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Show 216 217 Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement may be earned concurrently with the Early Childhood, Elementary Education, or the Composite Elementary and Special Education Major certification. Special Education courses taken in the early childhood and elementary education subject area concentrations may count toward the endorsement. Check at the Teacher Education Advisement Center for a Special Education course schedule. Admission Requirements • Students must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program or to the M.Ed, program, or have a current teaching license. • Teachers holding a current teaching license who are only seeking the Special Education endorsement must make application through the Department of Teacher Education Admission Office and complete a separate admissions procedure. • Computer literacy (see page 40) Course Requirements for Endorsement Courses Required (31 or 34 hours) Educ 4510 Foundations in Special Education (3) Educ 4511 Practicum in Foundations Topics (1) Educ 4520 Planning & Managing the Special Education Learning Environment (3) Educ 4521 Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment (1) Educ SI4530 Principles & Applications of Special Education Assessment (3) Educ SI4531 Practicum in Special Education Assessment (1) Educ 4540 Managing Student Behavior & Teaching Social Skills Behavior (3) Educ 4541 Practicum in Student Behavior & Social Skills (1) Educ 4550 Instructional Content & Methods for Elementary Students (3) Educ 4551 Practicum in Content & Methods for Elementary Special Education Students (1) Educ 4580 Instructional Content & Methods for Secondary Students (3) Educ 4581 Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students (1) Educ 4650 Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading Problems (3) Educ 4670 Special Education Student Teaching (4) If not an elementary major the following 3 credit hours in math must be completed. Educ 4640 Diagnosis & Remediation of Math Problems (3) In addition, evidence of a course in Technology and Multicultural Education must be listed on transcripts or taken as part of the endorsement program. Endorsement programs are also offered through the graduate program as electives. Special Education » Grade Requirements: A GPA of 3.00 or better in courses used toward the minor in addition to an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher. » Credit Hour Requirements: 20 credit hours required. There are a number of ways to receive an endorsement. See an advisor. Students must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements as described earlier in this section of the catalog. Course Requirements for the Minor Required Courses Select 20 credits from the following Special Education Core Educ 4510 Foundations in Special Education (3)* Educ 4511 Practicum in Foundations Topics (1)* Educ 4520 Planning & Managing the Special Education Learning Environment (3)* Educ 4521 Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment (1)* Educ SI4530 Principles & Applications of Special Education Assessment (3)* Educ SI4531 Practicum in Special Education Assessment (1) Educ 4540 Managing Student Behavior & Teaching Social Skills (3) Educ 4541 Practicum in Student Behavior & Social Skills (1) Educ 4550 Instructional Content & Methods for Elementary Students (3) Educ 4551 Practicum in Content & Methods for Elementary Special Education Students (1) Educ 4580 Instructional Content & Methods for Secondary Students (3) Educ 4581 Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students (1) and 3 credit hours in reading Educ 4650 Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading Problems (3) or MEduc 6315 Foundations of Teaching Reading in Secondary Education (3) and 3 credit hours in math Educ 4640 Diagnosis & Remediation of Math Problems (3) and student teaching Educ 4670 Special Education Student Teaching (4) (If not completed as a part of Educ 4880) * May be taken prior to admission. See Teacher Education Advisement Center, ED230A, for assistance with registration for these courses if not admitted. ESL (English as a Second Language) : : : - '•■■■> ■ ; : ■ ■ >:,■■.',.;. This program will meet the requirements for the English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement to be added to the Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Teaching certificate. These courses taken at the graduate level may also be used as electives for the M.Ed, degree. See the Department of Teacher Education or the Master of Education Office for more details. Course Requirements for Endorsement Required Courses (17 credit hours) Educ 4250 / MEduc 6250 Second Language Acquisition: Educ 4270 / MEduc 6270 Engl 4410/6410 Engl 4420/6420 Engl 4450/6450 ChFam 4640 Educ 5770 Theories & Implementation (3) Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3) Strategies & Methodology of Teaching ESL (3) English Phonology & Syntax for ESL Teachers (3) ESL/Bilingual Assessment: Theory, Methods, & Practices (2) Building School Partnerships with ESL/Bilingual Families (1) Field Experience in ESL/ Bilingual Education (2) Endorsement programs are also offered through the graduate program as electives. Bilingual * s .:H ..::.::::. :S :. S ^^7-^ ::.M.,:sr:m'm:' This program will meet the requirements for the Bilingual Endorsement to be added to the Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Teaching certificate. Students must also demonstrate language proficiency at the Intermediate High Level, as determined by the Foreign Language Department. These courses taken at the graduate level may also be used as electives for the M.Ed, degree. See the Department of Teacher Education or the Master of Education Office for more details. Course Requirements for Endorsement Required Courses (17 credit hours) Graduate students should contact the M.Ed, director for approved substitutions. Educ 4250 / MEduc 6250 Engl 4420/6420 Educ 4270/MEduc 6270 Engl 4410/6410 Engl 4450/6450 ChFam 4640 Educ 5770 Second Language Acquisition: Theories & Implementation (3) English Phonology and Syntax for ESL Teachers (3) Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3) Strategies & Methodology of Teaching ESL (3) ESL/Bilingual Assessment: Theory, Methods, & Practices (2) Building School Partnerships with ESL/Bilingual Families (1) Field Experience in ESL/ Bilingual Education (2) Endorsement programs are also offered through the graduate program as electives. ESL (ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) . '■ mmm- -■■■■'<••;■': » Grade Requirements: A GPA of 3.00 or better in courses used toward the minor in addition to an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher. » Credit Hour Requirements: 18 credit hours required. Students must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements. Course Requirements for Minor Required Courses (15 credit hours) Educ 4250 Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Implementation (3) Educ 4270 Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3) Engl 4410 Strategies and Methodology of Teaching ESL (3) Engl 4420 English Phonology & Syntax for ESL Teachers (3) Engl 4450 ESL/Bilingual Assessment: Theory, Methods, & Practices (2) ChFam 4640 Building School Partnerships with ESL/Bilingual Families (1) Electives (3 credit hours) Choose one of the following: Engl 3310 Young Adult Literature (3) Engl 3410 The Teaching of Writing (3) Basic Reading '*■'?■ ■:::s-4::-;W:|:;r:-:-:::;::: ^h.;:,,* .* These courses will meet the requirements for a Basic Reading Endorsement to be added to the Early Childhood, Elementary or Secondary teaching certificate. Course Requirements for Endorsement Required Courses Select one course from each of the following areas: I. FOUNDATIONS LITERACY Educ 3240 Foundations & Methods of Reading Instruction (3) Educ 3390 Literacy in the Primary Grades (2) Educ 3400 Literacy in Intermediate & Middle Grades (3) MEduc 6315 Foundations of Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) MEduc 6360 Literacy in the Elementary School (3) II. READING AND WRITING IN THE CONTENT AREAS Educ 3760 Teaching Reading & Writing in the Content Areas (2) MEduc 6320 Reading in the Content Areas (3) III. ASSESSMENT OF READING PROCESSES / REMEDIATION OF READING DIFFICULTIES Educ 4650 Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading Problems (3) MEduc 6340 Assessment & Corrective Procedures in Reading (3) IV. TEACHING WRITING AS A PROCESS Engl 3410 The Teaching of Writing (3) Engl 6110 Writing for Teachers (3) V. CHILDREN'S OR YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE Engl 3300 Children's Literature (3) Engl 3310 Young Adult Literature (3) Education of the Gifted :■' '.- ■■■■'•:■" Courses leading to an endorsement in the Education of the Gifted are offered through the undergraduate program when the candidate selects Education of the Gifted as a concentration. Extra courses are needed to apply for the endorsement. These courses taken at the graduate level may also be used as electives for the M.Ed. Degree. See the Department of Teacher Education or the Master of Education Office for more details. Course Requirements for Endorsement Required Courses (12-13 credit hours) Educ 4420 / MEduc 6420 Foundations in Education of the Gifted (2) Principles of Assessment (1) Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted (3) Assessment & Evaluation in Education of the Gifted (2) Practicum in Education of the Gifted (2) Two elective courses, one from graduate content areas (2-3) Endorsement programs are also offered through the graduate program as electives. Educ 4440 / MEduc 6440 Educ 4480 / MEduc 6480 Educ 4490 / MEduc 6490 Educ 5860 PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS d Science & Technology CEET CS MFET/MET CMT CDGT PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business & Econ MBA MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T ;' . „-c- MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC- .. • .,. ■■, , ... CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog |