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Show 346 Carol H. Ranstrom (1980) - Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S, University of Utah, 1979; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1984; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1994. Gerrick B. Redden (1997) - Assistant Football Coach. B.A, Eastern Washington University, 1987; M.S, University of Oklahoma, 1989. T. Ramakrishna Reddy (1966) - Professor of Political Science. B.A, M.A, University of Mysore, 1958,1959; Ph.D, University of Kentucky, 1966. Lisa Beth Ravenwood (1982) - Student Computer Lab Coordinator. B.A, Weber State University, 1984,1994. Robert W. Reynolds (1993) - Associate Professor of Sociology. B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1983,1984; Ph.D, Washington State University, 1993. Pamela Ann Rice (1984) - Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S, Whitworth College, 1972; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1993. Julie Rich (1987) - Instructor of Geography. B.S, Weber State College, 1981; M.S, University of Utah, 1991. Wendell W. Rich (1997) - Accountant I. B.A, Weber State University, 1997. Marsha Richter (1985) - Administrative Assistant, President's Office. A.S, Weber State College, 1963. Douglas C. Richards (1983) - Legal Council. BA, Brigham Young University, 1976; J.D, Western State University College of Law, 1979. Franklin B. Richards (1984) - Professor of Mathematics. B.S, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, 1963; M.S, Michigan State University, 1964; Ph.D, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970; L.L.B, University of Alberta, 1981. Joy R. Richie (1991) - Assistant Director of Financial Aid. B.S, University of Utah, 1979. Michael K. Richter (1990) - Manager Loan Servicing/Paralegal Legal Counsel Office. B.P.S, Southern Career Institute, 1990. Christopher C. Rivera (1976) - Director of Admissions. B.S, Weber State College, 1971; M.A. University of Northern Colorado, 1975. Lonna P. Rivera (1991) - Reference Assistant, Library. B.S, Weber State University. Janet Roddom (1992) - Clinical Staff Nurse, Student Health Center. Monika S. Rodie (1990) - Business Manager, Student Life. Daisy Pama Rodriguez (1996) - Residence Hall Director. B.A, San Francisco State University; M.A, New York University. Pamela S. Rogers (1995) - Director of Professional Development Programs. B.S., Weber State University, 1989; M.A, University of Phoenix, 1995. Brad Roghaar (1984) - Instructor of English. B.A, M.A, University of Utah, 1974,1980. Thomas R. Root (1984) - Professor of Music. B.S, M.A, University of Minnesota, 1969,1973; Ph.D, Michigan State University, 1986. Carol Rosenlund (1980) - Assistant Director and Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S.N, University of Utah, 1979; M.S.N, Brigham Young ' University, 1984; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1994. Kristen Rowell (1995) - Co-Director, Office Cultural Affairs. B.F.A, University of Florida, 1991. Timothy Ruden (1996) - Coordinator, HPHP. B.S, M.S, Iowa State University, 1989,1990. Stephen Hays Russell (1991) - Associate Professor of Business and Economics. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1967; M.S, Air Force Institute of Technology, 1974; Ph.D, Arizona State University, 1978. Marilyn Ryan (1972) - Advancement Services Coordinator, University Relations. A.S, Brigham Young University, 1971. ——— ■■■■ ■»» s Richard W. Sadler (1969) - Dean of the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences and Professor of History. B.S, M.S, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1964,1965,1969. Donaldine E. Samson (1989) - Department Chair and Professor of Information Systems & Technologies. B.S, MBA, University of Washington, 1974,1976; Ph.D, George Mason University, 1988. Ty Sanders (1991) - Instructor Specialist, Department of Communication. B.A., California State University, 1976; M.A, Central Missouri University, 1990. Elaine Sandoval (1973) - Program Administator. AAS, Weber State University, 1988. Patricia A. Sanchez (1998) - Academic Advisor, John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics. B.S, Southeren Illinois University, 1994. Suzanne Santos (1998) - Learning Skills Specialist, Student Support Services. B.S, Brigham Young Univeristy, 1990; M.A, University of Texas, 1994. Leland B. Sather (1970) - Department Chair and Professor of History. B.A, Augustana College, 1964; M.A, University of Nebraska, 1967; Ph.D, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1975. Charles E. Schill (1991) - Director, University Relations Research. B.A, Canisius College. Lynn Schow (1994) - Graduation Supervisor. Daniel V. Schroeder (1993) - Associate Professor of Physics. B.A, Carleton College; Ph.D, Stanford University, 1990. Shane J. Schvaneveldt (1992) - Associate Professor of Management. B.S, Utah State University, 1985; M.Engr, Ph.D, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1989,1992. John E. Schwiebert (1989) - Professor of English. B.A, Carleton College, 1976; MA, Ph.D, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1986,1989. Randolph J. Scott (1977) - Associate Professor of Communication. B.S, Weber State College, 1973; M.A, Northern Illinois University, 1975; Ph.D, University of Oregon, 1989. Spencer L. Seager (1961) - Professor of Chemistry. B.S, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1957,1962. Gail Senese (1992) - Program Administrator. B.S, Brigham Young University; M.S, University of Southern Maine, 1992. Monika Serbinowska (1998) - Assistant Professor of Mathematics. M.S, Warsaw University, 1990; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1996. Candadai Seshachari (1969) - Department Chair, Professor of English and Chair of the Faculty Senate. B.A, M.A, Osmania University, 1951,1953; Graduate Certificate in American Studies, University of Utah, 1963; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1964. Neila C. Seshachari (1973) - Professor of English, B.A, Honors, Poona University, 1953; M.A, Gujarat University, 1960; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1975. Gene A. Sessions (1975) - Professor of History. B.A, Utah State University, 1970; MA, Ph.D, Florida State University, 1972,1974. Donald K. Sharpes (1978) - Professor of Education. B.A, M.A, Gonzaga University, 1959,1961; M.A, Stanford University, 1968; Ph.D, Arizona State University, 1969. Patricia L. Shaw (1991) - Assistant Professor of Medical Record Technology. B.S, College of St. Scholastica, 1981; M.Ed, Weber State University, 1997. James T. Shepherd (1991) - Basic Skills Specialist, Veterans Upward Bound. B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1971,1974. Sally Bishop Shigley (1992) - Associate Professor of English. B.A, University of Utah. M.S, Oklahoma State University. Ph.D, Oklahoma State University. Kelly Ann Shoell (1996) - Assistant Professor, Nursing. A.D.N, Weber State College, 1989; B.S, Weber State University, 1991; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1996. Brian L. Shuppy (1994) - Institutional Analyst. B.S, University of Utah, 1993. Dianne Seigfried (1980) - Program Administrator. B.S, North Texas State University, 1968; M.S, Utah State University, 1979. John R. Sillito (1977) - University Archivist and Professor of Library Science. B.S, MA, University of Utah, 1970,1973,1977. Allen F. Simkins (1976) - Vice President for Administrative Services and Professor of Accounting. B.S, Utah State University, 1969; MAcc, Brigham Young University, 1970; Ph.D, Arizona State University, 1976. Yasmen Simonian (1981) - Program Director and Professor of Laboratory Sciences. B.S, M.S, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1975,1981,1998. Betty H. Simons (1997) - Career Counselor, Career Services. B.S, Brigham Young University. M.Ed, Weber State University. Jeffrey L. Simons (1992) - Coordinator of Services for Multicultural Students. A.A, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1972,1974; M.O.B, Brigham Young University - Marriott School of Management, 1976. Anna Marie Singleton (1999) Academic Advisor. B.A, Idaho State University, 1973; M.A, University of Utah, 1994. C. Jan Slabaugh (1972) - Professor of Interior Design Technology. B.S, Utan State University, 1958; M.S, Iowa State University, 1967. Michael R. Slabaugh (1971) - Professor of Chemistry. B.S, Purdue, 1965, Ph.D, Iowa State University, 1970. Dan R. Slater (1995) - Assistant Director of Bookstore Operations. B.S., MPAcc, Weber State University, 1982,1995. Weber State University 347 Richard W. Sline (1982) - Instructor of Communication. B.A, Drake University, 1969; M.S, Southern Illinois University, 1972; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1999. Royan W. Smania (1998) - FRS/PC System Support, Accounting Services Department. B.S, Weber State University, 1975; B.S, Weber State University, 1998. Carol A. Smith (1985) - Honours Coordinator. Jay Smith (1985) - Professor of Electronics Engineering Technology and Director of Aerospace Technology Center. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1982,1984; Ph.D, Utah State University, 1995. Molly M. Smith (1989) - Professor in Physical Education. B.S, University of Missouri, 1974; M.S, University of Arizona, 1978; Ph.D, University of New Mexico, 1988. Phil M. Smith (1980) - Program Director and Assistant Professor of Health Administrative Services. B.S, Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1959, 1985; M.B.A, University of Chicago, 1961. R. Michael Smith - Professor of Education. B.S, B.S, Weber State College, 1976,1977; M. Ed, Utah State University, 1978; Ed.D, Brigham Young University, 1984. Ronald L. Smith (1982) - Accounting Manager. B.A, Weber State College, 1982. Susan Smith (1993) - Coordinator, Technology in Advisement. B.A, Weber State University, 1983; M.Ed, Brigham Young University, 1986. Irene Smith-Kent (1997) - Clinical Instructor of Nursing. B.S, University of Minnesota, 1982; M.S, University of Utah, 1996. Regina K. Smout (1992) - Financial Aid Counselor. A.S, B.S, Weber State University, 1996,1998. Robert C. Soderberg (1972) - Director and Associate Professor of Health Sciences. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1959,1972; D.D.S, University of Washington, 1963. John Sohl (1990) - Associate Professor of Physics and Director of the Planetarium. B.S, University of West Florida, 1979; M.S, Ph.D, Ohio State University, 1986,1990. J.D. Sollars (1997) - Assistant Football Coach. B.A, Eastern Washington University, 1980; M.S, Eastern Washington University, 1982. Mohammad Sondossi (1991) - Professor of Microbiology. B.S, University of Azarabadehgan, 1974; M.S, University of Detroit, 1978; Ph.D, Wayne State University, 1988. Richard N. Southwick (1979) - Director of Counseling & Psychological Services. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1960,1967; Ph.D, Ohio State University, 1976. Sandra S. Sowerby (1997) - Director of Public Relations. B.S, Weber State University, 1995. Anthony Spanos (1973) - Department Chair and Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A, Weber State College, 1968; M.A, University of Nevada- Reno, 1973; PhD., University of Utah, 1988. Walther N. Spjeldvik (1985) - Professor of Physics. E. Art, University Pihl, 1964; M.S, Ph.D, University of California-Los Angeles, 1971,1974. Paul Larry Stahle (1981) - Instructor Specialist of Communication. B.A, M.P.A, Brigham Young University, 1975,1980. Brian R. Stecklein (1986) - Program Administrator. B.S, Weber State College, 1989. Scott Steele (1985) - Coordinator of Art Services. A.S, Weber State College, 1968. Timothy H. Steele (1994) - Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.S, United States Military Academy at West Point, 1986; M.A, Ph.D, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1992,1994. Pamela J. Stenberg (1994) - Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Ph.D, Boston College, 1994. Dianne Stephenson (1997) - Supervising Teacher for Child & Family Studies. B.S, Weber State Unversity, 1995. Erik Stem (1993) - Associate Professor of Performing Arts. B.A, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1982; MFA, California Institute of the Arts, 1989. Diane Neri Stern (1996) - Costume Studio Assistant Manager. B.A, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980. Morris R. Sterrett (1973) - Department Chair and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, B.A, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1967,1969; M.A, Ph.D, Claremont Graduate School, 1983,1984. Diann M. Stewart (1986) - Director of Services for International Students. BA, Humboldt State University, 1973; M.S, California State University- Los Angeles, 1981. Greg G. Stimpson (1997) - Assistant Golf Coach. B.A, Weber State University, 1988. Roy E. Stock (1968) - Multimedia Facilities Developer. B.S, Weber State College, 1975; M. B. A, Westminster College, 1990. Alan E. Stockland (1970) - Professor of Microbiology. B.S, University of Nebraska, 1961; M.S, Ph.D, Michigan State University, 1967,1970. H. Stephen Stoker (1968) - Professor of Chemistry. B.A, University of Utah, 1963; PhD, University of Wisconsin, 1968. Jeffery D. Stokes (1985) - Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. B.A, Weber State College, 1975; MA, University of Utah, 1977; Ph.D, Indiana University, 1981. Jerald T. Storey (1964) - Professor of Management. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1957; M.B.A, PhD, University of Utah, 1964,1972. Steven L. Stuart (1988) - Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology. B.S, M.S., Weber State College, 1974,1991. Mahalingam Subbiah (1987) - Professor of English. B.S, Annamalai University-India, 1971; M.A, Pachaiyappas College-India, 1978; Ph.D, Oklahoma State University, 1987. Robert A. Summers (1989) - Professor of Electronics Engineering Technology. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1972; M.S, University of Washington, 1978; PhD, University of Idaho, 1988. James G. Swearingen (1985) - Professor of Accounting. B.S, M.B.A, University of Utah, 1971,1972; Ph.D, University of Washington, 1982. Ross Syrett (1998) - Telecommunications Programmer, Telecommunications. B.S, Weber State University, 1998. Tamas Szabo (1998) - Assistant Professor of Mathematics. M.Ed, Estvos Lorand University, 1994; M.S, Estovos Lorand University, 1994; Ph.D, University of Memphis. Eva Ludwiga Szalay (1999) - Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages. B.S, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: M.S./Ph.D, Georgetown University, 1998. Paul C. Talaga (1980) - Professor of Mathematics. B.S, M.A, Ph.D, University of Colorado, 1969,1973,1978. Alden A. Talbot (1975) - Professor of Business Education. B.S, Weber State College, 1967; M.S, Utah State University, 1969; Ph.D, University of Iowa, 1976. Stella Z. Tarwater (1974) - Supervisor/Records. Carta D. Taylor (1988) - Women's Head Basketball Coach. B.S, Weber State College, 1984. Clark H. Taylor (1974) - Photographic Supervisor, Communication Arts and Technologies (CATS). B.S, Weber State College, 1973. Scott S. Taylor (1989) - Computer Department Manager, Bookstore. B.I.S, Weber State University, 1988. John S. Thaeler (1982) - Associate Professor of Mathematics. B.A, MAT., Duke University, 1960,1961; B.S, University of Utah, 1968; Ph.D, Florida State University, 1981. Joan Thompson (1988) - Associate Professor of Nutrition. B.S. University of California-Berkeley, 1978; M.S, Ph.D, University of Arizona, 1981,1983. Paul H. Thompson (1990) - President and Professor of Business Administration. B.S, M.B.A., University of Utah, 1964,1966; Ph.D., Harvard, 1969. Blaine R. Thornock (1970) - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology. B.S, M.I.E, Utah State University, 1961,1979. Roy D. Thornock (1982) - Professor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology. B.S, Utah State University, 1964; M.S, Colorado State University, 1974. Susan Thornock (1998) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S.N, Weber State University, 1993; M.S, University of Utah, 1998. Van Tinkham (1993) - Instructor Specialist of Performing Arts. B.A, M.A, Indiana University, 1973,1975. Sarah E. Tinkler (1988) - Professor of Economics. B.A, Cambridge University, 1982; M.S, University of Oregon, 1987, Ph.D, University of Oregon, 1989. Karl Tippets (1997) - Program Manager, Technology Assistance Center. B.S, University of Wyoming, 1963. Weber State University |