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Show 246 Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West BELL PHONE 699-Y IND. PHONE 355 O. M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax and Furs Always in the Market at top Market Prices. Reference: Commercial Bank, Ogden, Utah OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 2265-2269 WALL AVE. E.J. JONES AND CO DEALERS IN LUMBER, LATH, DOORS AN DSASH Yard, 2830 Wall Ave. Phone, Bell 753-X R.L. POLK AND CO’S Goodwin P Samuel, tmstr, res 119 W 29th. Gorder Oscar O, tmstr, rras 21st w of Washington av. Gordon Charles J, messr Pac Exp Co, rras St Paul House. GORDON JOHN S, Physician and Surgeon, 318 Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 123, Ind 599, Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, res 551 25th, Bell Tel 600, Ind 597. Gordon Sarah J (wid Jospeh), res 2930 Grant av. Gordon Mrs Tillie C, tchr Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 2547 Orchard av. Gordon Wm, mach S P Co, res 1250 Washington av. Gorie Theodore, clk Healy Hotel, res 2700 Grant av. Gorman, see O'Gorman. Gorr Allen G, mining, res 276 28th. Gorsey Armstead, cook, bds 153 26th. Goshen George, messr Forest Service Dept, 21st s e cor Wall av. Gosling Charles H, real est, res 2103 Adams av. Gosnell Edward P, switchboardman R M Bell Tel Co, bds 2550 Van Buren av. Gosnell James J, bartndr Bramwell and McGuire, res 2550 Van Buren av. Gosnell Lena, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 2550 Van Buren av. Goss Emma, waiter Union Depot Hotel. Goss Philip S, miner, res 163 Harrisville av. Goss Samuel P, student, bds 163 Harrisville av. Goucher Lee A, switchman OSLR R, res 111 28th. Gould Gertrude, bds 208 31st. Gould Joseph T, printer State Journal, res 849 20th. Gould Marvin A, clk, res 2049 Farr's av. Gould Robert, pressman Industrial Utah, rms 2406 Wash¬ington av. Gowan Wm, trainer, res Fair Grounds. Grace George M, roofer, bds 1963 Grant av. Grace John B, trans man Union Depot, res 2656 Adams av. Grace Thomas. F, rms 160 ½ 25th 247 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. COMPLETE CASH AND CREDIT HOME FURNISHERS BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES, GRANITEWARE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Graff Albert B, blksmith Utah Construction Co, bds 243 26th. Graff Frank, blksmith, bds 2930 Lincoln av. Graham David, bds 211 Tracy av. Graham Mrs Edith B, folder W W Browning and Co, bds 263 28th. Graham George H, brkman U P R R, res 1245 26th. Graham J Howard, bds 1245 26th. Graham Mrs Louise, rms 132 1/2 25th. Graham Whittier M C, insp S P Co, res 119 Patterson av. Grammer Richard, hlpr S P Co, rms Denver House. Grand Army of the Republic, see page 43. G A R Hall, 11 City Hall. Grand Opera House, Grand Opera House Co proprs, R A Grant mgr, 2520 Washington av. Grand Opera House Co, David Eccles pres, Joseph Clark sec and treas, proprs Grand Opera House, 2520 Wash¬ington av. Grand Opera House Block, 2514-2524 Washington av. Grand Opera House Orchestra, E D Short director, 2444 Grant av. Grand Union Tea Co, Wm Evans mgr, 2436 Washington av. Grandin Charles C, farmer, res e end of 7th. Grandin Charles J, lab, res 3051 Porter av. Grandin John, carp, res 1757 Gibson av. Grange Joseph D, mach Ogden Automobile Co, res 2140 Stuart's la. Grange- Lucy, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, bds 2140 Stuart's la. Grange Ralph M, mgr Ogden Automobile Co, 323-325 24th, res 2887 Grant av. Grange Raphael S, mach Ogden Automobile Co, res 1741 Riverside av. Grange Sarah (wid Joseph), bds 2140 Stuart's la. Granger John, barber, bds 449 26th. Granquist, see Grenquist. THE NOBBY SUITORIUM MAKERS OF NIFTY TOGS. WE FIT ‘EM ALL The Choicest and Most Reasonable Assortment of Spring and Summer Fabrics in Ogden CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 318 Twenty-Fifth St. Ind. Phone 381 |