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Show 176 Japanese-American Industrial Corporation Railroad, Beet and Mining Labor Agents 141 Twenty-fourth Street Allen Transfer CO. Albert Allen, Prop. Office 412 25th St. Both Tels. 22 R.L. POLK AND CO’S Daniels John, peddler, res N Ogden. Daniels John S, grocer, 2510 Washington av, res rear 2731 Jefferson av. Daniels Joseph, tmstr, bds 2002 Adams av. Daniels Joseph H, messr Pac Exp Co, res 544 28th. Daniels Joseph R, tmstr, bds N Ogden. Daniels Samuel L, cook S P Co, Union Depot. Daniels Wm S, student, bds N Ogden. Dankers, see Denkers. Dannah Samuel, lab A W Meek, res 757 27th. Dantz John W, waiter S P Co, Union Depot. Danvers Wilford H, clk R M S, bds 550 22d. Darby Albert, lab, res 1940 Odell av. Dargan Wm T, mach S P Co, res 2334 Wall av. Darke James F, helper S P Co. Darke Martha A (wid James), res rear 2152 Washington av. Darnall Martin V, farmer, res Riverdale. Daugherty, see also Doherty. Daughertv Martin L, fireman, rms 204 23d. Davenport George R, electr, res 610 Canyon rd. Davenport Horatio A, res 350 Bernard. Davenport John E (Davenport and Co), saloon, 264 25th, res 2567 Madison av. Davenport Leonard, cook S P Co, Union Depot. Davenport Russell, student High School, bds 2567 Madi¬son av. Davenport Zell, student High School, bds 2567 Madison av. Davenport and Co (John E Davenport), saloon, 248 25th. Davey Frank M, clk U P R R. res N Ogden. Davey Mrs Jennie, moved to Saginaw, Mich.. Davidson Charles A, switchman OSLRR, res 1772 Cen¬ter av. Davidson Erma, student, bds 653 21st. Davidson Heber, driver Jogalong Transfer Co, rms 268 30th. KELLY AND HERRICK Fire and Life Insurance, Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVE. BOTH PHONES 76 177 Robt. F. Fleeman OFFICE, BANK AND STORE FIXTURES 2225 WASHINGTON AVENUE BELL TEL. 359-Y; IND. 3692-A OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. O.A. PARMLEY, Manager 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. Davidson Max, pres Columbia Club Cigar Co, res 653 21st. Davidson Oliver M, brkman S P Co, res 2427 Grant av. Davidson Samuel L, cond S P Co, res 2929 Wall av. Davidson Wm R, cond S P Co, res 2457 Lincoln av. Davies Walter H, clk R M S, res 2531 Orchard av. Davis Ada, cook Utah State School, res same. Davis A Luther, waiter, bds 2828 Nye av. DAVIS CHARLOTTE E W, Propr Palace Royal Millin¬ery, 2438 Washington av, bds The Virginia. Davis Christian, lab U P R R, bds 232 W 22d. Davis Daniel, cook S P Co, Union Depot. Davis Daniel, driver Becker B and M Co, res 347 20th. Davis Daniel R, hlpr S P Co, res 429 W 21st. Davis Daniel S, moved to Reno, Nev. Davis David, eng U P R R, res 347 20th. Davis David E, bkpr Ogden State Bank, rms Reed Hotel. Davis David R, boilermkr, bds 347 20th. Davis Edward J, farmer, res Farr West. Davis Ella C (wid Charles F), smstrs S J Burt and Bros, res 789 21st. Davis Frank, eng S P Co, res 232 W 22d. Davis Frank C, student, bds Riverdale. Davis Frank H, carp, res Riverdale. Davis Frank M, mess U P R R, bds 751 25th. Davis George, bds Farr West. Davis Hannah (wid Thomas), bds Slaterville. Davis Ira, stoker, res 1851 Park av, Riverdale Park. Davis James, lab UPRR, rms St Paul House. Davis James, tmstr T P O'Neill Const Co, rms Central Hotel. Davis James H, lab S P Co, rms Denver House. Davis Jane (wid James), bds 585 24th. Davis Jennie, waiter Angus Kennedy, rms 2510 Lincoln av. Davis Jesse S, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Davis John, eng S P Co, res 408 26th. Ogden Planing Mill Co. Sash, Doors, Turning, Stair Work All kinds of Mill Work Phone 666 Ind. 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. |