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Show 1304 305 Political Science r olitical Science, in the broadest sense, is the study of politics particularly as it relates to governments and people. Political scientists study governments: The origins and preconditions for governments, the growth and evolution of governments, and the decline and conflict among governments. Political scientists also are interested in how governments are structured, how governments make decisions, the policies that result from political decisions and the consequences of these policies, and how governments manage societal and international conflicts. Political scientists also study people: Their values and positions on issues, their preferences among candidates, their support for public officials, and their appraisals of their government. True to their oldest academic traditions, political scientists retain their concern with the fundamental questions of how governments ought to be constituted, and how they can best serve their citizens. The study of political science has value in several different ways. First, it contributes to a solid liberal arts education and preparation for citizenship. The Greek word "idiot" was used to refer to one who took no interest in the affairs of state. Today, no less than twenty centuries later, it is incumbent upon all useful citizens to learn something about the political system in which they will spend their lives. Educated people ought to know something of the nature of government even if they have no professional interest in political science. Second, a degree in political science furnishes an excellent background for graduate study in political science, law, administration, business, and international relations. Political science helps students develop reasoning and analytical skills and build competence in oral and written expression. In addition, the department of political science requires students to acquire basic skills in statistical analysis and computer competency. Third, there are some careers for which an extensive training in political science can be most useful. This is true especially for those planning to seek careers in higher education, the legal profession, state and local government, urban planning, the federal bureaucracy, journalism, the military, law enforcement, teaching, the civil service, or in any of the proliferating organizations that seek to monitor the political processes to influence content of public policy. Further, the training students receive in political science will be useful to students no matter what their ultimate career choices. The comprehensive career guide, Careers and the study of Political Science, is available from the department chair. Internships Special projects and internship programs are offered to provide students practical understanding of political processes in governmental organizations. Many students have received practical training and gained valuable knowledge by working with United States senators, members of Congress, and Utah State senators and representatives. Moreover, some students work as interns in City and County administrations and in the Utah Legal Services office in Ogden. Pre-Law The pre-law advisement program is designed to assist students in scheduling courses, in preparing for the law school admissions test, and in obtaining admission at one of the nationally recognized law schools. Data on the placement of graduates in law schools show the success and the immense value of the program to students (Dr. Frank Guliuzza acts as the Pre-Law Advisor.) Political Science Major and Political Science Teaching Major BACHELOR DEGREE (B.S. AND B.A.) » Program Prerequisite: Not required for Political Science major. Political Science Teaching majors must meet the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department in this catalog). Teaching Majors are also required to take Educ 4500, Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5-12, for a total of 46 semester hours including Educ 4500. » Minor: Required » Grade Requirements: Political Science majors must have an overall GPA of 2.00 and a "C" or better grade in courses used toward the major (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). Political Science Teaching Majors must achieve an overall GPA of 3.00 for admission to the Teacher Education program. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation; 40 upper division credit hours are required (courses numbered 3000 and above). Political Science majors are required to take 43 credit hours within the major; teaching majors must also take Educ 4500, Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5-12, for a total of 46 credit hours. A minimum of 30 upper division hours are required within the major. Advisement All Political Science students are required to meet with a faculty advisor at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 801-626-6694 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Teaching majors are encouraged to also consult with advisors in the College of Education (call 801-626-6269). Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 18 of this catalog). There are no special admission or application requirements for the Political Science major. Teaching majors must meet the Teacher Education admission and certification requirements (see Teacher Education Department in this catalog). General Education Refer to pages 35-39 of this catalog for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. The following courses will fulfill both general education and program requirements: PoISc SS2100, PoISc SS2200, and PoISc SS2350. Consult with a department advisor for specific general education guidelines. Students majoring or minoring in Political Science or Philosophy who transfer from another institution and who intend to graduate from WSU will be required to take, in the case of the minor, at least one class, and in the case of the major, at least two classes at WSU. These classes must be taken during the calendar year immediately preceding graduation. AP credit for high school American Government courses will be accepted for Political Science All 100. It will count toward the total hours required for graduation, but may not count toward the total of 43 credit hours required for a Political Science major. A score of "4 or above is required. Course Requirements for B.S. or B.A. Core Courses Required (15 credit hours) PoISc All 100 American National Govt PoISc 3990 Intro to Pol Sci Research PoISc 4990 Senior Seminar/Thesis and two of the following PoISc SS2100 PoISc SS2200 PoISc SS2350 Intro to International Politics Intro to Comparative Politics Intro to Political Theory Electives (a minimum of 16 credit hours) Take at least two classes in each of three of the five following subfields. • American Government and Public Administration Political Parties & Elections 3 Political Behavior 3 Intro to Public Admin 3 Urban Govt & Politics 3 State Government & Politics 3 Legislative Process 3 The Modern Presidency 3 Politics of Administration 3 Public Policy Analysis 3 PoISc 3600 PoISc 3630 PoISc 3700 PoISc 3750 PoISc 3760 PoISc 4600 PoISc 4640 PoISc 4700 PoISc 4750 Comparative Politics PoISc 3210 PoISc 3220 PoISc 3290 PoISc 4280 International Politics PoISc 3140 PoISc 4160 PoISc 4180 PoISc 4190 Hist 3230 Politics and Govt of Europe 3 Politics and Govts of Asia 3 Politics & Govt of Dev Nations 3 Foreign Policies of Major Powers 3 Foreign Policy of the U.S. 3 Problems in World Politics 3 International Law & Organization 3 Theories of International Politics 3 U.S. Diplomatic History 3 • Public and Constitutional Law PoISc 4020 American Constitutional Law I 3 PoISc 4030 American Constitutional Law II 3 PoISc 4060 Elements of Law 3 PoISc 4070 Sex Roles and the Law 3 • Political Theory PoISc 3330 American Political Thought 3 PoISc 4360 Classical Political Thought 3 PoISc 4380 Modern Political Thought 3 Philo 3200 Philosophy of Democracy 3 WS 3050 Women's Studies Feminist Theory 3 Other Elective Courses Take any of the following as needed for additional credit hour total, or select additional courses from the courses in the five areas above PoISc 2060 Freedoms PoISc 2920/4920 Short Courses, Workshops Mock Trial Model United Nations Practical Politics (U.I.A.) Individual Projects & Research Internships Directed Readings Topics in Am Politics & Thought Students may take up to three hours in 4830, three hours in 4800, and eight hours from 4860. No more than ten total hours from PoISc 4830, PoISc 4800, and PoISc 4860 may be counted toward the total requirement of 43 credit hours for Political Science Major/Teaching Major; no more than five total hours for the minor in Political Science. Hist 3230 may be counted as History credit and Philo 3200 may be counted as Philosophy credit, or either may be counted as Political Science credit, but not both. Suggested Course Sequence 'he following suggested course sequence is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. Freshman Year PoISc All 100 (3), and one other introductory course such as P°lSc SS2100 (3), PoISc SS2200 (3), or PoISc SS2350 (3). It is PoISc 3060 PoISc 3150 PoISc 3900 PoISc 4800 PoISc 4860 PoISc 4830 PoISc 4940 3 1-3 2 1 1 1-3 1-6 1-3 1-3 suggested that students seek advice concerning the general education requirements of the University during the first two years of study. Sophomore Year One of the introductory courses: PoISc SS2100 (3), PoISc SS2200 (3), or PoISc SS2350 (3). At this point it is suggested that each student meet with an advisor within the Political Science Department and plan out the three year course load within the five subfields, depending on the area(s) that the individual student is interested in pursuing. Continue to complete the courses necessary towards fulfilling the general education requirements of the University. Junior Year Continue with the planned courses for area of interest within the five subfields to meet program requirements. Students should start concentrating on the upper division hours required by the University to meet graduation requirements along with those hours required for their minor area of study. PoISc 3990 (3) may also be taken at this time. Senior Year PoISc 3990 (3), if not taken in the Junior year, and PoISc 4990 (3). Finish the planned courses within the five subfields to make sure a minimum of 43 Political Science credit hours have been met, as well as the 30 upper division credit hours for the major requirement in Political Science. Political Science DEPARTMENTAL HONORS » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 10 hours of General Honors courses (see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog). » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements for the Political Science departmental major, of which at least 20 hours must be completed on an Honors basis. A student may receive Political Science Honors credit in any upper division Political Science course, including Directed Readings, PoISc 4830 (for a maximum total of 3 hours).* » Senior Paper: A senior paper must be submitted by each student graduating with department honors. This will require the establishment of a department committee of three faculty members for evaluation and review. In addition, each student will present their paper to the department faculty. * Permission from the department chair should be sought before registering in courses for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) Social Science Composite Teaching Major ~~&K, BACHELOR DEGREE (B.S. OR B.A.) See the Department of History section in this catalog for program requirements. Political Science MINOR / TEACHING MINOR / BIS » Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.00 or higher is required and a grade of "C" or better in all Political Science courses used toward the minor/BIS (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 21 credit hours for Political Science minor/BIS and a minimum of 24 credit hours for the teaching minor, which includes Educ 4500, Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5-12, a required course for Political Science Teaching Minors. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science ft Technology CS EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts ft Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business ft Econ MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education WkWM MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social ft Behavioral Sciences CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Continuing Ed Weber State University Weber State University |