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Show 242 HU1050 or Comm HU1020, and either HthSci 1110/1111 or introductory-level courses in the some of the basic sciences (human biology, chemistry and microbiology). Consult with department advisor or College of Health Professions Admission Advisor regarding general education guidelines. Course Requirements for B.S. Degree Respiratory Therapy Courses Required Complete the requirements for the A.S. degree, which requires 61 credit hours, including 25 upper division ResThy credit hours. Students entering the B.S. program with a Certificate of Completion in lieu of the A.S. degree must satisfy the following courses [or equivalent]: ResThy 3210 Adv Cardiopulmonary Anat/Phys 2 ResThy 3220 Adv Cardiopulmonary Patho 2 ResThy 3230 Adv Cardiopulmonary Tech 2 ResThy 3260 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care 2 ResThy 3270 Adult Critical Care 2 ResThy 3280 Patient Care Cont/Qual Mgmt 3 ResThy 3760 Neonatal & Ped Resp Care/Clinical 4 ResThy 3770 Adult Critical Care/Clinical 4 ResThy 3780 Clinical Applications 2 ResThy 3900 Clinical Simulation Seminar 2 Additional Required Courses All students must complete an additional five (5) upper division credit hours in Seminars, Independent Projects and Directed Readings. Departmental standards are developed which specify content of certain projects, remaining credits are "elective" with content approved by program advisor. ResThy 4800 Independent Projects 1-6 ResThy 4830 Directed Readings 1-3 ResThy 4990 Seminar 2 Suggested Course Sequence The following suggested course sequence for the BS degree is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use this only as a guideline and be sure to consult with an advisor. Refer to A.A.S. degree for Freshman and Sophomore Years JUNl()R,SPBI?it„ ResThy 3210 2 ResThy 3230 2 ResThy 3220 2 ResThy 3270 2 ResThy 3260 2 ResThy 3280 3 ResThy 3760 4 ResThy 3770 4 GenEd Elective 3 ResThy 3780 2 Engl EN2010 3 ResThy 3900 2 GenEd Elective 3 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 18 Senior Fall _JlBjiCjR Spring ResThy 4800/4830 ResThy 4800/4830 Elective 3000+ Elective 3000+ B.S. Core Total Hours 2 2 2 2 3-6 11-14 ResThy 4800/4830 Elective 3000+ Elective 3000+ B.S. Core B.S. Core Total Hours 1 3 3 3 2 12 RESPIRATORY THERAPY MINOR/B.I.S. CONCENTRATION »Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in each course required by this program (a "C-" is not acceptable.) CR/NC courses in this program require a "C" or better to receive CR. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for graduation. »Credit Hour Requirements: A minimum of 18 credit hours, all upper division ResThy courses, are required. Respiratory Therapy is an approved minor for the following bachelor degrees: Health Services Administration; Health Education, Training, and Promotion; Long-Term Care Administration; Technical Sales. Respiratory Therapy may also be used as an area of concentration for the B.I.S. degree. Refer to the Interdisiplinary Studies section of this catalog for B.I.S. degree requirements. Course Requirements for Minor/B.I.S. Concentration Select 18 credit hours of upper division ResThy courses in consultation with an advisor. ENTRY-LEVEL RESPIRATORY THERAPIST ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE (A.A.S.) » Program Prerequisites: Completion of all prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or better ("C-" or CR are not acceptable in prerequisite courses.) In addition, students must complete an application/selection process, which requires prior completion of ResThy 1400 or current CPR certification at the BLS-C level (also see Admissions Requirements following). » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in each course is required by this program (a "C-" is not acceptable.) CR/NC courses in this program require a "C" or better to receive CR. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 60-67 credit hours is required for graduation — 38 of these are required ResThy courses and 18 are required general education courses. Advisement All respiratory therapy students are required to meet with a faculty advisor before applying for the program. Students are informed regarding program costs, structure, and academic and performance standards. Call 801-626-7071 for more information or to schedule an appointment. During June, July and August, students may contact a counselor in the College of Health Professions' Admission & Counseling Office (Marriott Allied Health Building, Room 108, Phone 801-626-6028) for program information and an application, if a faculty member of the Respiratory Therapy Program is not available Admissions Requirements Declare your program of study (see page 18 of this catalog). Meet with a respiratory therapy faculty advisor (initial interview) and then file a Program Application (at the College of Health Professions Admissions Office, MHS 108 on or before February 1). Program selection criteria includes cumulative GPA, prerequisite GPA, completion of application process (including hospital visitation), previous healthcare experience, and formal Selection Committee interview. Complete all prerequisite courses with "C" (2.0) or better. Prerequisite Courses ResThy 1540 Math 0960 or 19 or above on the Engl ENIOIO Comm HU1050 orCommHU1020 Psych SS1010 or Psych SS2000 HthSci 2230 Resthy 1560 either HthSci LSI 110 & HthSci 1111 Survey of Respiratory Therapy First Course in Algebra (with a grade of "C" or better) A.C.T. Introduction to Writing Intro to Interpersonal & Small Group Communication Principles of Public Speaking Introductory Psychology Interpersonal Relationships Introductory Pathophysiology Multi-Skilled Health Care Worker or C.N.A. certificate Biomedical Core Lecture/Lab Biomedical Core Lee/Lab (cont'd) 243 or introductory level courses in the four basic sciences: Chem PS1010 Introduction to Chemistry 3 Micro LSI 113 Introductory Microbiology 3 Zool 2100 Human Anatomy 4 &Zool* 2200 Human Physiology 4 'Zool LS1010 Animal Biology (3) may be substituted for Human Physiology. General Education Refer to page 37 of this catalog for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following general education courses will fulfill both general education and program requirements: Psych SS1010 or Psych SS2200, Engl ENIOIO, Comm HU1050 or Comm HU1020, and either HthSci 1110/1111 or introductory- level courses in the some of the basic sciences (human biology, chemistry and microbiology). Consult with Academic Advising or College of Health Professions Admission Advisor regarding general education guidelines. Course Requirements for A.A.S. Degree Courses Required (38 credit hours) Principles of Pharmacology 2 Survey of Respiratory Therapy 1 Multi-Skilled Health Care Worker 1 Basic Therapeutic Modalities Lab 3 Equipment Management Lab 3 Elem Cardiopulmonary Anat/Phys 3 Elem Cardiopulmonary Patho 2 Basic Patient Assessment 2 Appl of Cardiopulmonary Diag 4 Basic Mod in Respiratory Care, I 3 Basic Mod in Respiratory Care, II 3 Mechanical Ventilation 2 Comprehensive Review 1 Clinical Applications 4 Specialty Clinical Experiences 1 Clinical Applications 3 Suggested Course Sequence The following course sequence for the A.A.S. degree is provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Program courses are taught in a specific sequence and students are required to attend in this sequence. spirator) / Therapy ResThy 1520 ResThy 1540 ResThy 1560 ResThy 2140 ResThy 2160 ResThy 2210 ResThy 2230 ResThy 2250 ResThy 2270 ResThy 2300 ResThy 2310 ResThy 2320 ResThy 2330 ResThy 2700 ResThy 2710 ResThy 2720 Option I Freshman Fall Hthsci LS1110 Comm HU1050 Engl ENIOIO Math ResThy 1540 GenEd Total Hours Freshman Spring 4 3 3 3 1 3-6 17-20 Hthsci 1111 ResThy 1560 Hthsci 2230 Psych SS1010 or SS2200 GenEd Total Hours 4 1 3 3 3-6 14-17 Option II Freshman Fall Zool2100 Micro LS1113 ResThy 1540 Engl ENIOIO Psych SS1010 (or 2200) Total Hours Freshman Spring 4 3 1 3 3 14 Zool 2200 Chem PS1010 Comm HU1050 Hthsci 2230 ResThy 1560 Math Total Hours 4 3 3 3 1 14-17 Sophomore Fall Sophomore Spring ResThy 1520 ResThy 2140 ResThy 2210 ResThy 2230 ResThy 2300 ResThy 2310 ResThy 2700 Total Hours 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 20 ResThy 2160 ResThy 2250 ResThy 2270 ResThy 2320 ResThy 2330 ResThy 2710 ResThy 2720 Total Hours 3 2 4 2 1 1 3 16 ADVANCED RESPIRATORY THERAPIST WMKkW ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE (A.S.) WKKM »Program Prerequisite: Must be N.B.R.C. credentialled as a Certified Respiratory Therapist (C.R.T.). »Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in each course is required by this program (a "C-" is not acceptable.) CR/NC courses in this program require a "C" or better to receive CR. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for graduation. »Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 61 credit hours is required for graduation — 25 of these must be upper division ResThy courses. Advisement All respiratory therapy students are required to meet with a faculty advisor before applying for program. Students are informed regarding program costs, structure, and academic and performance standards. Call 801-626-7071 for more information or to schedule an appointment. During June, July and August, students may contact a counselor in the College of Health Professions' Admission & Counseling Office (Marriott Allied Health Building, Room 108, Phone 801-626-6028) for program information and an application, if a faculty member of the Respiratory Therapy Program is not available Admissions Requirements Declare your program of study (see page 18 of this catalog) and provide proof of N.B.R.C. credential as a Certified Respiratory Therapist (C.R.T.). Meet with a faculty advisor and then file a Program Application (at the Respiratory Therapy Office, MHS 309 on or before March 15). Program selection criteria include cumulative GPA and clinical performance. Selection into the advanced therapist program is prioritized as follows: 1) continuing WSU entry-level respiratory therapist graduates; 2) returning WSU entry-level respiratory therapist graduates; and 3) transferring entry- level respiratory therapist graduates. General Education Refer to pages 37-39 of this catalog for Associate of Science requirements. Of the Quantitative Literacy courses [Math QL1030, QL1040, or QL1050]; Math QL1040 Probability and Statistics is the preferred course for this program. Consult with a program advisor or College of Health Professions Admission Advisor regarding general education guidelines. Course Requirements for A.S. Degree Respiratory Therapy Courses Required (25 credit hours) ResThy 3210 Adv Cardiopulmonary Anat/Phys 2 ResThy 3220 Adv Cardiopulmonary Patho 2 ResThy 3230 Adv Cardiopulmonary Tech 2 ResThy 3260 Neonatal & Pediatric Resp Care 2 ResThy 3270 Adult Critical Care 2 ResThy 3280 Patient Care Cont/Qual Mgmt 3 ResThy 3760 Neonatal & Pediat Resp Care/Clin 4 PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology CS EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts S Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business & Econ MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science 'â– flllMMM BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences''UkWS CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI ContinuingEd WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY Weber State University |