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Show 332 Department PSYCHOLOGY Chair: Dr. William McVaugh Location: Social Science Building, Room 370 Telephone: Alisa Kimball 801-626-6247 Professors: Norris R. Bancroft, Richard T. Grow, W. Bruce Haslam, Joseph J. Horvat, Merrill J. May, William H. McVaugh; Associate Professors: Eric Amsel, Julianne Arbuckle, Richard Atkinson; Assistant Professors: Paul Caldarella, Laurie A. Fowler, Theresa S. Kay; Lecturer: Maria Parrilla de Kokal The reasons for selecting a major or minor or choosing a BIS emphasis in Psychology are to broadly prepare yourself to understand human behavior and to prepare yourself for a possible career involving working with people. The program is designed to teach the content of psychology, the major methods of psychological inquiry and some skills and techniques in applying its concepts. Students majoring in Psychology can select a program of study individually tailored to interests in counseling, child and family, business, corrections, research, graduate study in psychology and other areas such as law, business, political science and personnel. The students are required to select courses from the different areas below to insure some breadth in their program of study. All majors are assigned an advisor who will help them develop their course of study. Teaching majors and minors and BIS students should contact the department chairperson for advisement. Psychology Areas Table Area 1: Required Courses for Psychology Major (10 credit hours required) Psych SS1010 Introductory Psychology (3) Psych SI3600 Statistics in Psychology (3) Psych SI3610 Research Methods in Psychology (4) Area 2: Biological Basis (one course required for major and teaching major) Psych 2730 Biopsychology (3) Psych 3710* Physiological Psychology (3) Psych 3730* Perception (3) Psych 3740* Drugs and Behavior (3) *Biopsychology prerequisite recommended Area 3: Affective, Cognitive Sc Behavioral (one course required for major and teaching major) Psych 3250 Conditioning and Learning (3) Psych 3270 Motivation and Emotion (3) Psych 3500 Cognition (3) Psych 4750 Comparative Psychology (3) Area 4: Abnormal and Therapeutic (two courses required for major and teaching major) Psych 3010 Abnormal Psychology (3) Psych 3300 Applied Behavior Intervention (3) Psych 3560 Group Dynamics (3) Psych 4310* Intro to Counseling Theories (2) Psych 4340** Skills & Techniques of Counseling (3) Psych 4760*** Tests & Measurements (3) *Psych 3010 is a prerequisite for Psych 4310 **Psych 4310 or permission of the instructor is a prerequisite for Psych 4340 ***Psych 3010 and 3600 or equivalent are prerequisites for Psych 4760 Area 5: Social and Developmental (two courses required for major and teaching major) Psych SS2000 Interpersonal Relationships (3) Psych 2100 Psychology of Women & Gender (2) Psych 3000 Child Psychology (3) Psych 3140 Adolescent and Adult Psychology (3) Psych 3430 Theories of Personality (3) Psych 3460 Social Psychology (3) Psych 4510 Industrial and Organizational Behavior (3) Area 6: Support Courses (no more than one of these electives may be used to fulfill the requirements for a BIS or minor) Psych 1050 Careers in Psychology (1) Psych 1540 Psychology of Adjustment (2) Psych 2800 Projects & Research (1-2) Psych 2890* Cooperative Work Experience (1-2) Psych 4000 Advanced General (3) Psych 4090 History and Systems of Psychology (3) Psych 4380** Counseling Practicum (2) Psych 4390** Counseling Practicum (2) Psych 4800*** Projects and Research (2-3) Psych 4830*** Directed Readings (1-2) Psych 4890* Cooperative Work Experience (1-2) Psych 4920**** Conferences and workshops (1-3) Psych 4900***** Selected Topics in Psychology (2-3) Psych 4910****** Capstone Research Project (3,3) *Psych 2890 and 4890 require the student to have a current job in the field and get permission of the coordinator in the department. **Ifthe student is working with adults, Psych 4310, 4340, 4760 and eight additional hours in psychology and permission by the director are required. If the student is working with children, Psych 3000, 3140, 3300 plus eight additional hours in psychology and permission of the instructor are required. Psych SI3600 and 3610 are required prerequisites. ***Psych 4800 and 4830 require a contact to be filled out with an instructor prior to registration. ****Psych 2920, 4920 may be used for credit toward a major or minor or BIS in psychology but only when written permission of the department is given at the time of registration. *****Psych 4900 Selected Topics courses may substitute for courses in areas 2-5 when the content area is appropriate and when this course has received prior approval of the department for substitution. Before registering, check with your advisor or the chairperson if you wish to make this substitution. ****** Psych 4910 requires a contract to be completed for the project and approval of the Department of Psychology prior to registration. The course is taken for one semester to complete the proposal and gain approval. The course is taken for a second semester to complete the project. Psychology Major and Psychology Teaching Major » Program Prerequisite: None. Psychology Teaching majors and minors must meet the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department). » Minor: Required, unless a student is a double major. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better is required in all courses used to fulfill requirements for the psychology major or minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). In addition an overall GPA for Psychology courses of 2.50 or higher is required. Also refer to the general grade requirements for graduation on page 37. Teaching majors must achieve an overall GPA of 3.00 for admission to the Teacher Education program. » Credit Hour Requirements: The University requires a total of 120 credit hours for graduation. For psychology, a minimum of 36 credit hours from areas 1-6 (see Psychology Areas Table under theDepartment of Psychology) are required within the major. Only one course in area 6 will count toward the required minimum of 33 psychology credit hours. The University requires a total of 40 upper division credit hours (courses numbered 3000 and above). Normally, the courses required to satisfy the requirements for the major will equal approximately 25 upper division hours. Advisement After declaring psychology as a major, each student is assigned an advisor. Psychology majors should consult with their advisor each semester prior to registration or as needed. Call your faculty advisor to schedule an appointment. Psychology teaching majors are encouraged to also consult with an advisor in the College of Education (call 801-626-6269, Teacher Education Department). Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (see page 19). There are no special admission or application requirements for the psychology major. Teaching majors must meet the teacher education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department). General Education Refer to pages 37-42 for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. The following courses in the major will also fulfill general education requirements: SS1010 and SS2000. Course Requirements for B.S. or B.A. Summary of Psychology Courses Required (33 credit hours) Refer to the Psychology Areas Table under the Department of Psychology. Area 1: All required courses-See Area 1 description (13-15 hrs) Areas 2, 3 and 4: One course in each area (8 - 9 hrs) Area 5: Two courses required (5 - 6 hrs) Elective Courses (5 credit hours) May be taken from any of the six areas in psychology. Psychology Teaching majors are also required to take Educ 4500, Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5-12, (3) in addition to the courses required by the Teacher Education program, and also Psych 4000 or 4090. Psych 4000 is recommended as the choice unless a case can be made for 4090. PSYCHOLOGY ■.".:■;.'"■\ '.'■ . ■.-■■. .... ■■ ; " : \ » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 6 hours of General Honors courses (see the Honors Program). » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Meet the requirements of either Option I or Option II below: Option I In fulfilling a Psychology Departmental Honors major, complete at least 6 hours of courses on an Honors basis including Pysch 4910 taken as Psychology Honors senior project. A student may receive Psychology Honors credit in any Psychology courses numbered above Psych SS2000. Permission from the instructor should be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit by the end of the first week of classes. Option II In fulfilling a Psychology major, complete at least 6 hours of courses on an Honors basis. In addition, complete at least 6 hours in Psych 4910 taken as Psychology Honors senior project. Typically students will outline the Honors project by the 2nd semester of their 333 junior year. The purpose of this project is to do research of quality worthy of presentation to a professional meeting of psychologists such as UP A, RMPA, or UAS. If the student is not able to present the research to one of these groups, they will present it to the faculty of the Department of Psychology and one outside member. Options may be changed with the consent of the faculty advisor. Any course selected for Honors credit may be changed to a non-honors status within the first 6 weeks of the semester. (See the Honors Program.) PSYCHOLOGY MINOR I TEACHING MINOR I BIS EMPHASIS » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in courses used toward the Minor or BIS emphasis (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 18 credit hours (includes Psych SS1010). For advisement contact the Department Chairperson who will help you select courses which will compliment your other two BIS areas or complement your major. Course Requirements for Minor Psychology Course Required Psych SS1010 Introductory Psychology (3) Elective Courses (minimum 15 credit hours) Refer to the Psychology Areas Table under the Department of Psychology. May be taken from any of the six areas in psychology. Only one course from Area 6 will be allowed to apply toward the minor. Course Requirements for Teaching Minor Required Courses (6 credit hours) Psych SS1010 Intro Psychology (3) Psych 4000 Advanced General Psychology (3) Elective Courses (minimum 12 credit hours) Refer to the Psychology Areas Table under the Department of Psychology. Elective courses may be taken from Areas 1-5 with no more than one course in each of Areas 2-5. Students who select the Psychology Teaching Minor must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department). Course Requirements for BIS Emphasis Psychology Course Required Psych SS1010 Introductory Psychology (3) Elective Courses (minimum 18 credit hours) Students are expected to take Psych 3600 and 3610 or equivalent to prepare them for the BIS senior capstone course. Only one course from Area 6 will be allowed to apply toward the BIS. (Also refer to the Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program.) Latin American Studies :'■:"::: ''" "'. ■ : ■ ' ' \'' : '■' ^ : ■■ ■-. The Department of Psychology participates in the Latin American Studies Program. A student who wishes to enroll should meet with the Latin American Studies Coordinator who will help the student work out a proper combination of courses to fit her/his particular needs. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Technology CEET CS MFET/MET CMT CDGT PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART ■-.:..■ :.•;.'■•:-■; :,.,! MBA MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T iiliiliililiii MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC MHiiiiigill CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY ience BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Aoral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH" SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog Weber State University 2001-2002 Catalog |