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Show 326 Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West BELL PHONE 699-Y IND. PHONE 355 O. M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax and Furs Always in the Market at top Market Prices. Reference: Com¬mercial Bank, Ogden, Utah OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 2263-2269 WALL AVE. E. J. JONES AND CO. Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, DOORS and SASH Yard, 2830 Wall Ave. Phone, Bell 753-X R.L. POLK AND CO’S Kelliher Cornelius J, mach S P Co, bds 2260 Adams av. Kelliher Jeremiah F, bartndr Mark Murphy, res 170 27th Kelliher John L, fireman UPRR, bds 170 27th. Kelliher Marie, opr Utah Ind Tel Co, bds 170 27th. Kellogg Frank, fireman S P Co, res 2525 Lincoln av. Kellos John, farmer, res Lincoln av nr 8th. Kelly, see also Keeley and Kelley. Kelly Catherine (wid Thomas), res 150 W 22d. Kelly Charles J, mach S P Co, rms Reed Hotel. Kelly Dana, student, bds 2117 Adams av. KELLY GEORGE J (Kelly and Herrick), res 2117 Adams av, Bell Tel 380. Kelly John T, wiper, res rear 258 22d. Kelly Joseph, fireman S P Co, rms Montana House. Kelly Peter, lineman R M Bell Tel Co, bds 335 26th. Kelly Rex M, student High School, bds 2117 Adams av. Kelly Thomas, hlpr S P Co, bds 150 W 22d. Kelly Wm, hlpr, bds rear 1834 Washington av. Kelly Wm A, carp UPRR. KELLY AND HERRICK (George J Kelly, John L Herrick), Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Reed Hotel Bldg. Both Tels 76. (See left bottom lines.) KELLY AND HERRICK Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate and Loans 2500 Washington Ave. BOTH PHONES 76 Kemsley Charles, farmer, bds Farr West. Kemsley Grace, bds Farr West. Kemsley Jesse, farmer, res Farr West. CHILDREN’S FOTOS A SPECIALTY 2434 Washington Ave. Phones: Bell 245. Ind. 294 327 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH St. COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Kemsley Jesse jr, farmer, bds Farr West. Kemsley Lewis, driver Jogalong Transfer Co, res 140 28th. Kendall Anna J (wid Andrew J), res rear 638 23d. Kendall James Edward, electr Commercial Electric Co, bds rear 638 23d. Kenley Fred, carrier, res Plain City. Kenley Jessie, student, bds Plain City. Kenley Kate, student Inter-Mt Bns Coll, bcls 259 Harrisville av. Kenley Wm, carp, res Plain City. Kennedy Agnes, student Sacred Heart Academy. KENNEDY ANGUS (Kennedy and Whittrock), Propr Kennedy Coffee House Co, 330 25th, and Kennedy's Cafe and Bakery, 2454 Washington av, res same, Bell Tels 339 and 185. (See p 328.) KENNEDY COFFEE HOUSE CO, Angus Kennedy Propr, 330 25th, Bell Tel 339. Kennedy Daniel, grocer, 258 25th, res 2151 Grant av. Kennedy Edward, boilermkr S P Co, rms Reed Hotel. Kennedy Elliott W, clk W W Kennedy, bds 2258 Grant av. Kennedy Frank W, lab, bds 2258 Grant av. Kennedy Hite, cook, res 2620 Wall av. Kennedy John, boilermkr S P Co, res N Ogden. Kennedy Joseph, repr S P Co, bds N Ogden. Kennedy Julia (wid Frank), res 2832 Pacific av. Kennedy Leota S, tchr, bds 2910 Washington av. KENNEDY OLIN A (Hunter and Kennedy), Sec and Treas Hunter Investment Co, First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 115, res 2910 Washington av. Kennedy Rose P (wid Benjamin B), bds 2910 Washing¬ton av. KENNEDY WYATT W, Mgr Union Central Life Ins Co, Eccles Bldg, res 2258 Grant av. THE NOBBY SUITORIUM MAKERS OF NIFTY TOGS. WE FIT ‘EM ALL The Choicest and Most Reasonable Assortment of Spring and Summer Fabrics in Ogden CLEANING, PRESSING, AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 318 Twenty-Fifth St. Ind. Phone 381 |