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Show 420 J. G. KIHLSTROM GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. SHOP AND RESIDENCE 1736 GIBSON AVE. BELL PHONE 599-Z DOMOTO AND CO. 153-155 25th Street MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, SHOES, ETC. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Nordquist Mary E, clk John Scowcroft and Sons Co, bds 35 Harrisville av. Nordquist Peter, blksmith, 35 Harrisville av, res same Norman Charles D, saloon, 152 25th, rms 2583 Grant av. Norman Wm J, car repr, res 329 Washington av. Norris Irving, packer Forest Service Dept, res 2937 Pingree av. Norris John H, trucker S P Co, res 2159 Grant av. Norris Richard A, res 1650 Washington av. Norris Thomas, mason, res N Ogden. Norris Thomas R, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Norris T Wm, farmer, res N Ogden. Norseth Bertha, domestic, 1450 25th. Norseth Carl E, baker, bds 562 E 1st. Norseth Elizabeth M, bds 562 E 1st. Norseth Peter O, tailor, res 562 E 1st. Norseth Ole, porter G A Gaymon, bds N Ogden. North Barney, clk, bds 2072 Washington av. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE Co (of London, England), B H Goddard Agt, 412 Ec- cles Bldg. North Mercur Mining and Milling Co, J H Knauss sec, 200 Eccles Bldg. North Ogden Amusement Hall, N Ogden. North Ogden Canning Co, J E Randall pres, J E Storey sec, A L Brewer treas, mgr and sales agt D E Rand-all foreman, factory N Ogden, office 334 24th. North Ogden Irrigation Co, Nathaniel Montgomery pres. George S Dean sec, W Marlon Berrett treas, N Ogden. North Ogden Post Office, Alice Dean postmaster, N Og¬den. North Ogden School, N Ogden. North Ogden Ward Meeting House (L D S), N Ogden. North Star Mining and Milling Co, J H Knauss sec, 200 Eccles Bldg. Trunks and Baggage to and from depot Household Furniture Moved Jogalong Transfer Co. 328 1/2 25th Street Both Tels. 283 Hyrum Belnap Lumber Company All Kinds Building Material 235 Twenty-Fourth Street STETSON'S STYLISH THE TOGGERY SHOES FOR MEN 2449 Washington Avenue OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO (of Milwaukee, Wis), Emil F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Norton Arthur A, salesman J J Brummitt, rms 2215 Lin-coln av. Norton J Wm, collr, res rear 2259 Monroe av. Norton Laura, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 3070 Porter av. Norton R Earl, barber P A Gysin, rms 138 25th. Norton Wm I, agt, res 3070 Porter av. Norval Agnes (wid John), res rear 2038 Adams av. Nourse Edwin G, tchr High School, res 477 25th. Novack Joseph, tailor C H Ecklund, rms 2465 Washing¬ton av. Novel Wm, driver Bramwell Grocery Co, rms 2244 Wash¬ington av. Nowlin Charles C, painter, rms 427 25th. Nuckols James R, propr Lyceum Theatre, rms 2520 Wash¬ington av. Nukai Tomasi, clnr S P Co. Nunn Andrew, brkman O S L R R, res 2409 Lincoln av. Nurses Home (in connection with Ogden General Hospi¬tal), 2664 Madison av. Nye Mrs Alice J, res 773 30th. Nye Cecilia A (wid Stephen W), res rear 3278 Ogden av. NYE FRED M, V-Pres and Mgr Fred M Nye Co, 2413 Washington av, Ind Tel 501, res 2670 Jefferson av, Ind Tel 772. MAILING LISTS ANY KIND ANYWHERE R.L. POLK AND CO. 617-620 Dooly Bldg. Salt Lake City Watson-Tanner Clothing Co. Successors to Z. C. M. I, "Where the Best is Sold" 376 24th Street Where the Clothes Fit |