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Show 348 Ogden Feed and Sale Stable Up-To-Date Rigs J.F. EVERETT and Co., Proprs. 2219 Washington Ave. PHONES: BELL 876 IND. 500 J. M. FORRISTALL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS, FIRE ACCIDENT AND BURGLARY 414-415 First Nat. Bank Bldg. R.L. POLK AND CO’S Leatham George W, meterman, bds 2061 Madison av. Leatham Mary A (wid Robert), res 2061 Madison av. Leaver, see Lever. Leavitt Albert L, student, bcls 161 2d. Leavitt Charlotte (wid Josiah), res 2339 Monroe av. Leavitt Chauncey L, grocer, 1800 Washington av, res 660 E 12th. Leavitt Clyde J, student, bds 161 2d. Leavitt C Lewis, clk, bds 660 E 12th. Leavitt Eugene, moved to Boise, Ida. Leavitt Hazel D, bds 660 E 12th. Leavitt James, lab, res 161 2d. Leavitt James, mach Utah Construction Co, bds 2930 Lin¬coln av. Leavitt Jennie (wid Jasper), clk, res 461 27th. Leavitt Laura L, clk M J Leavitt, bds 2847 Adams av. Leavitt Le Roy H, meat ctr Ogden Pkg and Prov Co, res 561 E 17th. Leavitt Lewis, bartndr Exchange Bar, res 565 E 17th. Leavitt Mary A (wid John), res 140 Shorten's av. Leavitt Mary J (wid Jasper W), grocer, 534 28th, bcls 2847 Adams av. Leavitt Myrtle M, bds 161 2d. Leavitt Sylvia I, bds 2272 Grant av. Lechtenberg Karl, music tchr, 2759 Park av, res same. Leduc Susan, res 12 Electric av. Ledwidge Florence, student Sacred Heart Academy. Lee Bessie (wid David L), res 2804 Washington av. Lee Bessie, student Weber Stake Academy, bcls 337 22d. Lee Mrs Carrie E, furn rooms, 321 24th. Lee Charles, lab Union Depot, bds 154 27th. Lee Cornelius F. brkman S P Co, res 2776 Lincoln av. Lee Edward F, carp, bds rear 232 W 22d. Lee Edward M, brkman S P Co, res 2376 Lincoln av. Lee Edwin, cond S P Co, res 2961 Wall av. Lee Elliott J, hlpr, bds 2847 Nye av. Lee Fred W, appr S P Co, bds Reed Hotel. T. W. JONES Building Moving, and Construction Work 2846 WALL AVENUE Ind. Tel. 3700-D 349 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete, thus saving you 10% in Cost REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET John J. Wallace and Co. WE GET THE MONEY COLLECTION AND ADJUSTMENT AGENCY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Lee Gee, rest, 151 25th. Lee George B, brkman S P Co, res 2841 Nye av. Lee Harry A, eng, rms Windsor Hotel. Lee Harry L, timekpr UPRR, rms 583 25th. Lee Henry, lab, rms Central Hotel. Lee John, student Weber Stake Academy. Lee Joseph, lineman, bds 2847 Nye av. Lee Joseph M, brkman, res 2957 Wall av. Lee Nels P, farmer, res Farr West. Lee Paul M, clk Utah Nat Bank, bds 565 24th. Lee Quong, laundry, 229 25th. Lee Rhoda M, housekpr, 2567 Madison av. Lee Thomas, eng, res 2847 Nye av. Lee Thomas W, mach, bds 2847 Nye av. Lee Wm J, brkman, res 337 22d. Lee Wm M, stage carp, res 2330 Adams av. Leedom Crayton M (Leedom and Cornwell), res 2240 Grant av. LEEDOM AND CORNWELL (C M Leedom, Bailey Corn- well), Proprs Falstaff Cafe, 2425 Washington av, Bell Tel 167, Ind 94. Leek Eva M, student High School, bds 2627 Jefferson av. LEEK RICHARD (Calvert and Leek), res 2627 Jefferson av, Bell Tel 457. Leeman, see Leaman and Lehman. Lees Edwin H, brkman, res 527 23d. Leeson O L, switchman, bds 131 26th. Lefgren, see also Lofgreen. Lefren John, farmer, res 4th cor Madison av. Lefgren John P, carp, res e end 3d. Legger Germtge (wid Albert), bds 3260 Stephens av. Leggett James C, horse dlr, res 2308 Adams av. Le Grande Philip, carp, res 3330 Woodland av. Lehman, see also Leaman. Lehman August, shoemkr, 216 25th, res 3445 Ogden av. Lehman Robert, carp, res rear 2731 Jefferson av. Lehnert Mary (wid George), bds 2945 Lincoln av. When You Think of FURS, Think of MEHESY, THE FURRIER ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS 154 South Main St.; Main St.; also Knutsford Hotel Building, Salt Lake City |