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Show 432 Japanese-American Industrial Corporation Railroad, Beet and Mining Labor Agents 141 Twenty-fourth Street Allen Transfer Co. Albert Allen, Prop. Office 412 25th St. Both Tels. 22. R.L. POLK AND CO’S OGDEN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO, Rufus Ford Mgr, 2459 Grant av, Bell Tel 910, Ind 36. (See adv under classified Transfer Companies.) OGDEN TURF EXCHANGE SALOON, Harry Pattison Propr, 326 25th, Ind Tel 881. (See p 445.) Ogden Union Ry and Depot Co, W H Bancroft pres, F J Kiesel v-pres, F N Hess sec, F V S Crosby treas, E C Manson supt, 16 Union Depot. OGDEN WATER WORKS CO, C H Kircher Mgr, 2378 Washington av, Both Tels 137. Ogden amd Northwestern Railroad Co, M S Browning pres, C H Kircher sec, 2378 Washington av. Ogee Wm H, trav agt John Scowcroft and Sons Co, rms Reed Hotel. Ogino Ringo, lab U P R R. Ogletree Wm B, dining car cond S P Co, Union Depot. O'Gorman Harry, motorman, rms 2252 1/2 Washington av. Ogren, see Agren. O'Harnett, see also O'Hornett. O'Harnett Charles M, brkman, res 442 E 18th. Ohate George, farmer, res Wilson's la. Ohler Eugene, driver Reese Howell and Sons, rms 2520 Washington av. Ohlson, see also Olsen. Ohlson Axel B C, moved to Brigham City, U. Ohlson A Elvera, student, bds 2762 Volker av. Ohlson Engward S, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 136 Washington av. Ohlson Hyrum, eng U P R R, res 2762 Volker av. Ohlson Oscar E, eng S P Co, res rear 463 26th. O'Hornett, see also O'Harnett. O'Hornett Charles H, brkman S P Co, res 170 21st. Oka S, lab U P R R. Okamoto Tadashi, houseman, rms 2771 Washington av. O'Kane, see also Cain and Kane. O'Kane David, setter S P Co, rms Healy Hotel. KELLY AND HERRICK Fire and Life Insurance, Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVE. BOTH PHONES 76 Polk_1908 216 434 HALVERSON BROTHERS Motto "Satisfaction" NUMBER 425 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. BELL PHONE 1322 FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS CRAWFORD SHOES 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Olson Anna L, milliner Mansfield and Burrows, bds 2338 Grant av. Olson Charles, tmstr, res 2338 Grant av. Olson Edward, lab, rms 132 25th. Olson Emma A, clk S J Burt and Bros, bds 425 28th. Olson Fred, driver, bcls 2234 Washington av. Olson Gustave, emp Wasatch Orchard Co. Olson Julius, moved to Oakland, Cal. Olson Leora, stenog F E Lewis, bds 2783 Grant av. Olson Lonnie, clk Utah Stationery Co, rms 2338 Grant av. Olson Ole A, lab, res 314 2d. Olson Mrs Mary, res 200 N Washington av. Olson Pauline, bds P F Geisler. Olswang Mitchell, mgr Ogden Overall and Shirt Co, Wash¬ington av s w cor 17th, res 2363 Kingsford av. OLYMPIA CANDY CO, Nicholas Dimas Propr, Confec¬tioners and Candv Mnfrs, 2313 Washington av, Ind Tel 854. O'Mara Philip S, moved to Salt Lake City. O'Neil John, lab Union Depot, bds 154 27th. O'Neil Mazie F, tchr Pingree School, bds Sacred Heart Academy. O'Neill Bessie A, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 234 27th. O'Neill Block, 423-427 25th. O'NEILL BROS (Richard P and John), Proprs The Owl, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Billiards and Pool, 232 25th Ind Tel 135. O'Neill Ella F, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 234 27th. O'Neill John (O'Neill Bros), res 3035 Washington av. O'NEILL JOHN P, Pres J P O'Neill Construction Co, res 2763 Madison av, Ind Tel 1109. Don't Lend Your Directory Boston Meat Market UTAH REFRIGERATED BEEF 2458 WASHINGTON AVENUE 435 Want a first-class meal or drink? Patronize the Elite Café 2415 Washington Avenue IT’S OUR BUSINESS TO FIND A HOME FOR YOU GARRISON, FOSTER AND GARRISON Both Phones 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY O'NEILL J P CONSTRUCTION CO, J P O'Neill Pres, D A Smyth V-Pres, Wm J Moran Sec, A R Heywoocl Treas, Contractors, Paving, Sewer, Asphaltum, Ce-ment,etc, 423 25th, Ind Tel 908. (See right bottom lines.) J. P. O'Neill Construction Co CONTRACTORS OF STREET PAVING, SEWERS and WALKS DEALERS IN Stone, Cement, Asphaltum, Pitch and Tar Ind. Tel. 908 423 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, OGDEN, UTAH O'Neill Kate E, music tchr, 262 28th, bds same. O'Neill Lulu (wid John), bds 2920 Hudson av. O'Neill Michael, lab, rms 128 25th. O'Neill Michael L, eng U P R R, res 262 28th. O'Neill Peter, coppersmith S P Co, res 2131 Reeve av. O'Neill Richard P (O'Neill Bros), res 234 27th. Ono Y, propr Star Restaurant, 222 25th. Oosterhuis Elizabeth, bds 2808 Adams av. Oosterhuis Sycina, smstrs, res 2808 Adams av. Opera House Block. (See Grand Opera House Block.) Opheikens Anna, domestic, 507 25th. Opheikens Jacob, farmer, bds 249 W 2d. Opheikens Jens, lab, res 238 Harrisville av. Opheikens John, bds 1863 Park av, Riverside Park. Opheikens Koeno, candymkr, bds 1863 Park av, Riverside Park. Opheikens Tjerk, brewer, res 1863 Park av, Riverside Park. OPPMAN BENJAMIN (Rosenbluth and Oppman), res Reed Hotel. ROSENBLUTH AND OPPMAN Clothiers and Haberdashers HATS SHOES TROUSERS 352 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Bell Tel. 631 |