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Show 24 STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. THOMPSON AV—Thompson & Dieter's add. TOOELE—runs west from Nebraska av, bet Shoshone and Wasatch, Fairmount Park add. TRACY AV—runs north from 140 W 22d to center of block, thence west to Pacific av. TREMONT—runs west from Nebraska av, bet Howard and Euclid, Fairmount Park add. TWELFTH—runs east and west, bet llth and 13th. TWENTIETH—(also known as Park), runs east and west, bet 19th and 21st. TWENTY-FIRST—runs east and west, bet 20th and 22d. TWENTY-SECOND—runs east and west, bet 21st and 23d. TWENTY-THIRD—runs east and west, bet 22d and 24th. TWENTY-FOURTH—runs east and west, bet 23d and 25th. TWENTY-FIFTH—runs east and west, bet 24th and 26th. TWENTY-SIXTH—runs east and west, bet 25th an,d 27th. TWENTY-SEVENTH—runs east and west, bet 26th and 28th. TWENTY-EIGHTH—runs east and west, bet 27th and 29th. TWENTY-NINTH—runs east and west, bet 28th and 30th. TYLER AV—runs north and south, bet Harrison and Polk avs. UTAH AV—runs south from County Road to 40th, bet Washington and Grant avs. UTAH PLACE—runs east from Jackson av, bet 30th and 31st. VAN BUREN AV—runs north and south, bet Jackson and Harrisons avs. VIEW—six miles west of Ogden, bet North Ogden and Utah Hot Springs. VOLKER AV—runs north from 28th, bet Madison and Monroe avs. WASATCH—runs west from Nebraska av, bet Tooele and Summit, Fairmount Park add. WALL AV—runs north and south, bet Lincoln av and Railroad. WALNUT—runs west from Washington av, bet 2d and 3d. WALNUT—runs north from Park av, bet 2d and 3d, Wedell's Five Points subdivision. WARREN'S LANE—runs west from Adams av to Stuart's Lane, bet 21st and 22d. WARREN'S ROW—runs west from 2155 Adams av to Stuart's Lane. WASHINGTON AV—runs north from city limits to south city limits, known as Main st. WASHINGTON AV—east boundary of Lawndale add. WASHINGTON AV—Maguire's subdivision. WEBER AV—runs east from Harrison av to Taylor av, bet 27th and 28th. WEBER AV—runs south from 38th to 39th, east of Grant av, Lake- view add. WEST BOULEVARD—west of Adams av, Ogden Heights. WEST PATTERSON AV—runs west from Wall av, bet 30th and 31st. WHEELER AV—runs west from Jackson av, bet 37th and 38th. WHEELWRIGHT AV—runs west from Quincy av, bet 24th and 25th. WHITE'S TERRACE—rear 143 23d. WILLIAMS AV—runs south from 27th to 28th, bet Monroe and Quincy avs. WILSON AV—runs south from 435 3d. WILSON'S LANE—runs from west end of 24th, northwest to Marriott. WOODLAND AV—runs south from 33d, bet Lincoln and Grant avs. WYOMING AV—runs south from 35th through Lakeview to 42d, bet Jefferson and Madison avs. R. L. POLK & CO/S Ogden City Directory vol. 1908-1909 xii MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION (Copyright Secured 1908.) CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE YEAR 1908-1909. City Hall—Washington av s w cor 25th. Mayor—Alexander L. Brewer. • City Recorder—Ernest P. Brown. ■ Treasurer—Thomas B. Farr. City Attorney—James H DeVine. City Auditor—Mrs Florence O Stanford. City Engineer—A F Parker. City Superintendent of Schools—Wm Allison. - Chief of Police—T E Browning. • Municipal Judge—J D Murphy. Juvenile Court Judge—A B Patton. Chief of Fire Department—T J Paine. ' City Physician—Wm J Browning. Street Supervisor—Joseph Saunders. ' Dog Tax Collector—George Johnson. ■ Poll Tax Collector—Albert G Harris. License Collector—George Wardlaw. . Sanitary Inspector—George Shorten. • Coal Oil Inspector—H M Bond. Sexton—R D Brown. Cremator—Richard Douglass. ' Pound Master—Fred C. Naisbitt. " Superintendent City Parks—Wm T Stillwell. V •A |