.A., Reported on the independent audit of the city's finances for (he fiscal year ending 30 June 2003. Details of this report are available by request. Mr. Davis reported that the city is good financial shape. Mayor Keith Butler, city administrator Bill Morris, and staff were all complimented for their management of the public's tax monies. Plans were discussed to expand recognition of outstanding individuals in the community, with new awards being authorized by Resolution 2004-A, which would include the Elna Lucas History Award, for historical or cultural contributions, and the Darrel Meacham Award, recognizing city clean up efforts. A public hearing was authorized for February 19th to see about adjusting boundaries with Ogden because of a request from the Weber School District. Weber schools are setting up a new alternative school in the old IRS building that is now part of Ogden city. Elaine Jensen of the Weber School District spoke to the council about the need to have the high school out of Ogden and in the Weber School District boundaries. She added that this alternative high school, which will be called Two Rivers High School, will be an alternative high school for Weber only Point of clarification: In December's article: "Marriott-Slaterville struggling with growth" then- Commissioner Scott VanLeeuwen was prematurely identified as Councilman VanLeeuwen. Mr. VanLeeuwen was sworn in as the newest council member at the January 15th city council meeting. Mr VanLeeuwen also explains that although there are approximately 50 lots being planned by developers and brought before the planning commission, they have not been approved because sewer and storm water issues have not been worked out. January 15, 2004 Marriott-Slaterville City Council 6:30 p.m., 1140 W. 400 North Discussion/action on election of council president and vice president Discussion/action on new business licensing for John J. Lucas, 379 S. 2200 West, family hobby kits and framed magic squares, and B & M Predator, 3202 W. Pioneer Road, predator and pest removal Oath of office for newly elected officials Report on the annual independent audit Discussion/action on resolution regarding the various award programs for outstanding individuals in the community Discussion/action on resolution regarding intent to adjust common boundary with Ogden City in accordance with the request for boundary adjustment filed by Weber School District Discussion on request for boundary adjustment by West Haven Officers reports and legislative oversight January 22, 2004 20 YEARS AGO Elmer and Bertha Cottrell celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary during an open house hosted by their children. They were married Jan. 31, 1934, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.... Sandra Spencer was installed as president of the Weber Homemakers.... |