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Show 280 VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET MOWERS RAKES McCORMICK CHAMPION HEADERS BINDERS CONSOLIDATED WAGON AND MACHINE CO. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Heslop Charles, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2032 Jefferson av. Heslop Wm H, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2032 Jefferson av. HESS BISCUIT and BREAD CO, J A Hess Pres, Henry G Hess Sec and Treas, rear 2557-2561 Grant av, Bell Tel 601, Ind 610. Hess Feril V, student High School, bds 2567 Orchard av. Hess Fred N, auditor Dining Car and Hotel Accts O S L R R, U P R R and S P Co, res 2567 Orchard av. Hess Henry G, sec and treas Hess Biscuit and Bread Co, res 2559 Grant av. Hess J Adam, pres Hess Biscuit and Bread Co, res 2736 Grant av. Hess Lyman M, cond, res 310 Bernard. Hess Zura F, student High School, bds 2567 Orchard av. Hesse Harry H, brkman S P Co, res 2748 Lincoln av. Hesse Helen, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 2748 Lin¬coln av. HESTMARK ALFRED T, Printer and Book Binder, 2408 Washington av, Bell Tel 342, res 475 22d, Bell Tel 1182, Ind 935. Hestmark Mrs A T, grocer, 475 22d, res same. Hestmark Carl W, res 674 23d. Hestmark Viggo T, pressman A T Hestmark, bds 674 23d. Hetzler Delphia A, tchr, bds 3378 Washington av. Hetzler Eileen I, bkpr Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, rms 3378 Washington av. Hetzler Eva S, bkpr Utah Stationery Co, rms 3378 Wash¬ington av. Hetzler Leona, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 2006 Wash¬ington av. Hewes, see also Hughes. Hewes Fred W, repr S P Co, res 218 N Washington av. Hewes Roy L, student, bds 218 N Washington av. Hewitt Benjamin, brkman U P R R, res 243 26th. W.N. PEIRCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS 413 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET 281 NO JOB TOO SMALL, NONE TOO LARGE FOR US TO FIGURE ON The Wheelwright Construction Co., RAILROAD CONTRACTORS OGDEN Utah Stationery CO. FANCY GOODS, SOUVENIRS AND VIEWS, BLANK BOOKS AND CUTLERY Washington Ave., S.W. Cor. 24th ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Hewitt George, lab, res 2663 Madison av. Hewitt James, farmer, res Marriott. Hewitt John R, fireman S P Co, rms Boyle Blk. Hewitt Lawrence, concl, res 2855 Lincoln av. Heyman Wm F, bartndr Diamond Sample Rooms, res rear 238 1/2 23d. Heyward, see Hayward. Heywood, see also Haywood. HEYWOOD ABBOT R, Pres Commercial Nat Bank, Treas J P O'Neill Construction Co, Lawyer, 369 24th, Bell Tel 64, res 675 25th, Ind Tel 675. Heywood John G, bds 675 25th. Hiatt Harry, moved to Portland, Ore. Hibbard Stella, tchr State Industrial School. Hibbs Ambrose P, osteopath, 407 Eccles Bldg, res 347 27th. Hick Ernest, fireman U P R R, res 276 25th. Hickenlooper Caroline E, bds 2219 Hudson av. Hickenlooper Charles A bishop Pleasant View Ward, res View. Hickenlooper Delia A, student Weber Stake Academy, bds View. Hickenlooper Elvira M (wid John T), res 2219 Hudson av. Hickenlooper Florence, student Weber Stake Academy, bds View. Hickenlooper Frank, student, bds View. Hickenlooper Orson H, farmer, res View. Hickenlooper Ray C, student, bds View. HICKENLOOPER WM A, Genl Mgr Inter-State Realty Co, Gen Sales Agent Irrigated Land Co of California, Utah and California Irrigated Fruit Lands a Special¬ty, Gen Office 209 Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 295-Y, Ind 711, res 246 23d, Ind Tel 872. (See back cover.) Hickey Delvina, student Sacred Heart Academy. Hickey J Albert, messr Forest Service Dept, res 2454 Ad¬ams av. R. FORRESTER Geologist and Mining Engineer Member American Institute of Mining Engineers. Member of Mining Institute of Scotland. F.G.S. of Edinburgh. Member of Federated Institute Mining Engineers. Advisor Correspondent of C. E. Exploration CO. of London. Member Colorado Scientific Society. 212-218 BROOKS ARCADE. Salt Lake City |