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Show 162 HALVERSON BROTHERS SANITARY PLUBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Motto “Satisfaction” NUMBER 425 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BELL PHONE 1322 FRED M. NYE CO. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK AND CO’S COREY LIVERY AND FEED STABLES (A B and L A Corey), Up-to-Date Livery, 2566 Washington av Both Tels 29. COREY WARREN E, Director Corey Bros Construction Co, res 530 29th, Bell Tel 1233-Y. COREY WARREN W, V-Pres Corey Bros Construction Co, res 530 29th, Bell Tel 1233-Y. Corlett Wm, carp, res 2180 Boulevard av. George S, bkpr First Nat Bank, bds 2683 Jefferson av. Corlew John S, trav agt Fred J Iviesel Co, res 2683 Jef¬ferson av. Corlew Ralph S, eng City Engineer, bds 2683 Jefferson av. Corn Margaret B, bds 649 23d. CORN SAMUEL T, Lawyer, 207-208 First Nat Bank Bldg, Ind Tel 499, res 649 23d, Ind Tel 3791-A. Corn Thompson, asst ticket agt Ogden Union Ry and Depot Co, bds 649 23d. Corn Wm A, student High School, bds 649 23d. Cornelli Dominick, lab, res 143 23d. Cornwell Bailey (Leedom and Cornwell), res 473 23d. Cornwell W Irving, clk U P R R, res 468 28th. Corporation Yards, 2560 Grant av. Correy Lewis L, farmer, res rear 748 23d. Corry, see also Corey. Corry J Perry, bkpr First Nat Bank, res 3290 Washington av. Corse George H, res 622 27th. Cortez Abbie I, prin West Ogden School, bds 38th nr Har¬rison av. Cortez Building, 3474 Washington av. Cortez Inez, student High School, bds 38th nr Harrison av. Cortez Mildred, student High School, bds 38th nr Harri¬son av. Corwin Wm F, electr, rms Denver House. Coryell Charles W, cond S P Co, res 2581 Washington av. Cosgrove Marcus D, moved to Salt Lake City. RUSSELL-JAMES CO. Full Line of Fish, Game and Poultry 2458 WASHINGTON AVENUE 163 ELITE CAFÉ BAR Full and Complete Line of First-Class Wines, Liquors and Cigars 2415 WASHINGTON AVENUE INSURANCE GARRISON, FOSTER AND GARRISON, BEST RATES QUICK ADJUSTMENTS Both Phones 2411 Washington Ave. Coss John, drftsman, res 278 28th. Costello Angelo, moved to Salt Lake City. Costello Martin ,moved to Salt Lake City. Costley Daniel J, died Dec 16, '07. Costley Marian F (wid Daniel J), res Harrisville. Costley M Catherine, tchr, bds Harrisville. Costley R Sheridan, student, bds Harrisville. COTTAGE HOTEL, J H Smith Propr, 2518 Lincoln av, Bell Tel 233-Y. Cottle Charles H, lab, res Plain City. Cottle Charles W, carp, res 663 20th. Cottle Thomas E, farmer and sexton Plain City Cemetery, res Plain City. Cottle Wm H. farmer, res Plain City. Cotton Lualwin W, moved to St Paul, Minn. Cotton Thomas, hlpr S P Co, bds Healy Hotel. Couch Arthur P, sec Flewelling Bldg Co, bds 3033 Wall av. Couch Mamie L, bds 3033 Wall av. Couch Oscar L, barber Brighton and Friese, res 2047 Jeffer¬son av. Couch Perry M, brkman S P Co, res 3033 Wall a v. Couch Walter M, switchman OSLRR, bds 429 26th. Coughlin Grace C, tchr Central School, bds 2671 Adams av. Coughnet Kathryn M, stenog Reed Hotel, bds 459 20th. Coughnet Wm H, bds 459 20th. Coulston Mary W (wid James), bds 446 E 17th. Coulter Chester E, phys, 420 Eccles Bldg, res 1257 24th. Coulter Halvor G, bds 1257 24th. Council Chambers, City Hall. Counts Wm L, clk Broom Hotel, rms 376 25th. County Assessor, Edwin Dix, Court House. County Attorney, Nathan J Harris, 409 First Nat Bank Bldg. ROSENBLUTH AND OPPMAN KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHING Clothiers and Haberdashers 352 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Bell Tel. 831 |