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Show 38 39 Students should consult with an advisor before selecting general education courses. Humanities/Creative Arts Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select nine (9) credit hours — at least three (3) credit hours from Humanities and at least three (3) credit hours from Creative Arts. Each course must be from a different program (e.g. have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of Hnrs - Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours from Humanities or Creative Arts. GROUPS—HUMANITIES ♦ Anthropology Anthro HU2300 Language & Culture 3 Art Art HU1115* Humanities on the Internet Communication Comm HU1115* Humanities on the Internet Comm HU1020 Principles of Public Speaking Comm HU1050 Intro to Interpersonal & Small Group Communication Comm HU2280 Mass Media and Society Foreign Language ForLng HU1851 orForLng HU2851 ForLng HU2010 Honors Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs HUH 10 HU1530 HU2110 HU2120 HU2130 Library Science LibSci HUH 15* iterature ForLng HU2700 Engl/ForLng HU1115* Engl HU2320 Engl HU2330 Engl HU2340 Engl HU2500 Engl HU2510 Engl HU2710 Engl HU3500 Engl HU3510 Engl HU3520 Engl HU3750 Music Music Philosophy Philo Philo Philo Theatre Theatr Study Abroad Study Abroad Foreign Language Second Year 1 Intro to Intellectual Traditions Perspectives in the Humanities Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Classical and Medieval Eras 3 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Modern Era 3 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the East 3 Humanities on the Internet 3 Intro to Foreign Lit in Translation 3 Humanities on the Internet 3 Introduction to Fiction 3 Introduction to Drama 3 Introduction to Poetry 3 Introduction to Literature 3 Masterpieces of Literature 3 Perspectives in Women's Literature 3 Studies in Shakespeare 3 Global Perspectives in Literature 3 Literature of the Natural World 3 Themes and Ideas in Literature 3 HU1043 Music, the Arts & Civilizations 3 HU1010 Introduction to Philosophy 3 HU1120 Contemporary Moral Problems 3 HUH50 Critical Thinking 3 HU1115* Humanities on the Internet 3 * HU1115 is cross listed in Art, Communication, English, Foreign Languages & Literatures, Library Science and Theatre. GROUPS—CREATIVE ARTS Art Art Art Art Art Dance Dance Honors Hnrs Music Music Music Music Music Music Theatre Theatr Theatr Theatr Theatr CA1010 Intro to the Visual Arts CA1030 Studio Art for the Non-Art Major CA1090 Art & Architecture of the World: Paleolithic - AD 1000 CA1100 Art & Architecture of the World: AD 1000 to Present CA1010 Intro to Dance CA1530 Perspectives in the Creative Arts 3 CA1013 Intro to Music 3 CA1023 Evolution of Jazz 3 CA1033 Intro to American Music 3 CA1053 Music of World Cultures 3 CA1063 Music in Religion 3 CA1013 Intro to Theatre 3 CA1023 Intro to Film Studies 3 CA1033 Intro to Acting 3 CA1043 Intro to American Music Theatre 3 Social Sciences Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select six (6) credit hours in addition to the American Institutions requirement. Each course must be from a different program (e.g. have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of Hnrs - Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours. GROUPS—SOCIAL SCIENCES Intro to Anthropology 3 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3 Principles of Archaeology 3 Anthropology Anthro SS1000 Anthro SS2000 Anthro SS2100 Child and Family Studies ChFam SS1500 Human Development Criminal Justice CJ SS1010 Economics Econ Econ Econ Econ Geography Geogr Geogr Gerontology Geront SS1010 SS1100 SS2010 SS2020 SSI100 SS1520 Criminal Justice Economics as a Social Science Environmental Issues and Economic Policy Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Places & Peoples of the World 3 Geography of the U.S. and Canada 3 SS1010 Intro to Gerontology Health Promotion and Human Performance Health SS1030 Healthy Lifestyles Weber State University History Hist Hist Honors Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs Hnrs SS1010 World History to 1500 SS1020 World History Since 1500 SS1110 Intro to Intellectual Traditions SS1520 Perspectives in the Social Sciences SS2110 IntellectualTraditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Classical and Medieval Eras SS2120 IntellectualTraditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Modern Era SS2130 IntellectualTraditions: Great Ideas of the East Information Systems & Technologies IS&T SSI 100 The Wired Society Political Science PoISc PoISc PoISc Psychology Psych Psych Social Work SoclWk Sociology Soclgy Soclgy Soclgy SS2100 Intro to International Politics 3 SS2200 Intro to Comparative Politics 3 SS2350 Intro to Political Theory 3 SS 1010 Introductory Psychology SS2000 Interpersonal Relationships SS1010 Intro to Generalist Social Work SS1010 Principles of Sociology SS1020 Social Problems SS1030 American Social Institutions: Past, Present & Future Women's Studies WS SS2050 Intro to Women's Studies Physical & Life Sciences Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select nine (9) credit hours—at least three (3) credit hours from Physical Sciences and at least three (3) credit hours from Life Sciences. Each course must be from a different program (e.g. have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of Hnrs- Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours from Physical or Life Sciences. GROUPS—PHYSICAL SCIENCES Chemistry Chem Chem Chem Chem Geography * Geogr Geosciences Geosci Geosci Geosci Geosci Geosci Geosci PS1010 Intro to Chemistry 3 PSlllO Elementary Chemistry 5 PS1210 Principles of Chemistry 5 PS 13 60 Principles of Physical Science 3 PS1010 Natural Environments of the Earth 3 PS1030 Earthquakes and Volcanoes 3 PSlllO Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology 3 PS1130 Intro to Meteorology 3 PS1350 Principles of Earth Science 3 PS1540 Environmental Geosciences 3 PS 1600 The Fossil Record 3 (GeTe-)°WSe ^°m e'ther the Geo^aPhy (Geo^ or the Geosciences sc™ arms in the above listmay be used t0 f"1^1 thePhyskal nces Seneml education requirement. Honors Hnrs Physics Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx Phsx PS 1500 PS1010 PS1030 PS1360 PS2010 PS2010L PS2210 PS2210L Perspectives in the Physical Sciences Intro to Physics Intro to Astronomy Principles of Physical Science General Physics I Laboratory Physics I Physics for Scientists & Engineers 1 Laboratory Physics I GROUPS—LIFE SCIENCES Anthropology Anthro Botany Botany Botany Botany Botany Health Science HthSci Honors Hnrs Microbiology Micro Micro Micro Micro Nutrition Nutri Zoology Zool Zool Zool LS2200 Biological Anthropology LSI 105 Principles of Botany LS1303 Plants in Human Affairs LS1370 Principles of Life Science LSI403 Environmental Appreciation LS1110 Biomedical Core Lecture/Lab LS1510 Perspectives in the Life Sciences 3 5 3 3 3-4 LSI 113 Intro to Microbiology LSI 153 Elementary Public Health LS1370 Principles of Life Science LS205 4 Principles of Microbiology LS1020 Foundations in Nutrition LS1010 AnimalBiology LS1020 Human Biology LS1370 Principlesof Life Science Elementary Education majors should refer to the Teacher Education Department section of this catalog for specific science requirements. General education requirements may also be satisfied by: AP Credit Students who have completed advanced placement courses in high school and passed the Education Testing Service examination with acceptable scores (3, 4, or 5) will be granted 8 hours of credit for each, and will be given general education credit in the appropriate category. Contact the Admissions office for more information. CLEP Credit All students are eligible to take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) battery which, if passed satisfactorily, may satisfy most of the general area requirements. (Refer to the Credit by Examination or Petition section.) Transfer Credit Students who have completed all general education requirements for a bachelor's degree at another institution in the Utah System of Higher Education prior to transferring to Weber State University will not be required to meet the above requirements, with the exception of the State requirement in American history (American Institutions) and the Quantitative Literacy requirement. Transfer students from out-of-state institutions who have completed an identical general education program to that of WSU will only be required to complete the American Institutions and Quantitative Literacy requirement. Contact the Admissions Office for more information. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GEN ED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology CS EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts S, Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business «:lco»II MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science' TBEBI BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences* iiMHM CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Continuing Ed WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY |