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Show 252 Ogden Feed and Sale Stable Up-To-Date Rigs J.F. EVERETT AND CO., Proprs. 2219 Washington Ave. PHONES: Bell 876 Ind. 500 J.M. FORRISTALL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS, FIRE ACCIDENT AND BURGLARY 414-415 First Nat. Bank Bldg. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Greenwell Robert T, student Weber Stake Academy. Greenwell Mrs Rose, res 484 23d. Greenwell Rose M, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bds 3645 Adams av. Greenwell Salina, student, bds 214 22d. Greenwell Selma, opr R M Bell Tel Co, bds 214 22d. Greenwell Thomas, emp Ogden Pkg and Prov Co, res 459 W 21st. Greenwell T Ray, lineman, bds 176 33d. Greenwell Wm T, circulator State Journal, bds 569 23d. Greenwood Laura, domestic, 529 25th. Greer Wm B, waiter S P Co, bds 2750 Pacific av. Gregor Almond W, clk European Hotel, rms same. Gregory Mrs Helen, moved to Los Angeles, Cal. Gregory Sanford N, mach S P Co, res 2871 Wall av. Gregory Thomas, candymkr Nicholas Dimas, rms 2313 Washington av. Greiner Elizabeth M, bds 128 25th. Greiner Emil C, clk J J Greiner, bds 128 25th. GREINER JOHN J, Propr The Bismarck, Fine Wines, and Liquors, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Lunch Room in Connection, 128 25th, res same, Ind Tel 828. Greiner Mrs Katherine, furn. rooms, 128 25th. Greive Jeanette, domestic, 1763 Washington av. Grenquist Ella A, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 3027 Lincoln av. Grether Herman K, dispenser T W Matthews Candy Co, bds 756 25th. Gries Henry E, druggist Utahna Drug Co, bds 441 27th. GRIES JOSEPH M, Pres and Mgr Utahna Drug Co, Washington av n e cor 25th, Bell Tel 385, Ind 487, res 441 27th, Ind Tel 3671-1. Grieve Christina, student, bds Plain City. Grieve Peter, farmer, res Plain City. Grieve Wm, farmer, res Plain City. Griffin Alfred Orson, plasterer, res 2003 Madison av. T.W. JONES Building Moving, and Construction Work 2846 WALL AVENUE Ind. Tel. 3700-D 253 P.A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Building Furnished Complete, thus saving you 10% in Cost REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET John J. Wallace and Co. WE GET THE MONEY COLLECTION AND ADJUSTMENT AGENCY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. GRIFFIN BENJAMIN J, Mgr Griffin Paint Co, 2310 Washington av, Bell Tel 530, Ind 844, res 2063 Mon¬roe av, Bell Tel 952-K. GRIFFIN H L, Pres and Mgr H L Griffin Co, res 2661 Adams av, Bell Tel 404-X. GRIFFIN H L CO, H L Griffin Pres and Mgr, Joseph T Young Sec, John Nicholas Treas, Fruits, Seeds and Produce, 2364 Wall av, Both Tels 2. (See adv.) The H.L. Griffin CO. WHOLESALE Fruits, Seeds and Produce PACKERS OF Mountain Brand Fresh “Seal Shipt” Oysters 2364 Wall Ave. Both Phones No. 2 Ogden, Utah Griffin Irene L, student High School, bds 462 23d. Griffin John, rms 196 W 28th. Griffin John W (McCamant and Griffin), res 2454 Grant av. Griffin Kenneth, student High School, bds 462 23d. Griffin Leroy, barber, res 2706 Monroe av. Griffin Lewis R, plasterer, res 205 26th. Griffin Louis J, cond S P Co, res 235 24th. Griffin Mary (wid Alfred), bds 2031 Madison av. Griffin Mary E (wid Robert J), artificial flower mnfr, 2602 Washington av, res same. Griffin Maryette (wid Loval), res 330 28th. Griffin Orson J, bds 2003 Madison av. GRIFFIN PAINT CO, B J Griffin Mgr, Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper, 2310 Washington av, Bell Tel 530, Ind 844. Gnffin Parley N, instructor State Industrial School, res 449 Harrop. SEALSKINS A SPECIALTY BUY ONLY MEHESY’S “FAMOUS FURS” 154 S. Main St.; also Knutsford Hotel Building SALT LAKE CITY |