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Show 394 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. Shoes for the Whole Family Nettleton Shoes 236 25th St. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Miller Richard, fireman S P Co, res Ogden Canyon. Miller Robert, student High School, bds Harrisville. Miller Robert T, clk U P R R, res 2639 Jefferson av. Miller Rosabella, bds Harrisville. Miller Stephen P, cond U P R R, res 151 30th. Miller Thaddeus H, farmer, bds Marriott. Miller Thomas J, farmer, res Burch Creek. Miller Walter D, clk Ry M S, rms The Colonial. Miller Wm, miner, res 1181 23d. Miller Wm G, tmstr, bds 201 33d. Miller Wm H, electr, rms Lincoln Hotel. Miller Wm H, farmer, res Plain City. MILLER AND EATINGER (F C Miller, C H Eatinger), Proprs Ogden Office Supply Co, 2482Washington av, Bell Tel 693. (See adv.) Miller and Saunders (A J Miller, H C Saunders), gen contrs, 278 26th. Millgate Ellen (wid Wm), res 354 28th. Millgate Matilda, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, bds 567 27th. Milligan Archibald, insp S P Co, res 684 22d. Milligan Archibald jr, baker, bds 684 22d. Milliken Albert, barnman Blair Livery, res 140 25th. Milliken Donald P, vet surg, 2246 Washington av, res 2155 Adams av. Milliken Mrs Effie, bkpr Singer S M Co, res 2155 Adams av. Mills Albert, mach, bds 718 23d. Mills Annie, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bcls 141 2d. MILLS ERNEST P, Homeopathic Physician and Sur¬geon, 23 Lewis Blk, Bell Tel 266, Hours 10 to 11 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, res 2613 Madison av, Bell Tel 709-K, Ind 709. Mills Frank G, insp, res 223 W 31st. Mills Jane, maker Leader Millinery, bds 141 2d. Mills Jane N (wid Andrew), res 141 2d. Mills Kate E, student High School, bds 223 W 31st. Slade’s Hack Line MEETS ALL TRAINS 408 25th St. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 395 J. C. NYE, Money Loaned on Approved Security 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Mills Mary, milliner Mansfield and Burrows, bds 141 2d. Mills Newell F, carrier P O, bds 223 W 31st. Mills Samuel, farmer, bds 141 2d. Mills Thomas, farmer, res 248 W 2d. Milns Harry O, clk Ry M S, rms 2818 Washington av. MILWAUKEE MECHANICS' INSURANCE CO, Emil F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Minnoch David, glazier Griffin Paint Co, bds 165 23d. Minnoch Grace M, tel opr, bds 165 23d. Minnoch Margaret B (wid Peter), res 165 23d. Minnoch Peter, foreman Eccles Lumber Co, res 168 22d. Minnoch Robert B, glazier Griffin Paint Co, res 451 30th. Minor Wm E, laund Royal Steam Laundry, res 2770 River av. Minter Clarence A, meat ctr, bds 10 M E av. Minter Silas A, trav agt, res 10 M E av. Minty Margaret J, tchr Pingree School, rms Wedell-Kiesel Blk. Mires, see Meyer and Myers. Misch Edward F, druggist T H Carr, res 2775 Grant av. Mitchell Antonio, lab U P R R, bds Lincoln House. Mitchell Bros (Robert C and Christopher), marble, 2003 Jefferson av, yards 21st n w cor Wall av. Mitchell Mrs Cassie S, res 335 26th. Mitchell Christopher (Mitchell Bros), res 2113 Lincoln av. Mitchell Earl M, moved to Salt Lake City. Mitchell Ellis E, lab, rms 143 26th. Mitchell Emma B (wid James E), bds 2921 Pingree av. Mitchell Frank, moved to Seattle, Wash. Mitchell Fred D, stonectr Mitchell Bros, res 2127 Roval av. Mitchell George D, mnfrs agt, 339 4th, res same. Mitchell George M, res 1902 Jackson av. Mitchell Mrs Irene, res 234 26th. Mitchell James, res 3268 Wall av. Mitchell John, eng S P Co, bds 2213 Lincoln av. Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANSHAW, Proprietors ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |