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Show 158 THE TROY WAY I STHE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE NEWTON AN DBURNHAM BUILDING CONTRACTORS Estimates furished on Application Repair Work and Specialty Screen Work of All Kinds Made to Order 2254 Washington Ave. OGDEN, UTAH R.L. POLK AND CO’S CONSOLIDATED WAGON AND MACHINE CO, B P Critchlow Mgr, Agricultural Implements, etc, 2284 Washington av, Both Tels 19. (See left top lines and P8.) Continental Oil Co, J E Williams mgr, n s 24th w of railroad tracks CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO, T Komada Pres, H Senow Sec, J T Ninomiya Gen Mgr, B Y Kaneko Asst Mgr, Japanese Provisions and General Merchandise, 2456 Wall av, Bell Tel 1047. (See left side lines.) Contos John, grocer, 138 25th, rms 134 same. Conway Daniel, foreman, res 247 28th. Conway Daniel W, tmstr, bds 247 28th. Conway Michael, lab UPRR, res N Ogden. Conway Thomas H, cond S P Co, res 735 25th. Cook, see also Koch. Cook Charles F, bds 2631 Grant av. Cook Christopher C, student, bds 956 22d. Cook Mrs Clara E, sec Fraternal Union of America, bds 553 20th. Cook Columbus, driver Spargo's Book Store, bds 956 22d. Cook Edna, student Sacred Heart Academy. Cook Edward, res 2920 Pingree av. Cook Elma, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 35th cor Grant av. Cook Elmer J, clnr S P Co, bds 2787 Lincoln av. Cook Ernest A, cond, res 2631 Grant av. Cook Frederick, washer Nelson and Fell, rms 330 24th. Cook Glen C, repr S P Co, res N Ogden. Cook Herbert B, res 956 22d. Cook Herbert J, student, bds 956 22d. Cook Ida A (wid Frank E), res 2787 Lincoln av. Cook James H, brkman U P R R, rms Denver House. Cook Jane A, bds 2923 Washington av. Cook Jennie, student High School, bds rear 105 28th. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of Team Work. 715 28 ST., Bell Te. 1036-Y 159 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 264 24TH ST. “HOME OF THE OUTFIT” BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRPAERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Cook John T, warehouseman UPR R, res 2923 Washing¬ton av. Cook J Howard, student High School, bds rear 105 28th. Cook Joseph H, died Apr 3, '08, age 50. Cook Marion M, tchr, bds 2920 Pingree a v. Cook May A, student, bds 2787 Lincoln av. Cook May S, student High School, bds 553 20th. Cook Park H, trav frt agt OSLRR, UPR R and S P Co, res 2665 Washington av. COOK PERCY A, Dentist, 226 Eccles Bldg, res 553 20th, Bell Tel 360-X. Cook Mrs Rose, bds 2737 Pacific av. Cook Ruby, student Sacred Heart Academy. Cook Thomas, tmstr Sidney Stevens Imp Co, rms 2923 Washington av. Cook Wm, dist train agt S P Co, res 222 23d. Cook Wm, repr S P Co, bds 2745 Park av. Cooke Agnes, tchr, bds 2920 Pingree av. Cooke Mrs Agnes L, res 2920 Pingree av. Cooke Jeannette, student High School, bds 3054 Ogden av. Cooke John H W, clk, bds 2920 Pingree av. Cooke Mary M, tchr, bds 2920 Pingree av. Cooke Walter G, student, bds 2920 Pingree av. Cooker Henry B, tinner S P Co, bds Central Hotel. Coolbear David W, moved to Salt Lake City. Cooley Alta M, tchr Plain City School, bds 843 26th. Cooley Anna V, student High School, bds 843 26th. Cooley Chester, cook, rms 2214 Washington av. Cooley Gordon, student Weber Stake Academy, bds N Ogden. Cooley Isaac M, clk Ogden Furn and Carpet Co, res 2462 Monroe av. Cooley Martin H, farmer, res N Ogden. Cooley Myron P, stove repr Ogden Furn and Carpet Co, res 843 26th. Cooley Nellie, bds N Ogden. Cooley Samuel H, res N Ogden. J.P. O’Neill Construction CO. DEALERS IN Stone, Cement, Asphaltum, Pitch and Tar 423 Twenty-Fifth Street Ind. Tel. 908 |