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Show 202 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047. P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. Shoes for the Whole Family Nettleton Shoes 236 25th St. R.L. POLK AND CO’S ELECTRICAL COMPANY (Commercial Electric Co), Stanley S Stevens Mgr, 2279 Washington av, Ind Tel 362. (See adv.) Commercial Electric Co. STANLEY S. STEVENS, Manager HOUSE WIRING Dealers in Fixtures, Shades and All Electrical SUplies We are “THOSE LITE MENT.” Our Specialty is the ART of ILLUMINATION. We solicit your patronage. Ind. Phone 362 2279 Washington Ave. ELEPHANT CLUB ROOMS, J F Smith and Co Proprs, 308 25th. (See adv.) ELEPHANT THE, J F Smith & Co Proprs, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 308 25th. (See adv.) The Elephant Bar and Club Rooms Elegantly Equipped and Commodious J.F. SMITH AND CO. PROPRIETORS 308 25th Street Where the Elephant Hangs Out. Slade’s Hack Line Meets All Trains 408 25th St. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 203 J.C. NYE, Money Loaned on Approved Security 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Elias Edward C, clk, rms European Hotel. Eliopoulos Spiros, bootblk, 366 25th, rms same. ELITE CAFE, Thomas C Foley Propr, Oysters, Fish, Game, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 2415 Washington av, Both Tels 72. (See right side lines.) ELITE CAFE THOS C. FOLEY, PROPRIETOR OYSTERS, SHELL FISH, GAME AND IMPORTED DELICACIES. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS CHOICEST BRANDS 2415 Washington Avenue ELITE STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING CO, Taylor and Wilson Proprs, Ladies and Gents Clothings of All Kinds Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired, Dyeing and Dry Cleaning a Specialty, 1881 Washington av, Bell Tel 987-K, Ind 344. EIKS' CLUB, J H Knauss Sec, 2416 Washington av, Bell Tel 780, Ind 23. ELKS' LODGE, 2416 Washington av, Bell Tel 780, Ind 23, J H Knauss Sec, 200 Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 450. ELLIOTT JAMES M, Physician and Surgeon, 2356 Washington av, Ind Tel 441, Hours 10 a m to 6 p m, res w s Washington av 3 n of city limits. Elliott Gustave A, lab, res 2167 Wall av. Elliott Julius, waiter S P Co, Union Depot. Ellis Albert P, gen mdse, 2014 Washington av, res 2018 same. Ellis Alma L, farmer, bds View. Ellis Amanda, bds N Ogden. Ellis Bernetta, bds N Ogden. Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANDSHAW, Proprietors 421 ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |