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Show 310 MCJ 6240. Criminal Justice Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation (3) Course focuses on the planning, budgeting, and evaluation process in criminal justice organizations. Course examines both strategic and policy planning issues to include establishing organizational goals, budgeting, program implementation, evaluation and review. MCJ 6250. Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3) Course focuses on a special issue or topic in criminal justice. A new topic /issue will be selected each time the course is offered. MCJ 6260. Graduate Readings (3) Course allows the student to examine the scholarly literature on a subject of special interest under the supervision of faculty. Reading list and accompanying assignments must be approved by the supervising faculty member. Periodic progress meetings will be scheduled throughout the semester. MCJ 6270. Thesis/Project (3) Course provides students with the opportunity to conduct original research in criminal justice or complete a project in a criminal justice agency. Methods learned in the masters program will be applied. MCJ 6810. Experimental Course (1-3) MCJ 6920. Workshops (1-3) Criminal Justice Major » Program Prerequisite: Complete the Criminal Justice AA/AS Degree requirements. » Minor: A minor or a double major is required. In lieu of a minor, a 21 hour emphasis may be selected in consultation with an advisor. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in all courses required for this major (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.50 or higher. Also refer to the general grade requirements for graduation on page 37. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation - a minimum of 45 of these is required within the major. A total of 40 upper division credit hours is required (courses numbered 3000 and above) ~ 18 of these are required within the major. Advisement All Criminal Justice students are encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 801-626-6146 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (page 19). There are no special admission or application requirements for this program. General Education Refer to pages 37-42 for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. The following course required for the Criminal Justice major will also satisfy general education requirements: CJ SS1010. Course Requirements for B.S. or B.A. Degree Core Courses Required (18 credit hours) CJ SS1010 Criminal Justice (3) CJ 1330 Criminal Law (3) CJ/Soclgy 3270 Criminology (3) CJ 3600 or Soclgy SI3600 or Psych SI3600 or Geront SI3600 CJ SI4980* CJ 4990* Criminal Justice Statistics (3) Social Statistics (3) Statistics in Psychology (3) Statistics in Gerontology (3) Research Methods (3) Senior Seminar (3) *Junior or Senior standing required. CONCENTRATIONS Select one concentration and complete all the courses listed. Taw Enforcement (12 credit hours) CJ 1350 Scientific Investigation Principles (3) CJ 3020 Criminal Justice Management (3) CJ 4100 Laws of Arrest, Search, & Seizure (3) or CJ 4160 Constitutional Rights & Responsibilities (3) CJ 4700 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (3) or CJ DV3040 Community Policing (3) Corrections (12 credit hours) CJ 3020 Criminal Justice Management (3) CJ 3060 Corrections in the Community (3) CJ DV3360 Prisons-Contemporary Issues & Dilemmas (3) CJ 3140 Corrections Law (3) Criminalistics (27/29 credit hours) CJ1350 CJ 2350 Zool4300 or Micro 4154 or CLS 1112 Chem PS/SI1210-1220 CJ4110 CJ 4120 Scientific Investigation Principles (3) Laws of Evidence (3) Molecular Genetics (4) Microbial Genetics (4) Clinical Laboratory Practices II (3) Principles of Chemistry (10) Forensic Science I (4) Forensic Science II (4) Criminal Law (12 credit hours) CJ 1350 Scientific Investigation Principles (3) CJ 2350 Laws of Evidence (3) CJ 4100 Laws of Arrest Search & Seizure (3) CJ 4160 Constitutional Rights & Responsibilities (3) SUPPORT COURSES Concentrations in law enforcement, corrections and criminal law must include 15 credit hours of the following support courses selected in consultation with a criminal Justice faculty advisor. Criminalistics concentration does not require support courses. CJ 1350 Scientific Investigation Principles (3) CJ2110 Intro to Security (3) CJ 2330 Juvenile Justice (3) CJ 2350 Laws of Evidence (3) CJ 2360 Juvenile Law & Procedure (3) CJ 2810/4810 Experimental Courses (1-3) CJ 2860/4860 Field Experience (3-6) CJ 2890/4890 Cooperative Work Experience (1-6) CJ 2920/4920 Short Courses, Workshops (1-4) CJ 3020 Criminal Justice Management (3) CJ DV3040 Community Policing (3) CJ 3060 Corrections in the Community (3) CJ 3110 Issues in Security & Loss Prevent (3) CJ 3130 Investigation of Computer Crime (3) CJ 3140 Corrections Law (3) CJ 3300 Victimology (3) CJ DV3360 Prison-Contemporary Issues & Dilemmas (3) CJ 3400 Drugs & Crime (3) CJ 4060 Special Problems (3) CJ 4100 Laws of Arrest, Search & Seizure (3) CJ4110 Forensic Science I (4) CJ 4120 Forensic Science II (4) CJ 4160 Constitutional Rights & Responsibilities (3) CJ 4200 Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (3) CJ 4700 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (3) CJ 4830 Directed Reading, Special Projects (1-3) CJ 4900 Current Issues in Criminal Justice (3) CJ 4950 Field Trips/Travel Study (1-6) Soclgy3260 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Psych 3450 Abnormal Psychology (3) Supplemental Courses - These do not count toward major, minor or BIS. CJ 1070 Law Enforcement/ Corrections Academy, Part I (3) CJ 1080 Law Enforcement/ Corrections Academy, Part II (3) Criminal Justice DEPARTMENTAL HONORS » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 6 hours of General Honors courses (see the Honors Program). » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements for the Criminal Justice major, of which at least 12 hours must be completed on an Honors basis. A student may receive Honors credit in any CJ course numbered 2000 or above.* In addition, complete 3 hours in Directed Readings (CJ 4830) and 3 hours in Criminal Justice Seminar (CJ 4990). * Permission from the department chair must be received before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See the Honors Program.) Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS) EMPHASIS » Program Prerequisite: Refer to Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS). » Credit Hour Requirements: 21 hours of Criminal Justice courses (CJ prefix) selected in consultation with an advisor and approved by the department chair. Thesis completion pursuant to BIS requirements. Criminal Justice » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in courses used toward the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.50 or higher. » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 21 credit hours in Criminal Justice courses (CJ prefix). Course Requirements for Minor Criminal Justice Courses Required (9 credit hours) CJ SS1010 Criminal Justice (3) CJ 1330 Criminal Law (3) CJ 3020 Criminal Justice Management (3) Criminal Justice Support Courses (12 credit hours) Select 12 additional credit hours from Criminal Justice (CJ prefix) courses. At least 9 credit hours must be upper division (numbered 3000 or higher). 311 Criminal Justice v ■■■■■.-... f » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in courses required for an associate degree (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.50 or higher. » Credit Hour Requirements: 60 total hours are required, including at least 21 Criminal Justice courses (CJ prefix). Advisement All Criminal Justice students are encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 801-626-6146 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (see page 19). There are no special admission or application requirements for this program. General Education Refer to pages 39-42 for Associate Degree requirements. Course Requirements for A.S. or A.A. Degree Criminal Justice Courses Required (12 credit hours) CJ SS1010 Criminal Justice (3) CJ 1330 Criminal Law (3) CJ 1350 Scientific Investigation Principles (3) CJ 2350 Laws of Evidence (3) Criminal Justice Support Courses (9 credit hours) Select 9 additional credit hours from Criminal Justice (CJprefix) courses in consultation with a Criminal Justice advisor. CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSES CJ SS1010. Criminal Justice (3) An introduction to the history, processes and functions of the American criminal justice system and its primary components, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. CJ 1070. Law Enforcement/ Corrections Academy, Part I (3) Core curriculum to provide students the basic training required to certify as a reserve or special function officer. P.O.S.T. certification only. Register through the Division of Continuing Education. CJ 1080. Law Enforcement/ Corrections Academy, Part II (3) Police officer curriculum required to certify as a peace officer with full police powers. (A student must have completed the Core curriculum, CJ 1070, to register for this course.) P.O.S.T. certification only. Register through the Division of Continuing Education. CJ 1330. Criminal Law (3) Surveys the American criminal justice system. Elements of crime, defenses, historical foundation, limits, proposes and functions of criminal law. CJ 1350. Scientific Investigation Principles (3) Interrogation and interview, sources of information (electronic/ traditional), crime scene procedure, introduction to identification, collection and preservation of evidence, laboratory techniques and case preparation. CJ 2110. Introduction to Security (3) Examination of the diverse, components which make up the security function. Principles and concepts in physical security, loss control and crime prevention. PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED nterdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS J Science & CEET CS MFET/MET CMT CDGT PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART on MBA MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC ■■■ CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ" ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog |