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Show 140 PROPRIETORS J.F.Everett and Co. Ogden Feed and Sale Stable 2219 Washington Ave. bell tel. 876. IND. 500 Livery and Boarding J. M. FORRISTALL Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections 414-415 First Nat. Bank Bldg. R. L. POLK AND CO'S Chapman Elijah, res 2904 Washington av. Chapman Ellen, bds 2538 Monroe av. Chapman House, Ada Wingrove propr, 150 25th. Chapman Sarah C, bds 2128 Adams av. Chapman Winnie, student Utah State School. Chappell Arthur J, mach, bds 809 20th. Chappell Thomas A, painter T D Swift, res 2835 Lincoln av. Chappell Walter W, bds 809 20th. Chappell Wm, mason, res 809 20th. Chappell Wm A, blksmith Savage and Bune, res 410 21st. Chapple Benjamin O, driver Burgi and Webb, res rear 2265 Monroe av. Chappie Eliza, bds 2259 Monroe av. Chappie Emily, stripper Columbia Club Cigar Co, bds 3149 Wall av. Chappie George W, ydman R B Lewis, res 3149 Wall av. Chappie J Harold, driver Geo A Lowe Co, bds 2259 Mon¬roe av. Chappie Lizzie, bds 3149 Wall av. Chappie Orson S, clk, bds 2259 Monroe av. Chappie Wm, clk Cragun Bros, bds 2259 Monroe av. Chappie Wm F, shoemkr, 766 23d, res same. Chappie Wm G, lid painter S P Co, res 2259 Monroe av. Chapson Harry W, clk S P Co, res 2539 Adams av. Chard Ivan E, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Liberty, U. Charles Cyrus, saloon and pool, 132 25th, res 133 same. Charles Peter, cook S P Co, Union Depot. Charlesworth Ambrose S, painter S P Co, bds 355Q Lin¬coln av. Charlesworth Benjamin, trans man Union Depot, res 3550 Lincoln av. Charlesworth Clara E, student, bds 3550 Lincoln av. Charlesworth Mabel A, clk W H Wright and Sons Co, bds 3550 Lincoln av. Charlton Edward C, farmer, res W Weber. T. W. JONES Building Moving, and Construction Work H 2846 WALL AVENUE Ind. Tel. 3700-D 141 P.A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete, thus saving you 10% in Cost REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET John J. Wallace and Co. WE GET THE MONEY COLLECTION AND ADJSTMENT AGENCY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Charlton Ray A, farmer, bds W Weber. Chase Abbie, nurse Ogden General Hospital. Chase Adelbert L, brkman S P Co, res 1527 Washington av. Chase Alice K, tchr Dee School, bds 2639 Jefferson av. Chase Byron, tmstr, res 500 E 12th. Chase Charles W, switchtndr Union Depot, res 1563 Washington av. Chase Ezra, carp, res rear 1509 Washington av. Chase E Wells, farmer, res 1509 Washington av. Chase Mrs Harriet, bds 469 12th. Chase Hazel, bds 1563 Washington ay. Chase Ida, tchr, rms 2639 Jefferson av. Chase Jacob W, moved to Ely, Nevada. Chase James U, lab, res rear 1509 Washington av. Chase John, res 256 23d. Chase John W, motorman, res 453 E 13th. Chase Walter D, res 2747 Washington av. Chatelain Ada, student Weber Stake Academy, bds N Ogden. Chatelain Adelbert A, clk T B Evans and Co, bds 137 Pat¬terson av. Chatelain Alexander, res 137 Patterson av. Chatelain Bartholomew E, farmer, res N Ogden. Chatelain Charles E, clk Culley Drug Co, bds 1159 21st. Chatelain Edward P, switchman, res 1159 21st. Chatelain Emil A, student Weber Stake Academy, bds N Ogden. Chatelain Walter A, hlpr S P Co, res N Ogden. Chatland Annie, student High School, bds 2022 Liberty av. Chatland Thomas C, pressman State Journal, res 2022 Lib¬erty av. Chausse Ernest L, lab, res 3050 Porter av. Chausse Fernand, student High School, bds 3050 Porter av. Chausse Louis V, civ eng, bds 3050 Porter av. MEHESEY, THE FURRIER ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS Sealskins a specialty 154 SOUTH MAIN STREET; also KNUTSFORD HOTEL BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY |