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Show 322 HALVERSON BROHTERS SANITARY PLUBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Motto “Satisfaction” NUMBER 425 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. BELL PHONE 1322 FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Judkins Rhoda M, student, bds N Ogden. Jugler Frank C, farmer, res nr Junction City Driving Park. Junction City Driving Park, bet 26th and 28th w of city limits. Junk John A, tchr Central School, res 3296 Ogden av. Jutrosinski Isidor, clothing, 350 24th, res 2965 Lincoln av. Juvenile Court, City Hall. K Kadas John, lab S P Co. res S P Yards. Kadish Bela, res 2540 Jefferson av. KADMES THOMAS, Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Soda Water, Jefferson av n w cor 24th, res same, Bell Tel 1323. Kahn, see Cohen and Kohn. Kaji Kiso, corres Japanese Amer Ind Corp, rms 141 24thv Kalen Peter L, bds 2364 Jefferson av. Kammeyer Ernest, plumber Halverson Bros, res 129 30th. Kammeyer Harry M, farmer, res 3339 Woodland av. Kammeyer Mrs Irene, res 222 W 31st. Kammeyer John M, porter J E Davenport, bds 129 30th. Kammeyer Paul J, clk Marriott Grocery Co, res 647 27th. Kane, see also Cain and O'Kane. Kane D John, boilermkr S P Co, bds Lincoln Hotel. Kane Kathleen, student Sacred Heart Academy. Kane Myra, student Sacred Heart Academy. Kane Newell L, student High School, bds 2456 Madi¬son av. KANEKO B Y, Asst Mgr Continental Supply Co, 2456 Wall av, rms Wilson's la, Bell Tel 1370-1 Red. Kap Aldrich, student, bds 3219 Wall av. Kap Annie, bds Burch Creek. Kap George, lab, bds 3219 Wall av. Kap Grace, bds Burch Creek. Kap Hino, farmer, res Burch Creek. Kap Jacob, lab, res 3219 Wall av. RUSSELL-JAMES CO Full Line of Fish, Game and Poultry 2458 WASHINGTON AVENUE 323 ELITE CAFÉ BAR Full and Complete Line of First-Class Wines, Liquors and Cigars 2415 WASHINGTON AVENUE INSURANCE GARRISON, FOSTER AND GARRISON, BEST RATES QUICK ADJUSTMENTS Both Phones 2411 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Kap Jacob jr, lab, bds 3219 Wall aV. Kap Jacob R, bds 2921 Wall av. Kap John, emp Ogden Pkg and Prov Co, res w s Weber River nr 31st. Kaplan Solomon J, salesman A Kuhn and Bro, rms 526 25th. Karakes Thomas, lab U P R R, res U P Yards. Karr, see also Carr. Karr Herman C, hlpr S P Co, rms Reed Hotel. Kasakasa H, clnr S P Co, bds Japanese House. Kasey, see also Casey. Kasey Mary A (wid Thomas), res Slaterville. Kasey Patrick, brkman S P Co, res 106 24th. KASIUS ANDREW, Groceries and Provisions, 743 23d, res same, Bell Tel 328-Z, Ind 1045. Kasius Peter, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 743 23d. Kasson, see Cassin. Kato Karashita, barber, 150 25th, res rear same. Kato S, clk Continental Supply Co, rms 136 Shorten's av. Katuski Peter, hlpr S P Co, bds Japanese House. Kauffman Eugene J, tmstr, rms 2547 Lincoln av. Kaufman John, mach S P Co, rms Reed Hotel. Kaufman John H, cook Stimson's Cafe, res 918 24th. Kaufman Wm F, pressman The Standard, bds 2819 Wash¬ington av. Kavanaugh Fannie, waiter Union Depot Hotel. Kavanaugh Margaret, waiter Union Depot Hotel. Kavanaugh Mary (wid James), bds 2128 Sherburne av Kawata T, lab U P R R, bds Japanese House. Kay Block, 2482-2484 Washington av. Kay Charles W, moved to Fresno, Cal. Kay Clifford G, student High School, bds 2649 Adams av. Kay David N, bds 2484 Washington av. Kay James O, bds 2608 Lincoln av. Kay Juanita, bds 2482 Washington av. ROSENBLUTH AND OPPMAN Clothiers and Haberdashers KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHING 352 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Bell Tel. 631 |