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Show 348 Kerry N. Tobin (1981) - Associate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology. B.S, Weber State College, 1975; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1984. Sarah Toevs (1983) - Director and Professor of Dental Hygiene. B.S, Wichita State University, 1979; M.S, University of Missouri, 1983. Joan Triplett (1996) - Adult Instructor, Literacy Project. B.A, Weber State College, 1976; M.S, Utah State University, 1993. Christina Trivett (1998) - Assistant Professor of Botany. B.A, New College, 1992; Ph.D, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Leslie Trottier (1996) - Employer Specialist/Child Care Resource and Referral. B.S, Weber State College, 1981; M.L.S, Brigham Young University, 1988. Garth Tuck (1997) - University Webmaster, Communication Arts & Technologies. Betty R. Tucker (1987) - Computer Support Manager. B.I.S, Weber State University, 1994; M.A, George Washington University, 1995. Mongkol Tungmala (1998) - Assistant Professor of Teacher Education. B.A, M.A, ED.D, Brigham Young University, 1977; 1982; 1997. Jennifer Turley (1998) - Assistant Professor of Nutrition. B.S, Arizona State University, 1989; Ph.D, University of Texas, 1993. David C. Trujillo (1973) - Coordinator/Upward Bound. B.S, Weber State College, 1970. ■Ill j.-: Richard 0. Ulibarri (1965) - Professor of History. B.A, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1958,1963. Rose Marie Ulibarri (1996) - Adult Instructor/Literacy Project. B.S, Weber State College, 1971; M.Ed, Utah State University, 1976. Patricia Umscheid (1983) - Special Project Assistant Archives/Special Collections, Library. B.S, Weber State University, 1990. E. K. Valentin (1982) - Professor of Marketing and Management. B.S, M.B.A, PhD, University of Utah, 1970,1971,1979. Thomas L. VanCleave (1978) - Assistant Director of Physical Plant. A. A. S, B. S, Weber State University, 1974,1993. Kent M. Van De Graaff (1995) -Professor of Zoology. B.S, Weber State University, 1965; M.S, University of Utah, 1970; Ph.D, Northern Arizona University, 1973. Virginia L. Vanderford (1990) - Assistant Professor of Radiologic Sciences. B.S, Weber State University, 1993; M.Ed, Weber State University, 1996. W. Roy Van Orman (1977) - Associate Professor of Gerontology. B.S, Weber State College, 1964; M.S.W, University of Utah, 1967; M.P.A, University of Southern California, 1972; Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1984. Jane Ann Van Valkenburg (1973) - Program Director and Professor of Radiologic Sciences. B.S, Weber State College, 1973; M.Ed, Weber State College, 1980; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1989. Judi VanVleet (1973) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S, University of Utah, 1972; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1987. Michael B. Vaughan (1981) - Dean, College of Business k Economics and Professor of Economics. B.S, M.B.A, University of Arkansas, 1976,1977; Ph.D, University of Nebraska, 1981. Danny Vaughn (1990) - Professor of Geosciences. B.S, Ph.D, Indiana State University, 1978, 1984. L. Mikel Vause (1987) - Director of Honors Program and Professor of English. B.S, Weber State College, 1981; M.A, Ph.D, Bowling Green State University, 1982, 1986. Peter J. Vernezze (1990) - Associate Professor of Philosophy. B.A, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1982; M.A, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1985; Ph.D, University of Washington, 1989. John W. Vickroy (1993) - Coordinator, Veteran Affairs. B.S, University of Utah, 1978; M.B.A, Utah State University, 1985. Barbara Wachocki (1992) - Director of Center for Environmental Services and Associate Professor of Botany. B.S, M.S, Ph.D, Wayne State University, 1980,1984, 1992. Robert Wadman (1997) - Assistant Professor Criminal Justice. B.S, M.B.A, Brigham Young University, 1970,1975. Wangari wa Nyatetu-Waigwa (1990) - Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. B.S, Universite de Dijon, 1974; M.A, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1983,1989. Daniel J. Walker (1986) - Men's and Women's Assistant Track and Cross Country Coach. B.S, Weber State College, 1975. Edward B. Walker (1981) - Director, Center for Chemical Technology and Professor of Chemistry. B.S, Weber State College, 1971; Ph.D, Texas Tech University, 1980. Jolyon R. Walker (1987) - Assistant Director of Housing Services. B.S, Weber State College, 1981,1989; M. S, Utah State University, 1992. Robert J. Walker (1992) - Professor of Radiologic Sciences and Health Administrative Services. B.S, Weber State College, 1982; M.S, University of Utah, 1985; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1996. Joan C. Wallentine (1977) - Supervisor/Registration. Leland A. Walser (1967) - Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A, MA, Brigham Young University, 1964,1967; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1975. Robin Walser (1998) - Assistant Professor of Psychology. B.S, University of Utah, 1988; M.A, University of Nevada, 1991; Ph.D, University of Nevada, 1998. R. Kenneth Walter (1982) - Professor of Computer Science. B.S, Ph.D, Brigham Young University, 1964,1970. Shi-Hwa Wang (1990) - Associate Professor of Performing Arts. B.A, Soochow University, 1983; M.A, Ph.D, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 1986, 1989. Jason C. Wanlass (1997) -News Coordinator, Media Relations. B.A, Utah State University, 1996. Leslie Warwood (1993) - General Manager, Utah Musical Theatre. B.A, Weber State University. Clarence M. Waterfall (1965) - Professor of English. B.A, Weber State College, 1964; MA, Ed.D, Utah State University, 1966,1977. Kent Weaver (1995) - Instructor of Computer Training. B.I.S, Weber State University, 1991. Denise Weeks (1996) - Assistant Professor of English. B.A, University of Arizona, 1987; M.A, Ph.D, University of Texas-Austin, 1990,1995. Margaret Wherry (1995) - Director of Distance Learning. B.A, University of Northern Iowa, 1972; M.A, Kansas State University, 1974. Huiying Wei-Arthus (1995) - Assistant Professor of Sociology. B.A, Sichuan Foreign Studies University, People's Republic of China, 1981; M.A, Ph.D, State Univeristy of New York-Stony Brook, 1986,1988,1994. Tony W. Weight (1975) - Dean of Student Development. B.S, University of Utah, 1958; M.A, Austin College, 1968. Nancy J. Weir (1983) - Assistant Athletic Trainer. B.S, University of Utah, 1979; M.S, Western Illinois University, 1982. Carol A. Welninski (1992) - Instructor of Nursing. A.S, New York State University-Farmingdale; B.S, ADelphi University, 1975. Barbara West (1983) - Instructor of English. B.A, M.A, University of Utah, 1970,1974. Sherrie West (1983) - Supervising Teacher, Children's School. B.S, Weber State University, 1981. Don C. WeydemuUer (1992)-Project Coordinator Electrical Specialist. B.S, Leiden Institute of Technology, 1964; E.E, George Washington University. Patricia J. Wheeler (1980) - Manager of Corporate & Education Recruiting, Career Services. B.A, University of Iowa, 1967. Michael White (1993) - Manager of Co-op Education/Internships & Student Employment and Co-Coordinator of First Year Experience. B.S, Paine College, 1982; M.A, Indianna University of Pennsylvania, 1993. W. Scott White (1998) - Instructor of Geography. B.S, Tennessee Technological University, 1987; M.S, Texas Christian University, 1998. Carol Whitesides (1996) - Assistant Professor, Nursing. B.S, Weber State University, University of Utah, 1976,1978; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1982,1997. Gary Willden (1977) - Professor of Physical Education and Recreation. B.S, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1972,1973; Ed.D, University of Utah, 1983; (CLP). Jennifer Willener (1994) - Academic Advisor. B.A, Weber State University, 1994. Deanna Williams (1980) -Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1966; M.S, Pittsburgh State University, 1976. Jeffrey D. Williams (1969) - University Mail Center Manager. B.A, Weber State University, 1976. Weber State University 349 Ray D. Williams (1997) - Assistant Football Coach. B.S, Washington State University, 1982. Bill Wilmeth (1995) - Basic Skills Instructor, Veterans Upward Bound. B.A, J.D, Teaching Certificate, Iowa State University, 1974,1977,1985. James R. Wilson (1981) - Professor of Geosciences. B.S, Auburn University, 1967; M.S, University Tennessee, 1973; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1976. Maryonne A. Wilson (1978) - Coordinator/Career Information. BA, Weber State College, 1979; M.A, Utah State University, 1989. Trevor Wilson (1997) - Instructor, HPHP. B.S, Brigham Young University; MA, Willamette, 1994. Karen Wimmer (1972) - Graphic Artist, Communication Arts and Technologies (CATS). Lydia Wingate (1998) - Dean, College of Health Professions. B.S, University of Leeds, 1956; M.S, Albany Medical College, Union University, 1978; PhD, State University of New York, 1984. Barbara Wirick (1989) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1980,1995. Krista S. Wirt (1988) - Financial Aid Administrator/Account Officer, Financial Aid. B.S, Weber State University, 1994. Dian Wismer (1971) - Manager of Curriculum, Library. David Wolford (1984) - Assistant Professor of Computer Science. B.S, Weber State College, 1979; M.Ed, Utah State University, 1985. Ray E. Wong (1980) - Associate Professor of Teacher Education. B.A, Temple University, 1970; M.A, Northeast Missouri State University, 1974; Ph.D, Iowa State University, 1992. Michael K. Wood (1996) - Electronics Technician, CAST. Ronald L. Wooden (1967) - Professor of Music. B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1961,1965; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1975. Terri J. Wood-Slaughter (1984) - Conference Administrator. B.I.S, Weber State College, 1985. James A. Wright (1992) - Instructor Specialist of Manufacturing Engineering Technology. B.S, Weber State University, 1992. Scott Wright (1998) - Assistant Professor of Clinical Laboratory Science. B.S, Weber State College, 1978; M.S, Idaho State University, 1980. Gloria Z. Wurst (1978) - Professor of Zoology. B.S, Juniata College, 1966; M.S, Ph.D, University of Pittsburgh, 1970,1974. Michael Wutz (1992) - Associate Professor of English. B.A, Julius- Maximilians University, 1983; M.A, University of Montana, 1986; Ph.D, Emory University, 1991. Y Yu-Jane Yang (1992) - Associate Professor of Music. B.A, National Taiwan Normal University, 1984; M.S, M.M, University of Illinois, 1986,1988; Ph.D, University of Michigan, 1994. W. Adolph Yonkee (1991) - Department Chair and Associate Professor of Geosciences. B.S, M.S, University of Wyoming, 1980,1983; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1990. Andy Young (1997) - Admissions Advisor. B.S, Weber State University, 1997. James E. Young (1988) - Professor of English. B.A, Tulane University, 1962; M.A, Ph.D, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, 1971,1979. Susan M. Young (1988) - Coordinator, Drug & Alcohol Education; Coordinator, Student Health Insurance; Adjunct Faculty of Botany. B.S, MA, Brigham Young University, 1984,1990. Zhuolin Yu (1992) - Assistant Professor of Information Systems & Technologies. B.S, Tsinghua University, 1982; Ph.D, Purdue University, 1991. Zhenda (Jordan) Yu (1993) - Assistant Professor of Library Science. B.S, People's University of China, 1980; M.L.S, Brigham Young University, 1991. z Fran Zedney (1998) - Reference Service Coordinator, Library. B.A, California State University, 1969; M.L.S, California State University, 1982. Samuel I. Zeveloff (1984) - Department Chair and Professor of Zoology. BA, State University of New York-Binghamton, 1972; M.S.Ed, City College of New York, 1973 M.S, North Carolina State University, 1976; PhD, University of Wyoming, 1982. Catherine A. Zublin (1985) - Professor of Theatre Arts. B.A, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1977; M.F.A, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1981. Emeriti Faculty Lowell S. Adams (1964) - Professor Emeritus of Microbiology. B.S, M.S, Ph.D, Oklahoma State University, 1961,1964,1973. Harley K. Adamson (1966) - Professor Emeritus of Education. B.A, M.A, Idaho State College, 1957,1960; M.A, Ed.D, University of Denver, 1961,1963. Robert J. Arway (1972) - Professor Emeritus of Child and Family Studies. B.A, Mary Immaculate Seminary and College, 1945; M.A, Catholic University of America, 1950; Ph.D, Universithe Cathollque de Louvain, Belgique, 1960. Sally J. Arway (1965) - Associate Professor Emerita of Libraries. B.S, University of Utah, 1957; M.A, University of Denver, 1971. Sidney R. Ash (1970) - Professor Emeritus of Geosciences. B.A, Midland Lutheran College, 1951; B.A, M.A, University of New Mexico, 1957, 1961; Ph.D, University of Reading, England, 1966. Rex R. Ashdown (1968) - Associate Professor Emeritus of Social Work. B.S, M.S., Utah State University, 1954,1959; C.S.W., M.S.W, University of Utah, 1959; Ph.D, University of Southern California, 1980. Diane C. Baughman (1972) - Professor Emerita of Nursing. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1972,1979; Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1985. Robert R. Beishline (1965) - Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1955,1957; Ph.D, Penn State University, 1962. L. G. Bingham (1975) - Associate Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice. B.S.L., University of Utah, 1951; J.D, University of Utah, 1951. Rodney H. Brady (1978) - President Emeritus of Weber State College and Professor Emerita of Accounting. B.S, M.B.A, University of Utah, 1957; D.B.A, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1966. Marian Brown (1963) - Assistant Professor Emerita of English. B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1963,1968. Olga B. Brown (1966) - Assistant Professor Emerita of Office Administration and Business Education. B.S, Idaho State College, 1949; M.S, University of Utah, 1967. Ruth D. Brown (1974) - Professor Emerita of Nursing. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1964,1966; Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1978. Mary Ho Bruce (1987) - Professor Emerita of Nursing. B.A, Central State University, 1970; M.S, Texas Women's University, 1977; M.P.H, Ph.D, Oklahoma University, 1973,1985. Hayle Buchanan (1965) - Professor Emeritus of Botany. B.A, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1951,1953; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1960. Caseel D. Burke (1961) - Professor Emeritus of Education. B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1939,1948; Ed.D, University of California-Berkeley, 1953. Keith R. Burnett (1969) - Professor Emeritus of Secondary Education. B.S, Montana State University, 1956; M.S, Ed.D, University of Utah, 1966,1969. Thomas R. Burton (1963) - Professor Emeritus of English. B.S, MA, Brigham Young University, 1959,1960; Ph.D, University of Washington, 1967. Walter R. Buss (1933) - Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geography. B.A, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1930, 1933; Ph.D, Stanford University, 1964. Paul G. Butterfield (1959) - Professor Emeritus of Adult Education. B.S, Utah State University, 1952; M.Ed, Colorado State University, 1960; Ph.D, University of Wisconsin, 1965. LaVon B. Carroll (1962) - Professor Emerita of English. B.S, M.A, Utah State University, 1961,1963; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1972. Gary L. Carson (1965) - Professor Emeritus of Psychology. B.A, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1956,1959; Ed.D, Utah State,University, 1965. Don L. Chadwick (1965) - Professor Emeritus of Botany. B.S, M.S, Ph.D, Utah State University, 1952,1964,1967. Raymond H. Clark (1965) - Professor Emeritus of Social Work. B.A, M.S.W, D.S.W, University of Utah, 1957,1962,1972. Robert A. Clarke (1937) - Administrative Vice President Emeritus and Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Physics. B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1932, 1933; Ph.D, California Institute of Technology, 1937. Dix W. Cloward (1963) - Professor Emeritus of Economics and Logistics. B.S, M.S, Ed.D, Utah State University, 1954,1959,1970. Farrell R. Collett (1939) - Professor Emeritus of Art. B.A, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1932,1946; Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Weber State College, 1977. Weber State University |