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Show 56 57 2430. Internetworking Microsoft TCP/IP on Windows NT and Supporting Windows NT Server - Enterprise Technologies (4) Prepares support professionals to design, implement, and support the Windows NT Server network operating system in a multi- domain enterprise environment. Also provides the knowledge and skills required to set up, configure and support TCP/IP on Microsoft® Windows NT® operating system. It is assumed that students have experience supporting a Windows NT Server-based network. Prerequisites: CS 2410 and CS 2420. 2430A. Internetworking Microsoft TCP/IP on Windows NT (2) This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to set up, configure, use, and support Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) on Microsoft® Windows NT® operating system. This is the first half of CS 2430. 2430B. Supporting Windows NT Server - Enterprise Technologies (2) This course provides a training solution for support professionals working in a Microsoft® Windows NT® Server-based enterprise environment. It is assumed that students have experience supporting a Windows NT Server-based network. The goal of the course is for support professionals to be able to design, implement, and support the Windows NT Server network operating system in a multi-domain enterprise environment. The course content is organized into four units, each covering support in different areas of a Windows NT Server-based enterprise environment. This is the second half of CS 2430. 2440. Microsoft SQL Server System Administration and Implementation (4) A practical application course to develop the skills required to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot Microsoft® SQL Server™ client/server database management system. Students will implement a database solution based on a case-study design. This course also teaches students how to support the various features of Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS). Students will learn how to install, configure, and implement all components of a Web site. Prerequisite: CS 2410, CS 2420 and CS 2430. CS 2440A. Microsoft SQL Server System Administration (2) This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot Microsoft® SQL Server™ client/server database management system. This is the first half of CS 2440. 2440B. Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server (2) This course provides the technical skills required to implement a database solution with the Microsoft® SQL Server™ client/server database management system, based on a case-study design. Lab exercises allow hands-on implementation of the case-study. This is the second half of CS 2440. 2550. Database Design and Application Development (4) F, S An introduction to relational database concepts, design and application development. The course will cover the SQL language, the design of a database using an entity-relation design tool, and the creation of applications using a development tool such as PowerBuilder. Topics will include normalization rules, triggers, stored procedures, and rules. Extensive time will be spent in the lab learning to use the tool and develop applications. Prerequisites: CS 1130 and CS 1220 or consent of the instructor. 2650. Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (4) 5 A fundamental course designed to explore the specific physical and functional characteristics of computer systems. Topics will include the architecture of the PC including BIOS, interrupts, addressing, memory management, types of disk drives (such as SCSI and EIDE), types of buses, video cards, modems, network cards, hardware compatibility issues, number representations, AND/OR gates and basic digital circuit concepts. The course also introduces assembly language skills in popular 16 and 32 bit microprocessors. Prerequisites: CS 1021 or CS 1022 or CS 1220 or consent of the instructor. 2710. Introduction to Networking (4) F, S The course will develop an understanding of what is required in terms of both hardware and software to build, install, maintain and support local area networks, Novell and Microsoft, and will emphasize extensive laboratory applications. This will include the layout, cabling, network cards, card setting, equipment interface, installation of software and trouble-shooting. The course will also introduce the students to equipment necessary to monitor and measure signals and patterns. This training will prepare students to take portions of the Novell C.N.E. and Microsoft MCSE Examinations. Prerequisite: CS 2650. 2750. Object Oriented Analysis and Design (4) S An introductory Software Engineering course which provides practical guidance on the construction of object-oriented systems. Its specific goals are: to provide a sound understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Software and Project Development Life-Cycle for the object model; to facilitate a mastery of the notion and process of object oriented analysis and design, and to teach good programming style through applications of object-oriented project development within a variety of problem domains. Covers Booch, Code-Yourdan, and current Software Engineering models. Prerequisites: CS 1220 or equivalent experience. 2780. Windows Application Programming (4) F This course provides participants with a working knowledge of the Windows Operating System. The students will develop applications to run under Windows, using the C/C++ languages. Concepts of Memory Management, DLLs, Resources, and Child Window development will be emphasized. The course also introduces the student to the use of OLE controls and MFC architecture. Prerequisites: CS 1220 or equivalent experience and basic algebra skills. 2800. Individual Projects & Research (1-3) F, S Special independent projects or research as contracted with instructor. Enrollment by permission only. 2890. Cooperative Work Experience (1-5) F, S Open to students meeting criteria established from time to time by the department and on file either in the department or the Cooperative Education Office. Provides academic credit for on-the- job experience. Grade and amount of credit will be determined by the department. 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-4) S Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. 3100. Operating Systems (4) F, S An overview of computer operating systems concepts, system software components with emphasis on installation, management, monitor/supervisor and I/O management, control commands, W E E R State University network installation, and device drivers. The operating systems studied will be Microsoft Windows NT or UNIX. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. 3200. Object Oriented Programming Using C++ and Data Structures (4) F Develop and expand abilities in solving lengthy, advanced problems, modeling, and object-oriented programming using C++ language. Trees, graphs, networks, and external methods of Data Structures will be implemented. Prerequisites: CS 1220 and CS 2750. 3210. UNIX System Programming and Internals (4) F This course provides hands-on experience with writing programs using UNIX system calls and interprocess Communication mechanisms, from simple file I/O and I/O management subsystems to network client and server programs. The internal design and operation of the UNIX operating systems are studied. A detailed examination of the UNIX SVR4 source code will be included in the course. Prerequisites: CS 1130 and CS 1220 or equivalent. 3230. Internet Multimedia Services and Applications (4) 5 An introduction to the design and coding of applications using threads. Topics will include the use of threads in the design of operating systems, device drivers, utility programs and general applications. Languages used in the course will be C/C++ and Java. Applications will include multimedia, Web Servers, search engines, security issues, and the use of the Java language in the development of applets for home pages. Prerequisites: CS 1220 or CS 3200 and CS 1130 or CS 3100 or consent of instructor. 3250. Object Oriented Programming Using Ada (4) 5 Develop and expand abilities in solving lengthy, advanced problems, multiple parallel tasks, generic packages, and object- oriented programming using Ada language. Prerequisites: CS 1020, CS 1021 or CS 1022 or CS 1023 or CS 1220, and CS 2750. 3550. Distributed Database Architecture Management and Application (4) F, S Covers the architecture and applications of a distributed client/server type database system, as well as the installation, management, and interfaces for such a system. Also covers the interfacing of database applications with the WEB. Topics include system tuning and performance, writing imbedded code, and the use of WEB development tools. Prerequisites: CS 1130, CS 1220, and CS 2550. 3710. Network Fundamentals and Design (4) F A comprehensive examination of the hardware and software components of a network and the practical techniques for designing and implementing computer systems in a network. Topics will include the purpose and the use of intelligent hubs, switching devices, routers, SNMP, ethemet, token ring, ATM, FDDI, and current modes of transmission. Topics will include RFCs, protocols, packet formats, network classes, subnetting and methods of monitoring networks. It will cover both UNIX and Windows NT systems. Prerequisites: CS 1130 and CS 2710 or EET 2030. 3720. Network Architectures and Protocols (4) S A practical applications course designed to teach the basic concepts associated with local and wide area networks and protocols. The course will concentrate on the TCP/IP and other protocols in the UNIX and Windows NT environments. Covers TCP/IP extensively, NFS, Sockets, RPC and TLI interfaces. The course also covers the use of Domain Name Servers, remote system calls, ports, services, configuration, IP addressing, and UNIX and Windows NT monitoring commands. Prerequisites: CS 1220 and CS 3710. 3730. Client/Server Network Programming (4) F Covers client/server architecture and application development using TCP/IP and other protocols. The course covers client/server operations on a single machine and across an ethemet network to multiple machines. The course will also cover distributed processing concepts and applications. Applications include the use of STREAMS, Sockets, TLI, network listener facility, drivers, RPC, and ONC. The course will concentrate mainly on UNIX but will cover some concepts and applications using Windows NT. Prerequisite: CS 3710. 3750. Software Engineering (4) F This is an in-depth course into the phases of and the deliverables produced during the SDLC (Software Development Life-Cycle). This includes: Planning, Requirements Definition, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance phases. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the SDLC phases and develop the following individual documents: Software Requirements, Feasibility Study, Software Design, Code, Test Plan, User Manual, and Project Legacy. Hands-on and theoretical experiences will be gained in the control and evaluation of software packages. Prerequisites: CS 3200 or CS 3250 and Engl 3100 or TBE 3250. 4110. Concepts of Formal Languages and Algorithms for Computing (4) F Concepts of formal language definition, automata theory, turing theory, and solvability, with an introduction of algorithms and computational methods used in advanced computer science courses. Prerequisite: CS 2650. 4280. Computer Graphics (4) S Selected algorithms and computational methods used in the design of graphical software and applications developed for UNIX and Windows NT based machines. Topics will include the use of OpenGL, 3D Studio MAX, Auto-Cad, Adobe Photoshop, and other popular graphics software. The course will include X-Window programming and the use of Sun, SGI, and PC(Intel/Cyrx) machines. Prerequisites: CS 1130 and CS 3200. 4500. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (4) F This course covers basic artificial intelligence principles and introduces students to AI languages. Concepts of programming parallel architecture machines are introduced and developed. The neural network design of parallel computing is studied, along with its implications in Artificial Intelligence software development. Prerequisite: CS 3200. 4740. Internet Firewalls and Network Security (4) F An introduction to security issues related to networking. This course is designed for advanced users and system and network administrators. The course covers TCP/IP security issues, security policies, screening routers and firewalls, packet filtering, Internet firewall architecture and theory, TCP wrappers, detecting and monitoring unauthorized activity, password authentication, and security issues involving UNIX and Windows NT operating system. Prerequisites: CS 1130, CS 1220, CS 3710 or consent of instructor. 4750. Advanced Software Engineering (4) S This is a Senior level course which develops a Computer Simulation Package. The student will apply (1) Software Engineering Techniques (CS 3750), (2) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Techniques, (3) Computer Graphics, and (4) Probability and Statistical Methods in the development of the package. The deliverables will include: Software Specification, Feasibility Study, Software Plan, Software Design, Code, Executable, Test Plan, User Manual, and a Project Legacy. All deliverables will require team or peer reviews. Prerequisites: CS 3750 and Math QL1040 or Math 3410. 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