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Show 602 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. CLOTHIERS TO MEN WHO CARE Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s SHOES 236 25TH ST. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Watson John R, clk Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, bds 2556 Madison av. Watson Joseph W, eng S P Co, res 209 26th. WATSON J DOUGLAS, Sec Watson-Flygare Hdw Co, res 3156 Washington av, Ind Tel 1093. Watson Leila M, bds 2339 Lincoln av. Watson Lindsay P, motorman, bds 540 E 16th. Watson Louis L, clk S P Co, bds 2339 Lincoln av. Watson Lucy, bds 2918 Pacific av. Watson Malcolm W, student Weber Stake Academy bds 2556 Madison av. Watson Mary A (wid Franklin H), res 2918 Pacific av. Watson Rufus, bds 2918 Pacific av. WATSON-TANNER CLOTHING CO, John Watson Pres and Treas, N A Tanner V-Pres and Mgr, C P Carlson Sec,. Clothing, v Furnishings, Hats, Shoes, Trunks and Valises, 376 24th, Both Tels 160. (See right bottom lines.) Watson Thomas D, bds 239 27th. Watson Wm D, carp, res 540 E 16th. Watson Wm G, mach L H Becraft, res 2339 Lincoln av. Watters, see Waters. Wattis Edmund E, eng, bds 664 28th. Wattis Edmund O, contr, res 664 28th. Wattis Estella H, bds 2649 Jefferson av. Wattis Ethel M, student, bds 664 28th. Wattis Mrs Martha, librarian Christian Science Reading Room, Masonic Temple, res 664 28th. Wattis Marguerite, student High School, bds 664 28th. Wattis Mattie C, bds 664 28th. WATTIS WARREN L, Supt Utah Construction Co, Treas Utah Stationery Co, res 438 17th. Wattis Wm H, v-pres and mgr Utah Construction Co, res 2649 Jefferson av. Watts Edward C, messr Wells, Fargo and Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln av. Watts Ephraim, moved to Laramie, Wyo. Sladee’s-Malan Transfer CO. FOR EXCURSION TRIPS 408 25TH ST. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 603 J.C. NYE Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B.H. GODDARD LIFE INSURANCE 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Watts George, cook S P Co, Union Depot. Watts George A (Watts and Best), bds 2540 Lincoln av. Watts John, res 2268 Jefferson av. Watts Lawrence M, porter Exchange Bar, res 1965 Grant av. Watts Nellie M, opr Utah Ind Tel Co, bds 658 Washing¬ton av. Watts Wm, res 2540 Lincoln av. Watts Wm H, barber, 1824 Washington av, res 658 same. Watts W Wallace, clk S P Co, bds 658 Washington av. Watts and Best (G A Watts, L B Best), saloon, 372 25th. Way Edith R, student, bds 2123 Grant av. Way John A, caller, bds 2123 Grant av. Way Vincent A, lab, res 256 21st. Wayment Cornelius, emp Amagamated Sugar Co, res Wil¬son's la. Wayment Horace, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Wilson, U. Wayment Pearl, opr Utah Ind Tel Co, bds 2748 Jefferson av. Wayment Samuel, eng, res 2748 Jefferson av. Wayment Wm C, driver, res Riverdale. Wayment Wm T, res 2239 Monroe av. Weable Ora O, moved to Winnemucca, Nev. Wear James A, janitor Carnegie Free Library, res Wash¬ington av cor 25th. Weatherby Albert E, butcher, res 2813 Washington av. Weatherby Richard H, meat ctr Chicago Market, res 2935 Grant av. Weatherspoon, see Wotherspoon. Weatherston Charles, res Plain City. Weatherston Elvin, student, bds Plain City. Weatherston George F, farmer, res Plain City. Weaver Calvin, res 3274 Ogden av. Weaver Charles V, farmer, res Burch Creek. Weaver Frederick A, emp Becker B and M Co, res 365 22d. Weaver Hazel, student, bds 3306 Washington av. Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANSHAW, Proprietors 421 ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |