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Show 224 Japanese-American Industrial Corporation Railroad, Beet and Mining Labor Agents 141 Twenty-fourth Street Allen Transfer Co. Albert Allen, Prop. Office 412 25th St. Both Tels. 22 R.L. POLK AND CO’S Flewelling Magdaline (wid Joseph R), bds 2626 Quincy av. Flewelling Maude E (wid Win S), bds 321 27th. Flewelling Wm S, pres Flewelling Bldg Co, res 1977 Grant av. Flinchbaugh John A, cigarmkr Columbia Club Cigar Co, bds 365 28th. Flinders Alma T, trans man Union Depot, res 3211 Grant av. Flinders Frederick T, solr, res Grant av cor 10th. Flinders Isaac F, salesman Consolidated W and M Co, res 455 31st. Flint Ellis, brklyr, res 953 21st. Flint Richard, res 2731 Jefferson av. Flitton George, firelighter S P Co, res 2253 Read av. Floren Jacob A, moved to Butte, Mont. Floren John, eng S P Co, res 2422 Adams av. Florence Crittenton Home, Mrs M Skewes-Preshaw ma¬tron, 2544 Butler's la. Flower John H, lab, res 2235 Read av. Flower Theron, student, bds 2235 Read av. Flowers Claude J, watchman Boyle Furn Co, res 680 27th. Flowers Edith R, bds 680 27th. Flowers Ethel, clk Richardson and Grant, bds 680 27th. Flowers G Morris, salesman Fred M Nye Co, res 217 22d. FLYGARE CHRISTIAN, Mgr Watson-Flygare Hdw Co, 2414 Washington av, Member City Council, res 2421 Jefferson av, Ind Tel 851. Flygare John L, clk Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, bds 838 24th. Flygare Joseph F, brkman, res 2429 Jefferson av. Flygare Juliette, bds 838 24th. Flygare Karl F, bds 2421 Jefferson av. Flygare Mary C (wid Nels C), bds 2429 Jefferson av. Flygare Mary J (wid Nels C), res 838 24th. Flygare Nels C elertr Ogden R T Co bds 838 24th KELLY AND HERRICK Fire and Life Insurance, Real Estate and Loans Both Phones 76 2500 Washington Ave. 225 Robt. F. Fleeman CABINET MAKER AND GENERAL JOB WORK 2225 WASHINGTON AVENUE BELL TEL. 359-Y; IND. 3692-A OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. O.A. PARMLEY, Manager 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Flygare Nels C, printer State-Journal, bds 2421 Jefferson av Flygare Oscar, brkman UPR R, res 2429 Jefferson av. Flvnn Amanda (wid Thomas), res 2155 Grant av. Flynn Harvey, eng O S L R R, res 2139 Lincoln av. Flynn James, bartndr C D Norman, rms 152 25th. Flynn Rose, tchr, bds 2631 Grant av. Fogel Ella (wid George), bds 124 W 27th. Fogel Frank, hlpr S P Co, bds 124 W 27th. Foley Charles R, farmer, res Plain City. Foley George C, bartndr T C Foley, res 3012 Adams av. Foley James, foreman, bds 2930 Lincoln av. Foley Lorella, student High School, bds 2332 Jefferson av. FOLEY THOMAS C, Propr Elite Cafe, 2415 Washington av. Both Tels 72, res 2332 Jefferson av, Bell Tel 1611. (See right side lines and p 203.) Folger, see Foulger. Folker Albert B, insp City Engineer, res 1358 Washing¬ton av. Folker Jedediah M, lab, bds 1358 Washington av. Folker John W, tmstr. bds 1358 Washington av. Folker Maude, student, bds 841 Washington av. Folker Myrtillo, lab, bds 1358 Washington av. Folker Raymond D, lab, bds 1358 Washington av. Folkman Ada, lab, bds 2312 Grant av. Folkman Christopher O, farmer, res Plain Citv. Folkman C Angus, driver H C Farrell, bds Court House. FOLKMAN C ORSON (F and A Bar and Cigar Store), res 556 21st. (See p 226.) Folkman Edward, lineman, res 2846 Adams av. Folkman George C, farmer, res Plain City, Folkman George D, janitor Court House, res same. Folkman George E, bds Court House. Folkman Heber N, barber, 380 23d, res 2107 Grant av. Folkman Irene, bds Plain City, Folkman Jens P, res Plain City, Folkman Joseph, saloon, res 556 21st. Ogden Planing Mill CO. Sash, Doors, Turning, Stair Work All kinds of Mill Work 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. Phone 666 Ind. |