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Show 76 Sophomore Fall 2 AutoSv 1100 AutoSv 1200 2 AutoSv 2020 4 AutoSv 2220 4 AutoSv 2120 5 AutoSv 2320 2 TBE1700 3 AutoSv 2860 3 Gen Ed (Chem) 3 SST 3203 3 GenEd(SS) 3 Total Hours 17 Total Hours 17 Automotive Service Technology - BTEP ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE (A.A.S) Advisor: Richard K. DeMoss 801-626-6318 » Program Prerequisite: Not required. » Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.00 or "C." » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 64 credit hours is required. Advisement Automotive Service students should meet each semester with the faculty advisor for program advisement. Call 801-626-6579 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 18 of this catalog). There are no special admission or application requirements for this program. General Education Refer to page 37 of this catalog for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following general education courses are required for this degree: Chem PS1010 (3) or Chem PSlllO (5), and Comm HU1050 (3), and a Social Science course (3). Course Requirements for A.A.S. Degree Courses Required (41 credit hours) Brakes Suspension & Steering Non-Structural Analysis & Repair Principles of Technology I Structural Analysis & Repair Principles of Technology II Specialized Electricity Specialized Electronics Painting & Refinishing Air Conditioning & Heating Auto Body Business Practices Cooperative Practicum Automotive Technology Course Required AutoTc 3020 Intro to Hazardous Materials Support Courses Required (12 credit hours) tomotiv e Service AutoSv 1021 AutoSv 1022 AutoSv 1080 AutoSv 1100 AutoSv 1180 AutoSv 1200 AutoSv 1321 AutoSv 1322 AutoSv 2080 AutoSv 2320 AutoSv 2480 AutoSv 2880 2 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 12 Engl EN1010 Intro to Writing AutoSv 1300 Technical Mathematics or Math QL1030 Contemporary Mathematics TBE 1700 Intro to Microcomputer Apps or CS 1010 Intro to Operating Systems &CS 1011 Intro to Office Products & CS 1012 Intro to Database SST 3203 Customer Service Techniques Suggested Course Sequence The following suggested course sequence is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. Freshman Fall Freshman Spring AutoSv 1321 AutoSv 1080 AutoSv 1300 Engl EN1010 TBE 1700 Total Hours Sophomore Fall AutoSv 1100 AutoSv 2080 Chem PS1010 Comm HU1050 Gen Ed (SS) Total Hours 2 4 3 3 3 15 2 4 3 3 3 15 AutoSv 1322 AutoSv 1021 AutoSv 1022 AutoSv 1180 AutoSv 2880 Total Hours 2 2 3 4 6 17 Sophomore Spring AutoSv 1200 AutoSv 2320 AutoSv 2480 AutoTc 3020 AutoSv 2880 SST 3203 Total Hours 2 2 2 2 6 3 17 Automotive Service technology - general motors asep ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DECREE (A.A.S.) Advisor: John Cline 801-626-7830 » Program Prerequisite: An interview with the program advisor is necessary prior to acceptance into the program. » Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.00 or "C." » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 74 credit hours is required. Advisement Automotive Service students should meet each semester with the faculty advisor for program advisement. Call 801-626-6579 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 18 of this catalog) and meet with the faculty advisor. General Education Refer to page 37 of this catalog for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following general education courses are required for this degree: Chem PS1010 (3) or Chem PSlllO (5), Comm HU1050 (3), and a Social Science course (3). Course Requirements for A.A.S. Degree Automotive Service Courses Required (53 credit hours) AutoSv 1041 GM Brakes 2 AutoSv 1042 GM Steering & Suspension 2 AutoSv 1100 Principles of Technology I 2 AutoSv 1140 GM Engines 3 AutoSv 1200 Principles of Technology II 2 AutoSv 1240 GM Drive Mechanisms 2 AutoSv 1341 GM Specialized Electricity 2 AutoSv 1342 GM Specialized Electronics 2 AutoSv 1540 GM Auto Transmission 4 AutoSv 2040 GM Fuel & Emission Control Sys 3 AutoSv 2140 GM Electrical Systems 3 AutoSv 2240 GM Diagnostics & Tune-up 4 AutoSv 2340 GM Air Conditioning & Heating 2 AutoSv 2880 Cooperative Practicum 20 77 Weber State University Support Courses Required (12 credit hours) Intro to Writing 3 Technical Mathematics 3 Contemporary Mathematics 3 Intro to Microcomputer Apps 3 Intro to Operating Systems 1 Intro to Office Products 1 Intro to Database 1 Customer Service Techniques 3 Suggested Course Sequence The following suggested course sequence is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. ...*.IVjJ i,VJ ...... AIVLJUlYin, .^.V^IOIIYIIjIV. . ... Engl EN1010 AutoSv 1300 or Math QL1030 TBE 1700 orCS 1010 &CS 1011 &CS 1012 SST 3203 Freshman Fall AutoSv 1041 2 AutoSv 1042 2 AutoSv 1140 3 AutoSv 2880 6 AutoSv 1341 2 AutoSv 1300 3 Total Hours 18 AutoSv 2040 AutoSv 2140 AutoSv 1342 Engl EN1010 TBE1700 Chem PS1010 Total Hours 3 3 2 3 3 3 17 AutoSv 2880 Sophomore Fall „, AutoSv 2240 4 AutoSv 2340 2 AutoSv 2880 6 AutoSv 1100 2 Comm HU1050 3 Total Hours 17 Sophomore Spring AutoSv 1240 AutoSv 1540 AutoSv 1200 SST 3203 GenEd(SS) Total Hours 2 4 2 3 3 14 Automotive Service Technology - Chrysler CAP ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE (A.A.S.) Advisor: Roger Crockett 801-626-7511. » Program Prerequisite: An interview with the program advisor is necessary prior to acceptance into the program. » Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.00 or "C." » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 74 credit hours is required. Advisement Automotive Service students should meet each semester with the faculty advisor for program advisement. Call 801-626-6579 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 18 of this catalog) and meet with the faculty advisor. General Education Refer to page 37 of this catalog for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following general education courses are required for this degree: Chem PS1010 (3) or Chem PSlllO (5), Comm HU1050 (3), and a Social Science course (3). Course Requirements for A.A.S. Degree Automotive Service Courses Required (53 credit hours) AutoSv 1051 Chrysler Brakes 2 AutoSv 1052 Chrysler Steering & Suspension 2 AutoSv 1100 Principles of Technology I 2 AutoSv 1150 Chrysler Engines 3 AutoSv 1200 Principles of Technology II 2 AutoSv 1250 Chrysler Drive Mechanisms 2 AutoSv 1351 Chrysler Specialized Electricity 2 AutoSv 1352 Chrysler Specialized Electronics 2 AutoSv 1550 Chrysler Auto Transmiss 4 AutoSv 2050 Chrysler Fuel & Emission Cntrl Sys 3 AutoSv 2150 Chrysler Electrical Systems 3 AutoSv 2250 Chrysler Diagnosis & Tune-up 4 AutoSv 2350 Chrysler Air Condition & Heating 2 AutoSv 2880 Cooperative Practicum 20 Support Courses Required (12 credit hours) Engl EN1010 Intro to Writing 3 AutoSv 1300 Technical Mathematics 3 or Math QL1030 Contemporary Mathematics 3 TBE 1700 Intro to Microcomputer Apps 3 or CS 1010 Intro to Operating Systems 1 &CS 1011 Intro to Office Products 1 &CS 1012 Intro to Database 1 SST 3203 Customer Service Techniques 3 Suggested Course Sequence The following suggested course sequence is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. Freshman Fall AutoSv 1351 2 AutoSv 1250 2 AutoSv 1550 4 AutoSv 2880 6 AutoSv 1300 3 Freshman Spring Freshman Summer Total Hours 17 AutoSv 1352 AutoSv 1051 AutoSv 1052 AutoSv 1150 Engl EN1010 TBE 1700 Chem PS1010 Total Hours 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 18 AutoSv 2880 Sophomore Fall SophomoreSjuHL AutoSv 2050 AutoSv 2150 AutoSv 1100 AutoSv 2880 Comm HU1050 Total Hours 3 3 2 6 3 17 AutoSv 2250 AutoSv 2350 AutoSv 1200 SST 3203 Gen Ed (SS) Total Hours 4 2 2 3 3 14 Automotive Service TECHNOLOGY - TOYOTA T-TEN ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE Advisor: Rondo Erickson 801-626-6321 » Program Prerequisite: An interview with the program advisor is necessary prior to acceptance into the program. » Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.00 or "C." » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 74 credit hours is required. Advisement Automotive Service students should meet each semester with the faculty advisor for program advisement. Call 801-626-6579 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare your program of study (refer to page 18 of this catalog) and meet with the faculty advisor. General Education Refer to page 37 of this catalog for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following general education courses are required for this degree: Chem PS1010 (3) or Chem PSlllO (5), Comm HU1050 (3), and a Social Science course (3). General ■■■■ PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GEN ED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS L1BSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science ft Technology CS EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts 4 Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business ft Econ MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MEM MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Hearth Professions CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social ft Behavioral Sciences .;$mms CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI _____ NAVSCI Continuing Ed Weber State University |