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Show 132 J. G. KIHLSTROM GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. SHOP AND RESIDENCE 1736 GIBSON AVE. BELL PHONE 599-Z DOMOTO AND CO. 153-155 25th Street STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES R.L. POLK AND CO’S CARLSON CHARLES P, Sec Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, res 2853 Washington av, Ind Tel 3800-A. Carlson Mrs Christina, furn rooms, 132 25th. Carlson Elmer, lab, bds 541 Douglas. Carlson Enoch, student, bds 541 Douglas. Carlson Ericka, bds 541 Douglas. Carlson Evan, instr State Industrial School. Carlson Frederick J, cook Healy Cafe, res 173 24th. Carlson Frederick W, mason, bds 541 Douglas. Carlson James, res 1777 Gibson av. Carlson James M, clk T B Evans and Co, res 180 17th. Carlson Jens, wagonwkr Savage and Bune, res 1777 Gibson av. Carlson Joseph A, mach, res 2232 Adams av. Carlson Joseph L, rest, 2468 Wall av, res 2684 Washington av. Carlson J Leland, student High School, bds 2684 Wash¬ington av. Carlson Marie, student High School, bds 2684 Washington av. Carl son Ole, bottler Becker B and M Co, bds 1777 Gibson av. Carlson Reuben E, fireman S P Co, rms Cottage Hotel. Carlson Wm, emp Becker B and M Co, res 541 Douglas av. Carnahan Catherine G, tchr Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 2447 Grant av. Carnahan John D, phys, res 2447 Grant av. CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Miss Grace W Harris Li¬brarian, Washington av n w cor 26th. Carney, see also Kearney. Carney John E, eng S P Co, res 2727 Lincoln av. Car-oba Medicine Co, J H Donnellon mgr, 2356 Washing¬ton av. Carpenter Adrian L, stenog U P R R, res 427 24th. Carpenter Horatio B, actor, rms 22 Grand Opera House Blk. Carr, see also Karr. Jogalong Transfer Co. We move Pianos and Furniture with utmost care 328 ½ 25th Street Both Tels. 283 133 Hyrum Belnap Lumber Company All Kinds Building Material 235 Twenty-Fourth Street THE TOGGERY THE BROWNE-TAYLOR CO. BROWN'S $3 HAT STETSON HATS 2448 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Carr Ada K. opr Utah Incl Tel Co, bds 2079 Adams av. Carr Anna E, stenog City Engineer, bds 3279 Adams av. Carr Charles B, carp, rms 431 25th. Carr Charles J, hlpr S P Co, bds nr U L and R Co Power House. Carr Christina, bds nr U L and R Co Power House. Carr Ernest G, moved to Salt Lake City. Carr Eugene E, student High School, bds 2619 Grant av. Carr Frank, foreman U L and R Co, res nr power house. Carr Frank jr, hlpr U L and R Co, bds nr power house. Carr George E, barber C J Tribe, rms 334 24th. Carr Gertrude W (wid George W), res 1341 25th. Carr Henry, gasman D and R G R R, res 23 Jefferson av. Carr Isaac A, gasman D and R G R R, res 3293 Ogden av. Carr James A, bds 3279 Adams av. Carr John C, teller John Scowcroft and Sons Co, res 2768 Jefferson av. Carr Robert, arc trimmer U L and R Co, res 1008 E 12th. Carr Mrs Sarah A, res 3279 Adams av. CARR THOMAS H, Druggist and Agt Rexall Remedies, 300 25th, Bell Tel 293, Ind 136, res 2619 Grant av, Ind Tel 389. Carra Raymond, clk Central Hotel, bds same. Carroll Chrystal, clk, bds 2338 Grant av. Carroll Hannah (wid Wm), res 2338 Grant av. Carroll Peter J, hlpr S P Co, res 450 30th. Carroll Stephen, fireman S P Co, rms Bovle Blk. Carruth Nellie, bds 963 25th. Carson Frank, miner, res 2259 Read av. Carson Jennie, clk, bds 2259 Read av. Carson Mamie, student High School, bds 2259 Read av. Carstensen Alta, clk, bds 549 21st. Carstensen Charles M, clk D and R G R R, res 2665 Monroe av. Carstensen Florence M, clk W H Wright and Sons Co, bds 2669 Monroe av. Carstensen Joseph, lab, res 2669 Monroe av. |