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Show 298 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE N.O. OGDEN CO. Nettleton Shoes Shoes for the Whole Family 236 25th St. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Hunt Frederick L, farmer, res Plain City. Hunt George A, farmer, res Plain City. Hunt Mrs Ida, bds 982 22d. Hunt James, farmer, res Plain City. Hunt James W, brkman S P Co, bds 2922 Child's ay Hunt Joseph, farmer, bds Plain City. Hunt Maude, bds 3123 Porter av. Hunt Robert, emp Union Stock Yards, bds same. Hunt Wm, farmer, res Plain City. Hunt Wm A, mining, res 299 Childs av. Hunter Adam McG, farmer, res W Weber. Hunter Alexander, farmer, res Slaterville. Hunter Alitha, student Sacred Heart Academy. Hunter Mrs Capitola A, music tchr, 2248 Ouincy av, res same. Hunter Charles E, student, bds 2841 Pingree av. Hunter Christina, bds 322 31st. Hunter Christina B (wid Robert), res 322 31st. Hunter David F, farmer, res Wilson's la. Hunter Dee D, mach, res 183 W 12th. Hunter Eugene S, bds 2248 Quincy av. Hunter George F, res 767 26th. Hunter George W, clk, res 2422 Adams av. Hunter Harriet B (wid Robert), bds 2248 Quincy av. Hunter Henry, driver City Feed Store, bds 183 W 12th. HUNTER INVESTMENT CO, R P Hunter Pres, 0 A Kennedy Sec and Treas, 412-413 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 115. (See adv.) Hunter James, farmer, res Slaterville. Hunter James A, trav agt John Scowcroft and Sons Co, res Salt Lake City. Hunter James B, farmer, res W Weber. Hunter James F, farmer, res W Weber. Hunter Jeane S, bds 2248 Quincy av. Hunter John, farmer, res W Weber. Hunter John W, farmer, res Riverdale. Hunter Margaret (wid Adam), res 2841 Pingree av. Slade’s Hack Line MEETS ALL TRAINS 408 25th St. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 299 J. C. NYE, Money Loaned on Approved Security 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Hunter Margaret (wid John), res 2161 Reeve av. Hunter Margaret J, stenog Cragun Bros, bds 322 31st. Hunter Marie, student Utah State School. Hunter Marilla P, student, bds 2248 Quincy av. Hunter Nettie H, chf opr R M Bell Tel Co, bds 2841 Pingree av. HUNTER RALPH P (Hunter and Kennedy), Pres Hunter Investment Co, 412 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 115, res 2248 Quincy av, Bell Tel 808. Hunter Robert, bds 2161 Reeve av. Hunter Robert A, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 322 31st. Hunter Robert C, fireman, bds 2841 Pingree av. Hunter Samuel, moved to Rawhide, Nev. Hunter Thomas G, trans man Union Depot, rms Denver House. Hunter Wm C, farmer, res W Weber. Hunter W Frederick, foreman Amalgamated Sugar Co, res Wilson's la. HUNTER AND KENNEDY (Ralph P Hunter, Olin A Ken¬nedy), Mortgage Loans, Real Estate, etc, 412-413 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 115. (See adv.) Hunter and Kennedy MORTGAG LOANS REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE MINING INVESTMENTS 412-413 First National Bank Building Ogden, Utah Huntsinger Noah, bds 127 31st. Huntsman Ezra, blksmith S P Co, res Canyon rd nr Van Buren av. Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANSHAW, Proprietors 421 ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |