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Show Qualified parcels must: 1) be at least 5 acres, 2) used for agricultural purposes, and 3) registered "greenbelt" property. Such permits are valid for 30 days, unless the state later issues a burn restriction suspending all burning in a region. Community Development Department The department often receives calls regarding building permits and zoning questions. The most common question is the requirements for a building permit. The regulations for building permits have recently changed because of the adoption of the new International Building Codes. A building permit is required from the department for any addition or remodeling. A building permit request must include a building plan showing the project in detail, including the method and materials for construction. Also, a plot plan is necessary showing the location of a proposed addition or structure in proximity to all property lines, other structures, and roads. Finally, building permit is not required for any structure under 200 square feet (this is larger than was allowed under the old code). However, keep in mind that the zoning requirements and setbacks must still be followed. Whether or not a building permit is required, it is the responsibility of the owner or contractor to follow all zoning, development laws, and building codes. Questions, contact the Development Department at 627-1919. _ LOCAL EVENTS Senior Citizens Marriott-Slaterville and Weber Fire District will host a senior citizens health day at the city office (1140 W. 400 N. Bldg 15C) on May 17, 2004 during regular office hours. The event will feature blood pressure checks and health readiness information in case of an emergency. For questions, please call Dennis Holland at 782-3580. Horse Show at the Fairgrounds Mountain West Miniature Horse and Shetland Pony Owners invite you to join them for a fun filled weekend of tiny equine. It is happening May 28-30 at the Weber County Fairgrounds. The event hosts the AMHR/ASPC/ASPR National Area Region VIII shows featuring around 400 classes for Registered Miniature Horses and Shetlands. Horse lovers of all ages are sure to be delighted. Classes begin May 28 at 4:30 p.m., continue May 29 and 30 staring at 9:00 a.m., and go through the day. Classes include Halter (conformation) and Performance. Also included are be driving, costume, and jumping classes. A stall decorating contest will be held so stalls should be an added attraction. Many entries are expected representing participants in 6 states and parts of Canada in Region VIII. Admission is free for spectator events. Bring your family and enjoy the activities. For more information call Luwana Day at 731-2894 or Cherie Hurst at 731-8586. Also visit a website at: http://members.aol.com/mwmho/index.html Planning Commission - April 14, 2004, 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Approve Minutes. 2. Request for rezone from A-l to C-2P for RV Storage at 250 North 1950 West. 3. Quail Meadows subdivision at 900 South on 1200 West. 4. Ordinance relating to regulations in more than one zone and development fees. 5. New business/old business. 6. Adjourn. This agenda is tentative and items can and will change. City Council Agenda - April 15, 2004, 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Pledge/Remarks/Minutes. 2. Mayor's Volunteer of the Month Award. 3. Discussion/action on new business licenses. 4. Discussion/action on adoption of tentative FY 2004-05 budget in accordance with UCA 10-6-113, and set May 20, 2004, for public hearing on final budget. 5. 2004-05 Capital Improvement Plan. 6. Executive session on the purchase of real estate. 7. Officers reports and legislative oversight. 8. Adjourn until Thursday, May 20, 2004. This agenda is tentative and items can and will change. LOCAL UPDATES Driver License. Some people want to renew their driver license to put Marriott-Slaterville as their place of residence. This has been a problem in the past and hopefully the state has now it corrected. It is the city's understanding that the state has finally put our community in their system. When at the DLD, request the clerk enter our community code "2944" in order to put Marriott-Slaterville as your place of residence on your driver license. Life Solutions Insurance Agency Term life insurance rate comparisons. Life insurance for people with health conditions. Life insurance for people ages 0-95. Disability income protection. Contact: Bart Spencer 731-7258 2067 West 250 North, MSC, UT 84404 |