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Show 566 Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both Cast and West BELL PHONE 699-Y IND. PHONE 355 O. M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax and Furs Always in the Market at top Market Prices. Reference Commercial Bank, Ogden, Utah OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 2263-2269 WALL AVE. E.J. JONES AND CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER, LATH, DOORS AND SASH Yard, 2830 Wall Ave. Phone, Bell 753-X R.L. POLK AND CO’S Thomas Joseph H (Last and Thomas), res 2549 Madi¬son av. Thomas J Earl, farmer, bds Farr West. Thomas Lillian H, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 518 27th. Thomas Lois, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2035 Adams av. Thomas Mabel, student, bds 2268 Jefferson av. Thomas Mrs Mary, res 173 27th. Thomas Mary, res Slaterville. Thomas Mary S (wid Thomas S), res 2746 Wall av. Thomas Moroni H, trav agt Ogden Pharmacal Co, res 518 27th. Thomas Myrta E, tchr Lewis School, bds 469 24th. Thomas M Loretta, bds Farr West. Thomas Nathaniel J, res 2348 Jefferson av. Thomas Nellie C, bds 317 18th. Thomas Paul A, clk, res 173 27th. Thomas Mrs Pearl, moved to Roy. U. Thomas Richard M, eng S P Co, bds 2317 Grant av. Thomas Roland M, student, bds 518 27th. Thomas Rose M, clk Last and Thomas, bds 322 30th. THOMAS SAMUEL (Ogden Coal and Ice Co), Mgr Og¬den City Ice Co, 413 24th, res 474 E 13th, Bell Tel 1444, Ind 1073. Thomas Samuel J, gardener, res 317 18th. Thomas Seth E, chf dep County Recorder, res 114 28th. Thomas Stova F (wid Daniel F), res 322 30th. THOMAS STUDIO, H H Thomas Propr, O H Hassing Mgr, 2457 Washington av, Ind Tel 376. Thomas Thomas G, moved to Devil's Slide, U. Thomas Mrs Verna, bds 871 23d. Thomas Walter, student, bds 2348 Jefferson av. Thomas W Preston, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Woodmansee Blk. Thompson Belle, bds 2659 Washington av. Thompson Benjamin L, bds Riverdale. CHILDREN’S FOTOS A SPECIALTY 2434 Washington Ave. Phones: Bell 245. Ind. 294 567 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Thompson Bessie H, moved to Plain City, U. Thompson Charles H, farmer, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson Charles L, lab, res 2827 Jefferson av. Thompson Christina T, tchr Wilson Ward School, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson Daisy, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson Donnie M, moved to Santa Barbara, Cal. Thompson Elizabeth W, clk John Scowcroft and Sons Co, bds 2659 Washington av. Thompson Frank, eng O S L R R, res 2602 1/2 Adams av. Thompson Fred, lab, res 450 27th. Thompson Frederica, moved to Santa Barbara, Cal. Thompson George A, farmer, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson George P, farmer, res Riverdale. Thompson Grover C, student, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson Harry J, waiter Vienna Cafe, res 2734 Grant av. Thompson Henry B, live stock, res Plain City. Thompson Henry M, farmer, bds Plain City. Thompson Irene, moved to Pocatello, Ida. Thompson James, waiter, bds 2347 Jackson av. Thompson Rev James, moved to Santa Barbara, Cal. Thompson James A, res 1067 24th. Thompson James A, farmer, res Wilson's la. Thompson James T, repr, res 2762 Park av. Thompson John, eng OSLRR, res 2602 1/2 Adams av. Thompson John R, farmer, bds Riverdale. Thompson Joseph, lab, bds 2453 Quincy av. Thompson Joseph W, tchr, bds 351 30th. Thompson Leland M, farmer, bds Plain City. Thompson L Glen, clk, bds 351 30th. Thompson Matthew, hlpr, rms 3114 Lincoln av. Thompson Ralph H, bds Riverdale. Thompson Ray M, druggist Wm Giddings, res 2769 Ad¬ams av. Thompson Robert, chef OSLRR, Union Depot. Thompson Roderick J, moved to Santa Barbara, Cal. THE NOBBY SUITORIUM MAKERS OF NIFTY TOGS WE FIT ‘EM ALL. The Choicest and Most Reasonable Assortment of Spring and Summer Fabrics in Ogden CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 318 Twenty-Fifth St. Ind. Phone 381 |