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Show 40 CHURCHES—CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 1501 Washington av. No regular pastor or services. UNITARIAN. Unitarian Church services in K of P Hall Sundays at 8 p m. Rev W T Brown, Pastor; res 1470 Cahoon av. MISCELLANEOUS. Japanese Y M C A—Adams av s e cor 24th. Services Sunday, 3 p m; Sunday School, 4 pm. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday School—519 W 24th. Salvation Army—2472 Lincoln av. Services daily, 8 pm; Sunday, 2:30 and 8 pm; Sunday School, 12 m. Joseph R Harlan, Captain; res 965 25th. Relief Dept, 137 25th; Wm Boyd, Mgr. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Assembly Club—149 25th. L W Fair, Pres; J W Stanley, Sec and Treas. Associated Press—360 24th. T R Copps and L B Mitchell, Oper¬ators. Catholic Knights of America (St Joseph's Branch, No 420)— Meets first and third Thursdays in each month, at home of Secretary. J E Clausse, Pres; Louis Bucher, Fin Sec; W J Dermody, Rec Sec. Daughters of The King (in connection with the Church of the Good Shepherd)—Meets every Thursday evening at Rectory. Miss Sylvia Dee, Pres. Elks' Club—2416 Washington av. J H Knauss, Sec. Epworth League (in connection with First Methodist Church)— Estella Hambly, Pres; Guy Anderson, Sec. Fruit Growers' Assn of Weber County—E G McGriff, North Ogden, Pres; C A Hickenlooper, View, V-Pres; John Farr, Ogden, Treas; J E Wright, Ogden, Sec; J E Ballantine, Joseph Hubbard, Ezra Steed, Directors. Grand Army of The Republic—See page 43. Iowa Association—Chamber of Commerce Bldg. John E Bailey, Pres; Dr D M Smith, V-Pres; O A Kennedy, Treas; Mrs Mary Griffin, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Meets at church every Thursday. Mrs A A Wenger, Pres; Mrs E W Newcomb, Sec; Mrs R Reynolds, Treas. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First M E Church— Meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p m; Mrs Frances E Craig, Pres; Mrs W C Rarig, Sec. 41 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES-COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS CLUBS AND SOCIETIES—COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at church. Mrs T D Johnson, Pres. Ladies' Missionary Board (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets second Friday of each month at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs T Bradley, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Association—206 Eccles Bldg. J H Knauss, Sec. Musical History Club—Mrs R P Hunter, Pres; Miss Gertrude Biddell, Vice-Pres; Mrs J M Bishop, Sec; C A Smurthwaite, Treas. Ogden Baseball Association—2382 Washington av. G H Matson, Pres; C H Kircher, Sec and Treas. Ogden Druggists' Association—No regular time or place of meet¬ing. T H Carr, Pres; John Culley, Sec. Ogden Gun Club—2414 Washington av. Shooting grounds at 20th cor Lincoln av. Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; A L Brewer, Vice-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec and Treas. Red Cross Society—2708 Jefferson av. Mrs Wm Driver, Pres. Social Board (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)— Meets first Thursday of each month at 4 pm in church parlors. Mrs R M Robinson, Pres; Mrs Earl Richardson, Sec. Tolstoi Circle—Meets alternate Tuesdays at homes of members. Mrs T J Edwards, Pres; Mrs E W Newcomb, Sec. Weber Club—Top floor Eccles Bldg. A R Heywood, Pres; W C Wright, Vice-Pres; R E Hoag, Treas; I L Reynolds, Sec and Mgr. Weber County Sportsmen's Association—No regular place of meeting. John M Browning, Pres; G L Becker, Vice-Pres; A P Bige¬low, Sec; Christian Flygare, Treas. Weber County Fair Association—Court House. W W Craig, Sec. Western Railway Weighing Assn and Inspection Bureau—U P R R Freight Depot. T F Collins, Chief Inspector. P S C E (in connection with First Congregational Church)— Meeets in church parlors Sundays at 6-45 p m. Allie Gunnell, Sec and Treas. P S C E (in connection with the First Presbyterian Church)— Senior Department, Sunday evening, 6:30 H G Mouch, Pres; Miss Leola Howe, Sec and Treas. Meets in church parlor. Young People's Union (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets at church every Sabbath evening, 7 o'clock. Ethel Greene, Pres. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Board of Education of Ogden City—203-206-208 Eccles Bldg. R S Joyce, Prese; H W Gwilliam, Vice-Pres; William Allison, Supt; D |