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Show 320 321 SOCIOLOGY COURSES - SOCLGY SSIOIO. Principles of Sociology (3) An introduction to the study of sociology through the concepts and principles used to understand and evaluate daily life in society. Special emphasis is given to the varying sociological perspectives used for understanding social interactions and the patterning of human behavior. Soclgy SSIOIO is a prerequisite for all Sociology courses numbered 2000 and above. Exceptions require permission from the instructor. SS1020. Social Problems (3) A study of major social problems in contemporary society, including crime, delinquency, sexual deviance, substance abuse, poverty, and inequality plus other issues, including a focus on values and decision-making. SS1030. American Social Institutions: Past, Present & Future (3) An introduction to social institutions in the United States through the concepts and theories of Sociology. Special emphasis is given to exploring the nature of social institutions, including their functions, dynamic interaction with each other, and impact on American behavior and life. Cross cultural comparison will be included in this course. 1110. Courtship and Marriage (3) A comparative approach is employed to study contemporary patterns of dating, courtship, cohabitation, engagement, and adjustment in marriage. 2810. Experimental Course Offerings (2-3) Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs (1-3) Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3000. Social Psychology (3) Sociological Social Psychology is the study of individual, group, and social behavior through analysis of the relationship between individuals and social institutions. Individuals actively create social structure while they are simultaneously shaped by it. Students will analyze how social interaction, processes, roles, and statuses are created and maintained by individuals. Students will also analyze how these same processes, roles, and statuses shape their individual behavior. Social Psychological theories and methodologies are also addressed. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3010. Social Stratification (3) Social class and status in society, emphasizing how social class membership affects occupation, success, and life chances. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3020. Social Organizations (3) Using social organizational perspective in the study of human behavior and society. Exploration of relations between humans and social organizations; relationships within social organizations and between social organizations. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3030. Sociological Theory - Classical (3) A study of the classical tradition of sociological thought during the European period: Comte, Marx, Weber, Simmel, Durkheim, and others. To be taken before Sociology 4030. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3110. Sociology of Family (3) Analyzes family arrangements and structure, changes in such arrangements over time, and contemporary issues facing families in our ever-changing world. Emphasis is placed on variations in family experiences with regard to race, gender, social class, and sexual orientation. Family, as it relates to other social institutions such as politics, religion, and the economy, is also explored. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3120. Sex/Gender Roles: Past, Present, Future (3) Overview of the differences and similarities in sex roles cross- culturally and over time, with special emphasis on the influences of biology, socialization, and ecology in their origin, perpetuation, and change. (Cross listed with Anthro 3700.) Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3250. Deviance and Social Control (3) Introduces the student to the various sociological concepts of deviance and social control. Deviance and social control are examined in their positive and negative forms. The benefits and contributions as well as the consequences and disruptions of these forms are considered in the context of the formal and informal socialization processes and the internalization of social norms. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3260. Juvenile Delinquency (3) Juvenile delinquency as a social phenomenon and its causes involving definitions, agencies of law enforcement, and the courts. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3270. Criminology (3) Study of the nature, extent, causes, and treatment of crime. (Cross-listed with CJ 3270.) Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3300. Environmental Sociology (3) Societal environmental interactions; impacts of human societies on the physical environment; environmental impacts on human behavior and social organization. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3400. Social Change and Social Movements (3) The factors which change society and how society changes, emphasizing technological innovations and its implications, social movements, and the role of individuals. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3410. Sociology of Religion (3) Examination of religion and religious activities globally from the theoretical perspectives of Sociology. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3420. Sociology of Education (3) Analysis of the structure and function of education as a central social institution in contemporary society. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3540. Small Groups is. Leadership (3) The formation, structure, and functioning of small groups in terms of group processes and group products. This course will also examine authority, leadership principles and skills, decision making processes, and motivation. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3550. Complex Organizations (3) Surveys the nature of modern complex and formal organizations, how they work, function, and affect contemporary society. Modern sociological theories about complex organizations will be examined. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3600. Social Statistics (3) Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis techniques and the presentation of results. Prerequisites: Soclgy SSIOIO; meet WSU Quantitative Literacy Requirement. 3660. Sociological Research (3) Examines the scientific foundations of Sociology and methods of Sociological Research. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3840. Cities and Urban Life (3) In-depth analysis of the urbanization, modernization, and development of the system of cities. The relationship between cities and culture, mental illness, and social problems are examined. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 3850. American Minorities in Urban Settings (3) Social relationships of ethnic and racial groups, their origin and roles they play in American society. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4030. Sociological Theory - Contemporary (3) The works of major contemporary theorists (Mead, Parsons, Merton, Goffman, Garfinkel, etc.) and the emergence of current schools of sociological thought. Prerequisites: Soclgy SSIOIO and Soclgy 3030. 4120. Socialization over the Life Course (3) Study of how social environment, institutions, groups, and interactive networks influence and shape human behavior through the life course. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4270. Sociology of Law (3) A study of the interchange between law and society, where society creates the law, yet law regulates society. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4410. Comparative Political Sociology (3) Power and authority relations within formal organizations, communities, nation-states, and certain global cultures. How power and authority influence and are influenced by kinship, class, religion, interest groups, and belief systems. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4550. Sociology of Work (3) Explores the relationship between work and social class, gender, technology, race, and ethnicity. Additionally, the nature of occupational subcultures is analyzed. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4810. Experimental Course Offerings (2-3) Individual courses offered on an experimental basis, identified by specific name and description. The specific title will appear on student's transcript along with the authorized credit. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4830. Readings and/or Projects (1-3) Individual readings and/or projects for sociology majors. (Maximum of 5 hours applied toward graduation.) Prerequisites: Soclgy SSIOIO, senior standing, permission of instructor, approval of program coordinator. 4850. Demography. Population and Society (3) In-depth study of population behavior, recognizing that changes in demographic rates reflect changes in demographic behavior of individual people. Study of growth, distribution, demographic variables that cause growth, consequences of age and sex composition, and population policy. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4890. Internship (1-6) Qualified juniors and seniors may apply for internships among federal, state and private agencies. Internships are anticipated to provide the student with both practical and research experiences. A student may complete up to 9 hours, but not more than 6 hours in any one type of internship. A maximum of 3 hours may be applied towards the sociological major or sociological minor. Prerequisites: Soclgy SSIOIO, junior or senior status, approval of program coordinator. 4900. Senior Capstone Course (3) A course designed to organize all of the knowledge that the student has gleaned from his/her major into an integrated whole. This course will help the student make relevant the knowledge that he/ she has learned. This will be accomplished by having the student write a senior thesis as well as attend lectures. Prerequisites: Soclgy SSIOIO, senior standing. 4920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs (1-3) Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO. 4990. Seminar in Sociology (3) An advanced course allowing in-depth study of selected topics in Sociology. When the course number is used, it will be accompanied by a specific title with the credit authorized, which will appear on the student transcript. Prerequisite: Soclgy SSIOIO or consent of instructor. (Maximum of 6 hours may be applied toward graduation.) (Formerly Contemporary Issues.) Hyfc ^ANTHROPOLOGY ^ Anthropology Coordinator: Rosemary Conover Telephone Contact: Carol Jensen 801-626-6241 Anthropology is a synthesizing discipline which focuses on humans as bearers of culture and attempts to understand and order the variety of human behavior patterns and biological attributes in a holistic framework. It embraces not only contemporary ethnic groups and their problems, but also the historic and prehistoric past on a world-wide basis. Fields include archaeology, linguistics, ethnology, and biological anthropology. Students majoring in other fields will find anthropology to be a useful discipline for extending their education into the human arena. ANTHROPOLOGY » Grade Requirements: Minimum grade of "C" in courses counted toward fulfilling the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) and an overall GPA of 2.00. » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 18 credit hours. Advisement A systematic advisement system assigns all Anthropology Minors and BIS students to a faculty advisor. Students are officially notified that they must be formally advised at least once a year with all contacts posted in their files which are maintained in the department. Undeclared students and those with general questions should contact the Coordinator of Anthropology (Dr. Rosemary Conover, phone: 801-626-6641). Course Requirements for Minor and B.I.S. Emphasis Required Program Courses (6 credit hours) Anthro SSI000 Introduction to Anthropology 3 Anthro 4200 Anthropological Theory 3 Four-Field Fundamentals Courses (6 credit hours) Select two from the following Anthro SS2000 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3 Anthro SS2100 Principles of Archaeology 3 Anthro LS2200 Biological Anthropology 3 Anthro HU2300 Language and Culture 3 PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED FYE HNRS BIS LIBSCI INTRD MINORS Applied Science ft Technology CS EET MFET/MET CMT DG PRENGR AUTOSV/AUTOTC IDT SST TBE A^s Humanities COMM ENGL FORLNG DANCE MUSIC THEATR ART MPACC/ACCTNG BUSADM FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUANT IS&T Education MEDUC CHFAM ATHL/AT HEALTH/NUTRI PE/REC EDUC HeaHMPrettsslons CLS DENSCI PARAMD HTHSCI HAS/HIM MRSCI NURSNG RADTEC DMS NUCMED RADTHR RESTHY Science BOTANY CHEM GEOSCI MATH/MATHED . MICRO PHSX ZOOL Social ft Behavioral '■;■■:.;;!; CJ ECON GEOGR HIST POLSC PHILO PSYCH SOCLWK GERONT SOCLGY ANTHRO AEROSP MILSCI NAVSCI Weber State University Weber State University |