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Show 458 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047. P. O. Box 86. OGDEN. UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. Nettleton Shoes Shoes for the Whole Family 236 25th St. R.L. POLK AND CO’S PINGREE AND KELLER (Job Pingree jr, Emil Keller jr) Dealers in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fish and Game in Season, Staple and Fancy Groceries, 2614- 2616 Washington av, Ind Tel 241. (See adv.) PINGREE AND KELLER Seeds, Hay, Grain and Produce MEATS and GROCERIES All kinds of Stock and Poultry Sup¬plies WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL 2614-2616 Washington Ave. Both Phones Pinkham Ora, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bds 559 23d. Pinkham Ruth, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bds 241 23d. PIONEER COAL AND LUMBER CO, H P Randall Pres, Sec, Treas and Mgr, J A Randall V-Pres and Director, 345 2d, Bell Tel 1408-Y, Ind 345. (See adv.) H. P. RANDALL Puts. Sec.Treas. and Mgr. O. S. L. R. R. Agent J. A. RANDALL Vice-Pres. and director PIONEER COAL AND LUMBER CO. PROMT DELIVERY 345 2nd ST., OGDEN, UTAH PHONES BELL 1408-Y. IND. 345 Piparis Gustave, lab U P R R, res 155 24th. Piparis Peter, lab U P R R, bds 155 24th. Piparis Thomas, lab U P R R, bds 155 24th. Slade’s Hack Line MEETS ALL TRAINS 408 25th St. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 459 J. C. NYE, Money Loaned on Approved Security 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Piper George H, res 170 W Patterson av. Pitcher Charles G, foreman UPRR, bds St Paul House. Piva Rosalia, student Utah State School. Pixiatti Franco, ash man S P Co. Plain City Canning Co, A L Brewer mgr and sales agt, 334 24th. Plain City Cemetery, T E Cottle sexton, Plain City. Plain City School, Plain City. Plain City Ward Amusement Hall, Plain City. Plain City Ward Meeting House, Plain City. Planz Philip (Johnson and Planz), res 2526 Lincoln av. Platfoot Etta, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 2243 Adams av. Platfoot Henry J, foreman, res 2243 Adams av. Platfoot Inez, bds 2243 Adams av. Piatt Joseph C, mgr J C Piatt Saddlery Co, res 3204 Lin¬coln av. Piatt J C Saddlery Co, J C Piatt mgr, 2277 Washington av. Plyer Edwin P, hlpr S P Co, bds 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer Frank, brklyr, bds 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer Harry, moved to Ely, Nev. Plyer Joseph T, fireman, bcls 2139 Lincoln av. Plyer Percy C, brkman S P Co, res 545 23d. Plyer Thomas, res 2139 Lincoln av. Polairo Samuel, janitor Kiesel Hall, rms 423 25th. Police Headquarters, Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. MAILING LISTS ANY KIND ANYWHERE R. L. POLK AND CO. 617-620 Dooly Bldg. Salt Lake City Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANSHAW, Proprietors 421 ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |