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Show 50 51 Engineering technology programs prepare individuals for occupations working as technologists, engineering assistants, craftsmen, and designers. Engineering technology requires the application of scientific and engineering knowledge and methods combined with technical skills to support engineering activities. This "hands on" approach is in contrast to the engineer who concentrates on design and on development of new engineering principles and procedures; and who requires, therefore, more extensive training in mathematics and science than does the engineering technologist. Following are the engineering technology programs at Weber State University accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202: • Electronics Engineering Technology (B.S.) • Manufacturing Engineering Technology (B.S.) • Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.) Director: Jay L. Smith Location: ET236 Telephone: 801-626-7272 I he Center for Aerospace Technology (CAST) was established in 1986 to develop satellite projects for enhancing the education of students. These "real world" projects provide students with exciting and challenging experiences that prepare them for better jobs after graduation. Weber State is known internationally for its pioneering work in small satellites. As a result of working on satellite projects, Weber State University graduates have more opportunities for rewarding and satisfying careers. Building and operating earth orbiting satellites and flying experiments on high altitude rockets are some of the projects that students in the College of Applied Science and Technology at Weber State University can participate in while earning associate of science and bachelor of science degrees in the engineering technologies or computer science. ASSISTANCE CENTE Director: RickOrr Location: ET110 Telephone: 801-626-7514 The Technology Assistance Center was established in 1991 to provide technical assistance for regional business and industry. The goal of the Center is to furnish technical and managerial support to stimulate manufacturing development and diversification. The Center also works closely with economic development and assistance organizations within the state. The Technology Assistance Center responds to businesses, local governments, and economic development groups by acting as an information clearing house, conducting data base searches, providing technical assistance in product or process development or testing, and demonstrating new or emerging technologies. This assistance, which is provided by faculty and students, includes but is not limited to problem solving, decision support for new technology or systems, product or process design assistance, material handling, cost analysis, quality control assistance, team building, and technical training. department Computer Science Chair: Dr. Ronald D. Peterson Location: Technical Education Building, Room 110 Telephone: Mary Ellen Jones 801-626-7929 Professors: Robert L. Capener, R. Kenneth Walter; Associate Professors: David G. Hart, Ronald D. Peterson; Assistant Professors: Delroy Brinkerhoff, William E. Hoggan, David B. Wolford I he Department of Computer Science offers an Associate of Science Degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with emphases in Systems Integration/Networking; Software Engineering; or a Composite Emphasis, which requires a minor. The Department also offers a minor, a teaching minor, and a BIS concentration. The program in Computer Science blends scientific and engineering principles. It contains actual, practical, applications- oriented experience as well as the intellectual study of computing. It is designed to provide a sound fundamental understanding of digital/processor logic and of digital computer organization as well as the interaction between hardware, software and the interconnection of system components. Also emphasized is software engineering which includes understanding of operating systems and other software systems design with implementation of the theory of computing, analysis of algorithms, simulation, compiler design, and knowledge-based systems. The Computer Science curriculum has a required common core of courses at the Freshman/Sophomore level and then is divided into three selected areas. System Integration and Networking Emphasis is a system integration and hardware approach emphasizing system networking, drivers and internals. Software Engineering Emphasis is a technical, scientific approach requiring a solid foundation in mathematics. Composite Emphasis provides a flexible approach for students pursuing a minor in another academic area, working toward a concurrent baccalaureate degree in a second department, or who already have a first bachelor's degree. Computer Science Major » Program Prerequisite: Completion or equivalent of a Weber State A.S. degree in Computer Science and acceptance into the baccalaureate degree program (application required). » Minor: Required for the Composite Emphasis; not required for the other two emphasis areas. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in courses required for this major (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.70 or higher. Also refer to the general grade requirements for graduation on page 35 of this catalog. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation. The number of Computer Science credit hours required by the major varies depending upon the option chosen. Weber State University Advisement It is strongly suggested that Computer Science students see an advisor on a regular basis. Advisers are members of the academic faculty. Call the department secretary at 801-626-7929 for an appointment with the advisor assigned to you. Admission Requirements into the Bachelor Program 1. Complete an A.S. degree in Computer Science or equivalent. 2. Complete each of the following courses (or their equivalent) with an average grade of 2.7 ("B-") or higher: CS 1220, CS 2650 or EET 2030/2030L, CS 2750 and Engl 1010. 3. Formally apply for and be accepted to baccalaureate status through the Department of Computer Science. Specific requirements and details may be obtained from a department advisor. General Education Refer to pages 35-39 of this catalog for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. If a Computer Science major does not have the prerequisite skills at entrance, the CS 1010,1011, 1012, and 1013 courses are recommended to fill the WSU "computer literacy" core general education requirement. The Math QL1080 or 1210 course required for the Computer Science major also satisfies the WSU core general education "Quantitative Literacy" requirement. Computer Science majors must complete Comm HU1050 as part of the Humanities general education requirement. It is recommended that Computer Science majors take Phsx 2010/ 2010L for the Systems Integration Emphasis or Phsx PS2210/2210L for the Software Engineering and Composite Emphases as part of the Physical Sciences general education requirement. Students who pass the Computer Science Advanced Placement A exam with a score of 3 or higher receive 8 hours of credit and specific credit for CS 1023 (4). Students who pass the A/B exam with a score of 3 or higher receive 8 hours of credit and specific credit for CS 1021 (4) and 1023 (4). There is also a CLEP exam covering CS 1010, 1011, 1012, and 1013. Contact the Computer Science department for more information. Course Requirements for B.S. or B.A. Degree To be taken in addition to the requirements for the A.S. Degree. Complete all the courses listed for one of the following three emphasis areas: • Systems Integration/Networking Emphasis (47 credit hours) Introduction to Networking 4 Operating Systems 4 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ & Data Structures 4 UNIX Sys Programming & Internals 4 Internet Multimedia Serv & Appl 4 Dist Database Arch Mgmt & Appl 4 Network Fundamentals & Design 4 Client/Server Network Programming 4 Computer Graphics 4 Internet Firewalls & Net Security 4 Object Oriented Windows Application Development 4 For a maximum of two of the above classes, students may substitute two other upper division CS classes or classes from other programs which have been approved by the department. CS 4890 (4) is recommended. CS 2710 CS 3100 CS 3200 CS 3210 CS 3230 CS 3550 CS 3710 CS 3730 CS 4280 CS 4740 CS 4780 Support Course Required Engl 3100 Professional & Technical Writing 3 or TBE 3250 Business Communication 3 • Software Engineering Emphasis (50 credit hours) CS 2710 Introduction to Networking 4 CS 3100 Operating Systems 4 CS 3200 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ & Data Structures 4 CS 3250 Object Oriented Programming Using Ada 4 Network Fundamentals & Design 4 Software Engineering 4 Concepts of Formal Languages & Algorithms for Computing 4 Advanced Software Engineering 4 Object Oriented Windows Application Development 4 CS 4820 Compiler Design 4 For a maximum of two of the above classes (except CS 3750 and CS 4750) students may substitute two other upper division CS classes or classes from other programs which have been approved by the department. CS 4890 (4) is recommended. CS 3710 CS 3750 CS 4110 CS 4750 CS 4780 Support Courses Required Engl 3100 or TBE 3250 Math 1220 Math QL1040 or Math 3410 Technical Writing Business Communication Calculus II Introduction to Statistics Probability & Statistics • Composite Emphasis (30 credit hours) plus a minor or first bachelor degree CS 2710 Intro to Networking 4 Select 20 credit hours from CS upper division classes other than CS 4800 or CS 4890 and complete a minor in any academic area or a concurrent 2nd bachelor degree or have completed a first bachelor degree. Support Courses Required Engl 3100 or TBE 3250 Math 1220 Professional & Technical Writing 3 Business Communication 3 Calculus II 3 Other CS Electives When selecting upper division CS electives in each of the emphases, students may choose courses from the other emphases or from the following electives list. CS 3720 Network Architecture and Protocols 4 CS 4500 Artificial Intelligence & Neural Nets 4 CS 4800 Individual Proj & Research 1-3 CS 4830 Advanced Topics in CS 1-3 CS 4890 Cooperative Work Experience 1-5 CS 4920 Short Courses, Workshops... 1-4 Suggested Course Sequence The following suggested course sequences are provided to assist students in planning their schedules. Use these only as guidelines and be sure to consult with an advisor. Systems Integration Emphasis Freshman Fall Feeshman Spring Engl EN1010 Math QL1080 Comm HU1050 CS 1130 Total Hours Engl EN2010 American Institutions Creative Arts CS 1220 CS 2350 Total Hours 3 3 3 4 4 17 General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GEN ED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI 1NTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology cs- EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE Arts* Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART Business S Econ MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MB MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science £HPRfl BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences WkWKk CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Continuing Ed Weber State university |