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Show 504 VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET STEWART RULLER-WARREN CO. RANGES STOVES HEATERS Best Made C.W. AND M. CO. 23rd and WASHINGTON AV. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Schopp Philip, switchman O S L R R, res 268 W 28th. Schou Jennie, bds 354 4th. Schou Martha (wid Christian), res 354 4th. Schou Martha J, bds 354 4th. Schouten Hans D, baker, res 2826 Monroe av. Schouten John, baker, res 290 W 20th. Schouten Marie J, student, bds 290 W 20th. Schouten Reinhardt, baker Hess B and B Co, res 268 W 20th. Schraub Joseph, fireman S P Co, rms 204 23d. Schroder Maria (wid Frederick), res 541 20th. Schroder Rika, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, bds 541 20th. Schubert Ernest, cook, res 3278 Stephens av. Schultz Harry, boilermkr, bds 134 W 27th. Schultz Oscar E, bds 2626 Barlow av. Schultz Rudolph J, brkman S P Co, res N Ogden. Schumacher Charles, fireman U P R R, res rear 2236 Lin¬coln av. Schumaker, see also Shoemaker. Schumaker Frank C, watchman U P R R. res 2777 Pacific av. Schutte Antonia (wid Hendrikus), res 2866 Monroe av. Schutte Edwin, trucker, bds 2866 Monroe av. Schutte Wm, driver Utah and Oregon Lbr Co, bds 2866 Monroe av. Schwartz Frank A, plumber Louis Zitzman, bds 2234 Jefferson av. SCHWARTZ JOHN J, Propr Home Bakery and Grocery, 2234 Jefferson av, res same, Bell Tel 1145, Ind 319. Schwarz Fred C, moved to Kansas City, Mo. Schweitzer Austin C, barber J G Harris, rms 362 24th. Schwenson Henry, brkman S P Co, res 138 26th. Scofield, see Schofield. Scorey Joseph H, moved to Murray, U. Scott Alexander, miller Peery Bros Milling Co, res 3180 Porter av. Scott Benjamin A, eng S P Co, rms 583 25th. W.N. PEIRCE NOTARY PUBLIC 413 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET 505 Those Good Cement Sidewalks were laid by THE WHEELWRIGHT CONSTRUCTION CO., 2476 Washington Ave. Both Phones 147 Utah Stationery Co. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLIES WASHINGTON AVE., S. W. COR. 24th St. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Scott Benjamin F, farmer, res W 20th and Weber River. Scott David A, student, bds 3180 Porter av. Scott Edward, lab, res Junction City Driving Park. Scott Frances W, bds 361 28th. Scott Hyrum G, clk Wm Giddings, bds 361 28th. Scott Jane (wid Moses), rms Woodmansee Blk. Scott John H, instr State Industrial School, res same. Scott John K, eng S P Co, res Montello, Nev. Scott Katharine (wid Lorin), bds 667 26th. Scott La Von, student Sacred Heart Academy. Scott Lewis E, barber M M Schofield, res 2235 Grant av. Scott Lillian M, clk Last and Thomas, bds 3180 Porter av. Scott Lorin A, bds 667 26th. Scott Parley, messr W H Wright and Sons Co, rms 2475 Washington av. Scott Pearl I, eng S P Co, res 2719 Wall av. Scott Richard, cond O S L R R, rms Idahna Hotel. Scott Walter L, waiter S P Co, Union Depot. Scott Walter O, repr S P Co, res 361 28th. Scott Wm, cond O S L R R, rms Idanha Hotel. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL FIRE INS CO (of Edinburgh), Kelly and Herrick Agts, basement Reed Hotel Blk. SCOVILLE ALVA L (F L Scoville and Co; Scoville Pa¬per Co), Propr A L Scoville Press, 2445 Grant av, res 539 26th, Ind Tel 1003. SCOVILLE A L PRESS THE, A L Scoville Propr, Printers, Embossers and Stationers, Engraving and Copper Plate Printing, 2445 Grant av, Ind Tel 144. Scoville Frank L (F L Scoville and Co; Scoville Pap er Co), v-pres and mgr M G Scoville Sons Co, res 852 24th. SCOVILLE F L AND CO (F L, H B, L S, A L and W B Scoville), Wholesale Brokerage and Storage. 2445 Grant av, Ind Tel 144. Scoville Glenna, student High School, bds 1972 Washing¬ton av. R. FORRESTER MINING ENGINEER AND GEOLOGIST 212-218 BROOKS ARCADE SALT LAKE CITY |